Category: 三叶草


  • Why those businesses treat new customers rather than retain existing customers?

    I was told when I was in China that it costs 10 times more to develop a new customer than selling to a existing customer. That is why customer services are so important. Generally speaking, if a customer says to the shop owner he/she has purchased from the same shop before, he/she is implying he/she should be entitled to a kind of favourable price. On the other side, the sales person should offer bigger discount to the a customer repeating his/her purchase.

    But during those years in the UK, I found many cases that many businesses did not follow this rule, especially big companies.

    Some time ago, when my broadband contract was due, my first thought was renew it. I saw an advertisement that a new monthly price was less than that on my old contract. When I called the customer service asking what monthly price would it be, I was surprised to know he did not want to give me the new advertised price. He said naturally, “The new price is for new customers. You can’t get it.” But I think it is a shame of a business if a loyal customer find he/she is paying higher “VIP price” than a new customer. I threatened to leave the broadband company, but the customer service still said he could not offer me the new price. A few hours after I hang up the phone, I was called by another person from the broadband company, probably from higher level, agreed to offer me the new price if I stay. I said, “Too late. I made up my mind. You should not ask the existing customer to pay more in the first place.” I feel nothing wrong for the business to offer a discount to attract new customers, but the business should be prepared to offer the existing customers the same discount if it is not even bigger.

    I buy a lot from cash and carry. The prices are increasing now and then because of inflation. But I know some businesses just increase the prices to their existing customers. I have to closely monitor the prices all the time. I feel nothing wrong if the businesses offer differential prices to various group of customers. But I do not want to treated unfair just because I am existing customer.

    Tesco new customer voucher code
    Tesco new customer voucher code

    Sainsburys new customer voucher code
    Sainsburys new customer voucher code

    Today I see Tesco and Sainsburys are both offering £15 off to new customers when they do their first online grocery shop when they spend £60 or more. It is massive discount. 25% off. Is Tesco and Sainsburys gross profit that high? Will they suffer a loss for attracting new customers? But that is none of my business. What I care is how to get £15 off for my non-first £60 purchase. I have not found any public vouchers to allow me to do that. In the forum people says just open a new account to pretend as a new customer. Tesco and Sainsburys must know people are doing that way. Why they want so many new accounts? Will “Zombies” accounts help beautify these companies’ financial report? Again, it is none of my business. I just will not do business in that way.

  • English chocolate



    • Bendicks: 御用巧克力
    • Amelia Rope: BBC 厨师大赛冠军之作
    • Thorntons: 最好吃的英国巧克力
    • Charbonnel et Walker: 英国老字号,电影《浓情巧克力》赞助商
    • Hotel Chocolate: 走高端路线,花式繁多
    • Demarquette: 奢华和艺术的结合
    • Montezuma’s: 便宜的奢侈巧克力
    • Cadbury: 畅销的大众品牌
    • Rococo Chocolate: 英国的法国味
    • Paul A Young Fine Chocolate: 味道好、得过奖
  • Is tethering available on GiffGaff Goodybags


    GiffGaff Goodybags 能否做 Wi-Fi hotspots (tethering)?我搜来基本都说定量数据套餐的 GiffGaff Goodybags 可以 tethering,无限量数据套餐(12镑/月)不可以 tethering。我当时就对这种说法表示怀疑。

    从情理上说,这可以理解。但从技术上,GiffGaff 如何准确探测 tethering,从而限制 tethering 而不影响正常的手机上网流量,我认为是不可能的。

    或许 GiffGaff 可以从浏览器请求的 header 分辨 mobile browser 还是 desktop browser,但是 header 是可以自定义的,mobile browser 也可以 request desktop site,所以 GiffGaff 不能准确的判断流量来自 tethering 还是手机本身。

    今天,我激活了一张 GiffGaff SIM,£12 Goodybags with unlimited data,然后 tethering 测试了一下网速。结果是 tethering 毫无困难地连上了,上行速度 7.05 Mbps,下行速度 1.33 Mbps,相当不错,比我们家的 ADSL 实际速度还要快很多。

    GiffGaff network speed test
    GiffGaff network speed test
    Home ADSL speed
    Home ADSL speed
    Home ADSL speed test
    Home ADSL speed test
  • UK university wallpaper

    I am looking for some desktop theme with UK universities as background wallpaper. I can only find some wallpapers from US universities. A few US universities officially release wallpapers on their website. I think it is a good way to aquaint new comers with the university.

    To my disappointment, I can not find any UK university’s wallpaper. My conclusion is, UK falls behind US in regards to innovation.

  • Recruit an experienced web editor




    1. 发布公司新闻和业内新闻;
    2. 整体负责各内容频道的发展规划及日常工作,比如内容合作、专题制作等;
    3. 拓展相关行业资源,包括媒体、机构、组织、专家等等。

    1. 本科或以上学历,有大网站网编经验者优先,业余斑竹也是加分因素,中文、新闻传播等专业优先;
    2. 有极佳文字功底及策划能力,善于捕捉当前热点,有优秀的专题策划能力及组织经验;
    3. 熟悉Facebook、Twitter、微博等Web2.0产品,有网页设计制作经验者优先,有其他网络技术者优先;
    4. 热爱网络,有极强的自我学习能力,有创业激情;
    5. 注重细节,能承受巨大的工作压力,有超强的自我驱动能力,有团队精神,有团队管理经验者优先。
    6. 英文阅读、书写能力强者加高分,但不懂英文者也可申请。(公司会根据英语能力调整职位安排)




  • Deal with Indian

    一直想买一个 metal filing cupboard,在网上溜达了一圈发现都要 £160 – £200,觉得有点贵,一时没下手。上周六, 在 gumtree 上发现同城有人卖一个二手 metal filing cupboard,标价 £40。我觉得金属的文件柜新旧区别不大,决定去买。打个电话问出卖家地址、约好时间就出发了。

