Today, I went into Churchill Square shopping centre. To my surprise, most shops are open on the New Years Day.
I bought a white HTC Wildfire with an O2 SIM from Phones4u, as a gift for my mother. Phones4u is doing a promotion on 4 or 5 mobiles, and Wildfire is one of them. It is priced at £129.95 with £10 airtime purchase. It claims to be half price, but actually, I find the second cheapest supplier is Tesco, price is £159.97 without airtime purchase.
Anyway, Phones4u is the cheapest. So I go for it. Then a second surprise – I find the handset is not locked to O2 network. I google for a while, and find it is not just my luck. Pay As You Go handset purchased from independent retailer is usually unlocked.
This saves me about £10 to buy SIM unlock code.
I feel very happy for trying to insert an Orange SIM before paying for unlock code.
在 ebuyer 上关注 OCZ 120GB RevoDrive SSD 很久了,它的价格一直在 £245 左右,比第二选择 OCZ 120GB Vertex 2E SSD 贵出近 £70。RevoDrive 比其他 SSD 的 data transfer rate 要快一倍左右,但我吃不准这一倍的快速能否在我的电脑上体现,所以一直犹豫着。
今天中午无意中上 ebuyer 又看了一下,发现 RevoDrive 突然降到 £230,这降价让我觉得多时的观望得到回报,刺激我立马就买了它。
下午,收到 dabs 的 newsletter,其中提示 DrayTek Vigor 2820 从 £155.78 降为 £134.99。我三天前刚从 broadbandbuyer 买过 Vigor 2820n,当时还上 dabs 比较过价格,所以对 Vigor 2820 系列比较敏感。幸好当时买的不是 Vigor 2820,否则现在有遗憾了,broadbandbuyer 目前 Vigor 2820 的价格是 £146.81 (还要另加 £4 邮费,dabs free shipping)。
废话讲了一堆。我想做一个 site watch 的程序,对一些想买又不急着买的产品价格进行跟踪,一旦价位合适,就在第一时间动手。象 ebuyer 故意每天有事没事搞一点价格波动,通常幅度在一两镑,纯属吊人眼球,如果我真每天用眼球去看,感觉就被人牵着鼻子走(或许这是一种市场手段?只是我不喜欢),所以想到用程序去看,直到一个实质性降价的时刻再用眼球去看。
Price watcher 有人做过,但只能跟踪几个名气大的网站,不对我胃口。我也写过一个简陋型的 sitewatch,但被我跟踪的网站 layout 变动比较快,它们一改我就要改程序,说明我的程序写得不好,所以用了几天就不用了。今天重拾这个话题,这次我想把 sitewatch 做成 Magento module。虽然 sitewatch module 跟 Magento ecommerce 风马牛不相及,只用到了 adminhtml 一些 GUI 和 crontab,但基于 Magento framework 的开发可以省我不少时间。
一个月前,我的 MB200 显示有系统更新可用,我就升级了一下。升级了以后很失望,firmware version 仍是 1.5,看来 motorola 不打算让 MB200 用上 android 1.6 以上版本了,有空了我还得自行升级。
用了一个月,我发现了 MB200 现有的版本 (Blur version 1.3.39) 居然有个日期计算上的 bug。比如今天是星期天,它会认为是星期一。这样,我设定的闹钟,闹周一到周五,结果它闹的是周日到周四;10月的最后一个星期天的凌晨从夏令时切换到冬令时,结果它提前一天星期六就让我用上冬令时了,搞得我周六一早起来看时间后总觉得怪怪的。
如果我来升级,我就上 android 2.2。
This week I read a news on dailymail After seven years and 2,000 photographs… a double delight as rainbow lights up Devon
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:26 AM on 27th October 2010A photographer who has taken pictures of the view from his office window every day for seven years has finally struck gold by snapping this stunning double rainbow.
Andy Kyle, 53, captured the weather phenomenon as it appeared to create a bridge over the river at Dartmouth in Devon.
Andy, who runs a website called The View From The Dartmouth Office, has been posting pictures of the vista each day for the past seven years.
He said he had taken more than 2,000 images of the view before he snapped the beautiful double rainbow.
