
  • SEO is in the centre of business

    Blog helps SEO. I have decided to carry out an new ecommerce site using wordpress. From object-oriented point of view, wordpress has nothing to do with product, it would be hard to extend wordpress with ecommerce function. However, SEO is so important part of business. Anything helps SEO, we do it. We cut budget for ad on newspapers, televisions, etc, but we never cut budget on search engines.

    Marketing industry may have over appraised the search engines. Maybe it is a good thing for people like me – with some knowledge of SEO, we make it happen. Website is optimised a little bit, at least in the eye of search engines. But the rankings keep changing and keep worrying bosses, so bosses counting on SEO staff, SEO consultants, SEO tools, SEO budget?

    Oh, god, lots of money were stolen by our SEO consultancy.

  • Be merchant, or be manufacturer?



    如果电子商务高度发达,supply chain一头就是manufacturer,另一头就是customer,物流企业游刃其间,应该活得很滋润;电子商务高度发达之前,merchant苟延残喘。


    如果merchant总拿service来招摇,改行为manufacturer当service provider或者consultant是不是更好一点?

  • 喜欢小题大做的英国人


    1. 姓名。来英国之后,我反倒很少用到英文名,我想保持点什么特色。我坚持用中文名称呼自己,而且保持中国的传统,姓在前,名在后,无非用评音代替了汉字 。但是很多填表格的时候,姓和名分两栏填,这样bank statement, bills, etc都是按firstname surname的模式称呼我。我无所谓啦,顺着叫,反着叫反正都是我。可是,自从给帝伊取名之后,我觉得名字跟运势有一定的联系(至少你不能证明两者之间没关系吧)。我自己的名字得分不高,难怪这些年都没发迹,什么地方得改一改?而我又不想大动干戈去改名,我就把拼音按英国人的模式来称呼自己吧。于是从我发出去的email都改了From,也不知我老板从什么时候起注意到这一点,突然有一点,他把我叫到他办公室,问我,你想怎么让我称呼你?我一时被他搞得莫名其妙,半天才反应过来,说,我曾经想保持中国传统,可是银行不理这一套,所以我干脆融入英国传统算了;不过我真的不在意别人怎么称呼我,我不想你们转换舌头造成不便。但老板不依,说,你既然在Email里按着firstname surname了,让我要通知其他同事让他们这么叫。我傻眼,说,不用这样子吧。可他仍坚持。
    2. Flexible Landlord Standard. The British Retail Consortium (BRC) 是我最近研究项目,BRC的网站当然要重点研究。BRC很厉害,搞了个BRC Global Standard,供应商、采购商人人趋之若鹜。今天在BRC的网站东看西看,发现BRC不光制定了很厉害的BRC Global Standard,还制定了在我看来有点小儿科的Flexible Landlord Standard。Flexible Landlord Standard倡导房租一月一付,取代通常的季付,按月收租的地主符合Flexible Landloard Standard。Flexible Landlord Standard得到了很多council支持,BRC还给它们煞有其事地评奖。
    3. 图片。我和老板计划到中国走一圈考察供应商,谈到访问名单,老板眉飞色舞,说要去宁波拜访一家他很看好的新供应商,看看它到底是merchant还是manufacturer,我说这个问题哪要跑一趟,上它的网站就可以看出端倪。于是老板就打开浏览器一看,首页上竟然摆着一款我们发给对方询价的样品照片。因为是内部交流,我们发给对方的照片拍得比较随意,也没经任何处理,周边一些杂物都拍进去了,竟然原封不动被搬到对方网站上。老板很生气,说,不想跟这个潜在的供应商接触下去了。产品本身也没什么需要保密的地方,只是对方把图片放在网站上充门面之前应该先照会我们。


  • 我离微软而去

    曾几何时,我是那么地崇拜Microsoft,崇拜Bill Gates,崇拜Windows, Office, Exchange,崇拜Desktop 1000/2000/4000/8000…

    现在,Windows仍然每天用,MS Office也是我用得最熟练的Office软件,vba我虽不精通,但编几个小function满足一下所谓的办公自动化的要求还是可以的。但是,考虑到将来,我今天正式作出一个痛苦的决定,不再投资时间在vba上,不再钻研Microsoft其他高深的产品,比如Microsoft Dynamics, SBS, SitePoint, etc.
    省下来的时间我要全面拥抱微软产品的替代方案。对于像我这样已经被微软洗过脑的人,可能要花较长的时间来熟悉其它产品的设计思维,那就从现在开始吧。我想从最近的一个项目入手,用OpenOffice Basic替代以前的VBA,但今天玩了一整天的OpenOffice Basic, 连个对话框也没搞出来,万事开头难啊。

    可能有些人早认为微软不是以后的主流,但我还没有100%确信这一点,现在退出我心里也忐忑,有点像赌博。我希望我的选择顺应了一种趋势, 我希望微软少了我就不行了,呵呵。

  • 新鼠标

    我想着给自己办公用的鼠标升级一下,反正不是花自己钱,要买就买好一点的,所以pcworld上的鼠标我从最贵的开始挑,最贵是Logitech MX Air™ Rechargeable Cordless Air Mouse,£99.99。

    logitech mouse mx air

    据说不仅能在台面上用,还能在空气中用,而且鼠标能自我感知姿势(有点像IBM某款laptop)。肯定很好玩,但只有800 dpi,而我的主要目的是找个高dpi的鼠标,所以,只好放弃。

    排名第二的就数Logitech MX™ Revolution,£79.98。 Logitech依然把它描述得天花乱坠,但我看出了造型比较精致之外,也没什么特别之处了。1200 dpi,勉强合乎我的要求,既然这么贵,肯定有道理,那就选它啦。

    logitech mouse mx revolution face  logitech mouse mx revolution side on a charger

  • 女儿的好处

    今天搭老板的车回家。路上老板问我,想要个儿子还是想要个女儿?我答曰non preferential(我的回答可能有歧义,我是想说无所谓,non preferential听上去似两个都不喜欢)。老板说:女儿好,以后女儿可以帮你找女朋友。


  • openoffice, staroffice, starsuite, which one is which?