    我到达时只有一个印度小孩在家,十多岁,开了门,领我去看文件柜。文件柜大小正好合适,八成新。我看了满意,就说买了,然后我动手拆。因为我想省个租 van 的钱,文件柜不算贵,叫个 van 倒挺贵,而且只搬一个柜子,总觉得不值。

    拆了没几分钟,小孩的印度父母回来了。那个印度男人叫我把整个柜子搬上车就得了,我说我开的是 car,不是 van。他建议我叫辆 van,我说我想省这个钱。




    他口气很急切,我却没上心,也犯了个主观主义错误,认为在英国不会有人为 £40 的旧货玩什么猫腻。


    印度男人同意,收了 £20 帮我继续拆。没多久,我们碰到难题,有几个螺丝拧不下来。我却又犯了个主观主义错误,认为这种柜子是能拆成一块块的板,我拧不动螺丝是因为印度人提供的螺丝刀不好。

    于是我说回去拿工具,印度男人说把钱付清了再走。我嫌他婆婆妈妈,付了另外 £20。



    我哭笑不得,走人。等我拿了工具回来,多花了一点时间研究,发现这个柜子的上下左右四块板是不能拆卸的,看来租 van 是免不了的了。

    这个印度男人会为了 £40 隐瞒事实,折腾我前后跑了三趟(后来带着 van 又去一次),浪费大量的时间拆柜子、装柜子,非常可恶。


  • Item advertised for less than £18 does not have VAT in Jersey

    我原来仅知道在英国做生意,年营业额到了 £61,000 必须注册 VAT。所以,象 这样的大网店我认为它是注有 VAT 的。但我在 买了两个黑色墨盒(Kodak 30XL)和一个彩色墨盒(Kodak 30C),在 shopping cart 页面找不到任何 inc VAT or ex VAT 的价格提示,于是打电话给 customer support。

    I said, “I want to buy some cartridges. Are your price including VAT or excluding VAT?”

    The lady answered, “Yes, including VAT.”

    然后我就买了。买了发现 没给 VAT receipt(确切地说,没给任何收条,也下载不到)。这回我写信去索要 VAT receipt,结果收到回信说:Item advertised for less than £18 does not have VAT in Jersey.


    但是,不得不佩服 挖空心思去避开 VAT:

    首先,Jersey 是个小岛,在 Jersey 经营业务无疑会增加物流成本和其他费用,但 可以用规模经济来降低这些成本。

    其次,每个墨盒都小于 £18,但三个墨盒在 £30 左右。 发给我的 order confirmation 中为每个墨盒分配了一个 order number。当时我就很奇怪——硬生生拆成三个订单干什么?现在想来,觉得这是在规避 item less than £18 在法律上的歧义。

    再次,单个墨盒都是 free delivery,当时我仅感觉实惠。现在想来,觉得这是为小额商品 no VAT, free delivery 精心设计的低价竞争手段。

    但话说回来, no VAT 的销售对我注有 VAT 的买家来说没有吸引力,其它卖家的 ex VAT price 跟它差不多。反而,我被 的小伎俩搞得有点懊恼。电话客服小姐不专业、receipt 不能下载是 的致命伤。

  • Damn phishing






    “You ordered a brand new phone in a year’s time, right?”

    我这时不能确定它的意图,可能是手机公司要给我 upgrade,那就继续听下去。我还是说:



    “Can you confirm your name?”


    “Why do I need to confirm my name?”


    “Because I want to verify your name.”


    “Why do you want to verify my name?”


  • Living in the UK


    • 因为按揭,我在新的银行开了户。以前没接触,初次合作就发现她能提供一堆比汇丰好很多的服务,比较之下,过去的一个月,汇丰让我损失了 £200 左右(包括多收费和少收益)。
    • Phones4u 还在卖 HTC Wildfire,£129.99 including VAT。隔壁 Carphone Warehouse 在卖 £229.99。大牌就需要这么标价吗?
    • 从 Debenhams 买了件休闲服,was £50, now £25,我花了一分钟试了一下就决定买了。用的是三年前的 gift voucher,刚好面值 £25,付款也很顺利。Gift voucher 给我的印象这玩意一不留神就过期了,虽然三年前我用第一张 gift voucher 时,我就问过 counter 这玩意什么时候过期,她说永不过期。三年后我把第二张 gift voucher 递给 counter 时,我心里还在想,“你敢说过期俺就找经理”?因为咱们吃过很多多变政策的苦了。事实是,counter 拿起 barcode scanner 一扫,就开始 print receipt,中间没多一句话,我很满意。
    • 从 Sainsbury’s 买的便当里的白饭竟然是夹生的。机器化大生产出来的食品连生熟都控制不好,让我实在怀疑 Sainsbury’s 的整体水平。
  • White Rabbit Creamy Candy is available from Tesco

    好久不逛 Tesco 了,昨天发现 Tesco 开卖大白兔奶糖。

    White Rabbit Creamy Candy
    White Rabbit Creamy Candy

    不光有大白兔奶糖,还多了一些以前只有在中国店才能买到的食品。我有种莫名的兴奋,虽然大白兔奶糖本身不代表什么,而且自从冠生园月饼事件以后我很少吃大白兔奶糖,但它口味还是我喜欢的,我也希望老外喜欢。我的兴奋,深究一下,大概是因为这些货品的包装跟在中国的销售包装基本保持一致,预示着中国货从 OEM 里走出来了?

    Tesco 一向对市场的反应很灵敏。这次 Tesco 又做了一件了不起的事情,在四大超市中首先销售这些货品。我的购物多了一个选择,但中国店主们听了可能会不高兴。