Howzat? Sometimes a dim secondary rainbow is seen outside the primary rainbow. Secondary rainbows are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindropsHowzat? The ‘bridge’ over the river at Dartmouth in Devon. Sometimes a dim secondary rainbow is seen outside the primary rainbow. They are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops
Sometimes a fainter ‘secondary rainbow’ can be seen outside the main rainbow.
Secondary rainbows are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops, and appear at an angle of 50–53°.
If you look closely you can see the colours of the secondary rainbow are inverted, with blue on the outside and red on the inside.
The secondary rainbow is fainter than the primary because more light escapes from two reflections than one and because the rainbow itself is spread over a greater area of the sky.
The effect is quite ghostly, and makes for a stunning photograph, although it makes looking for the pot of gold slightly more tricky.
I did not think about it too much. But today when I was taking my friend Erin to Heathrow Terminal 3, I saw double rainbow just above the airport. It was a pity I had no hands free to take a photo to compete because I was busy driving my car.
When I am back home, I search for “double rainbow” photos, I find it is nothing special but reported many times in many places. If I head up a bit often, I may see double rainbow again very soon.
是啊,我怎么这么傻,怎么就没想到找银行,而且还更实惠!以今天的汇率为例,RMB100 究竟可以换到多少英镑?
With Add International Saver you can make unlimited (literately 3,000 minutes) calls from the UK to 31 destinations for £15 per month. You just need to dial 388 and then the international number. International Saver lets you call standard landline & mobile numbers in : Canada, China, Hong Kong, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Thailand and USA. You can also from the UK to standard landlines only, in Australia, Austria, Azores, Belguim, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Luxemburg, Malaysia, Maderia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea and Taiwan.
写下这个倒不是推荐用 3 来打国际电话,纯属有感而发:3 388 国际电话服务在中国人群里口口相传就成了只能打中国的电话。我心想不太会吧,一个英国公司能把市场细分到中国人群单独对待,那真是了不起。上网一查,果然,服务是全球性,只是顾客领会产品信息是过滤性的阅读,所以以讹传讹。
我写这个类更多地是为了补习一下英文。顺便说一下,我会逐渐把更多的 support classes 归于 Msdk module,意思是 Magento SDK.
An ideal way to learn IT and English as a foreign language at a time.
<?php class Qian_Mdsk_Helper_Plural extends Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract { /** * auto is a wrapper. it calls another method by language settings * @param int $nr * @param string $singularWord * @return string */ public static function auto($nr, $singularWord) { //if english return self::english($nr, $singularWord, 's'); } public static function english($nr, $singularWord, $pluralSuffix = 's') { if (abs($nr) == 1) { return "$nr $singularWord"; } $no = Mage::helper('corex')->__("No"); //If a word has more than one form of plural, and if the commonly used form is regular, the word will not be included in this dictionary. //e.g. roof => roofs (irregular) or rooves (regular) $dictionary = array( //sh rule exception 'fish' => 'fish', //o rule exception 'canto' => 'cantos', 'homo' => 'homos', 'piano' => 'pianos', 'portico' => 'porticos', 'pro' => 'pros', 'quarto' => 'quartos', 'kimono' => 'kimonos', 'zoo' => 'zoos', 'igloo' => 'igloos', 'kangaroo' => 'kangaroo', 'kniazhestvo' => 'kniazhestva', //x rule exception 'matrix' => 'matrices', 'vertex' => 'vertices', //s rule exception 'alumnus' => 'alumni', 'corpus' => 'corpora', 'focus' => 'foci', 'genus' => 'genera', 'prospectus' => 'prospecti', 'radius' => 'radii', 'syllabus' => 'syllabi', 'viscus' => 'viscera', 