    I have been using OpenOffice for a while. Though I heard about StarOffice, I was not bothered finding out what it was until google includes it in a recent release of GooglePack. I am pretty interested everything recommended by google, so I downloaded GooglePack today, mainly for StarOffice. Then I played with StarOffice for a couple of hours, comparing it with OpenOffice.

    At last, I mixed up StarOffice with OpenOffice. They are of the same sponsor, they have the same interface, and they are both free and open source. Although I read an article carefully about “OpenOffice vs StarOffice” features, the difference is insignificant so that 99% of users can’t distinguish StarOffice from OpenOffice. I am among those 99%. I think even the developers of StarOffice and OpenOffice are confused with these two Offices. They put documentations of both on StarOffice site, and divert APIs of both to OpenOffice site.

    I came across another product called StarSuite, which makes conception even more complicated. In English version of StarOffice 8 documentation, it calls itself “StarOffice 8”; in Chinese version of StarOffice 8 documentation, it calls itself “StarSuite 8”, and I could not find any Chinese version of documentation which exactly titled as “StarOffice 8”. I assume these different language versions of documentation are referring to the same product, but StarSuite is not free because it includes some non-free extensions.

  • seven sisters

    Minstrel is visiting me, so I accompanied him to seven sisters in seaford this afternoon. It was my 2nd visit to seven sisters. Nothing new except some photos. Due to lack of planning, we started from churchill square at 2:30 pm and visited seaford in a hurry. When we arrived at the beach of seven sisters, the sun was just set. We missed taking a photo with sunsetting at the sea line. (Don’t worry, I have many chances to take sunset along sea line photos at Brighton or Worthing.) We only spent 15 minutes at seven sisters, excluding walking time.

    Herebelow are some photos of mine. (I can’t publish Minstrel’s portrait without his authorisation.)

    seven sisters beach me at seven sisters cliff seven sisters cliff

  • cardholder authentication是吃素的


    来英国久了以后,我也渐渐接受了这个事实:所有信用卡消费都不需密码,全凭几个security questions保证持卡人的安全(这大概也是英国人和西方国家很看重隐私的一个原因)。

    又过了一段时间,Master推出了MasterSecurity,Visa推出了VerifiedByVisa,很多payment service providers开始实施cardholder authentication,顾客在付款时回答完常规的security questions之后还要回答从authentication password里随机挑选的三个字母。如果所有的payment service providers都实施了cardholder authentication,付款不需密码的漏洞在我看来算是堵上了。

    最近,paymenet service providers的大哥大之一worldpay宣布实施cardholder authentication,我很高兴,可随即我发现worldpay实施cardholder authentication不够彻底——在顾客在付款时回答完常规的security questions之后,worldpay会给顾客一个选择,也就是说顾客可以option in or out cardholder authentication。这样还不是老方一贴?安全性增强在哪里?不过我猜测worldpay给顾客选择是过渡期的方案,让顾客熟悉之后,最终cardholder authentication全面实施,不会把选择权留给顾客的。

    今天,我又发现一件更离奇的事情,我收到了ebuyer一份“订单也被受理”的通知,事情的起因得从上周三我为公司订购一块usb wireless ethernet card说起。我先在ebuyer上选了一款,付款进行到最后一步碰到cardholder authentication,我使用的是公司信用卡,cardholder authentication security password不是我设的,我一看ebuyer的payment service provider要cardholder authentication,我只好终止了付款转而向boardbandbuyers买了一块usb wireless ethernet card。boardbandbuyers的payment service provider不需要cardholder authentication,所以订单一下子就通过了,第二天货也收到了。

    如果说worldpay还在过渡期,cardholder authentication可以被option out还情有可原,但ebuyer的cardholder authentication岂不更是形同虚设?明明没有完成全部付款过程,ebuyer仍可以借记cardholder,这个安全漏洞更大。

    作为商家,cardholder authentication的实施给顾客付款制造了一点障碍,似乎对商家不利(比如我的订单从ebuyer逃到了broadbandbuyers),但cardholder authentication的anti-fraud也是为了保护商家。我在这里倒不想进行cardholder authentication的利弊分析,只是觉得cardholder authentication作为一项安全屏障,一旦实施,就应该把它落实到实处。

  • sugarCRM竟没有partner在中国大陆

    sugarCRM是我蛮中意的一款开源软件,但我一直没能把sugarCRM应用到实际业务中。要想把sugarCRM应用起来,想起来很简单,操作起来有太多的细节要做。所以我想找个已被sugarCRM认可的partner公司,help me customise and extend sugarCRM。

    可是我在sugarCRM的网站上的亚洲区partner里看了一遍,连香港都有sugarCRM partner,这么大一个中国大陆,竟然没有一个sugarCRM partner!