'fungus' => 'fungi', 'terminus' => 'termini', 'uterus' => 'uteri', 'Atlas' => 'Atlantes', 'species' => 'species', 'series' => 'series', 'blues' => 'blues', 'axis' => 'axes', 'testis' => 'testes', //y rule exception 'Germany' => 'Germanys', 'Harry' => 'Harrys', //f rule exception 'staff' => 'staff', 'flagstaff' => 'flagstaffs', 'proof' => 'proofs', //other exception //singular and plural are identical 'people' => 'people', 'deer' => 'deer', 'moose' => 'moose', 'sheep' => 'sheep', 'bison' => 'bison', 'salmon' => 'salmon', 'pike' => 'pike', 'trout' => 'trout', 'swine' => 'swine', 'aircraft' => 'aircraft', 'head' => 'head', 'stone' => 'stone', 'benshi' => 'benshi', 'otaku' => 'otaku', 'samurai' => 'samurai', 'Māori' => 'Māori', 'marae' => 'marae', 'waka' => 'waka', //very irregular exception 'child' => 'children', 'alumna' => 'alumnae', 'mouse' => 'mice', 'louse' => 'lice', 'tooth' => 'teeth', 'foot' => 'feet', 'goose' => 'geese', 'automaton' => 'automata', 'criterion' => 'criteria', 'phenomenon' => 'phenomena', 'polyhedron' => 'polyhedra', 'addendum' => 'addenda', 'agendum' => 'agenda', 'consortium' => 'consortia', 'corrigendum' => 'corrigenda', 'datum' => 'data', 'medium' => 'media', 'memorandum' => 'memoranda', 'millennium' => 'millennia', 'symposium' => 'symposia', 'stigma' => 'stigmata', 'stoma' => 'stomata', 'schema' => 'schemata', 'dogma' => 'dogmata', 'lemma' => 'lemmata', 'beau' => 'beaux', 'château' => 'châteaux', 'tableau' => 'tableaux', 'Inuk' => 'Inuit', 'inukshuk' => 'inukshuit', 'phalanx' => 'phalanges', ); if (isset($dictionary[$singularWord])) { $pluralWord = $dictionary[$singularWord]; } else {//some clever conversion $end = substr($singularWord, -3); if ($end == 'man') { //checking last 3 characters $pluralWord = substr($singularWord, 0, -3) . 'men'; } elseif ($end == 'sis') { $pluralWord = substr($singularWord, 0, -3) . 'ses'; } else { $end = substr($singularWord, -2); if ($end == 'ch' || $end == 'sh') { $pluralWord = $singularWord . 'es'; } elseif ($end == 'fe') { $pluralWord = substr($singularWord, 0, -2) . 'ves'; //e.g. knife => knives, wife => wives } else { $end = substr($singularWord, -1); if (strpos('sxo', $end) === false) { //checking last character $pluralWord = $singularWord . 'es'; } elseif ($end == 'f') { $pluralWord = substr($singularWord, 0, -1) . 'ves'; //e.g. half => halves } elseif ($end == 'y') { $secondLast = substr($singularWord, -2, 1); if (strpos('aeiou', $secondLast) === false) { $pluralWord = substr($singularWord, 0, -1) . 'ies'; //e.g. lady => ladies } else { $pluralWord = $singularWord . $pluralSuffix; //e.g. boy => boys } } else { //last rule $pluralWord = $singularWord . $pluralSuffix; } } } } if ($nr == 0) { return "$no $pluralWord"; } else { return "$nr $pluralWord"; } } }
国内的苹果粉把新出炉的 iPhone4 (水货)爆炒到人民币一万多一台,他们疯了,我本可以无语。但是很多人利用位域优势从英国订 iPhone4 往国内带,有的为了谋利,有的为了摆显,连带我也被折腾进去,我真是无奈。
英国能买到 iPhone4,但是目前每人最多订一台。我老婆的名额被她老板业务需要用掉了,我老婆却还想去摆显。倒不是自己用,一万多的机子,她可以£599平价捎给朋友,而且是最紧俏的时候,她想享受一下拉风的感觉吧。我只能成全她,今天跟着她去苹果店用我的名额订了一台,否则为了苹果我们吵架太不值得。
但是作为一个 anti-appler, 我深为我的行为感到可耻。我对不起富士康跳了楼的员工们,我的订购也间接地延迟了 iPhone 被 Android 取代。虽然我个人已经进入了 Android 时代,但还有广大“劳苦大众”还没有机会认识到这世界上还有比 iPhone 更高级智能、更人性化的产品,我对不起他们。
I am searching for a high resolution LCD/LED monitor. So when dabs send me an eshot promoting Samsung 23″ Wide SM2333SW 5ms DVI TFT Gloss Black, I open it up.
I am very excited to see “Get A 2m HDMI Cable FREE! Use Bundle Option 1!” on the product page. It makes me think Samsung SM2333SW support HDMI, and stimulates me to buy it. Then suddenly I am very disappointed after reading its specifications:
Where is HDMI? No, there isn’t one. Why bundle HDMI cable with a monitor does not support HDMI? Who knows!