Tag: mobile

  • When will I get my £200 credit from O2?

    In June, 2012 I visited the O2 shop in 49 George Street, Hove, BN3 3YB, enqurying about opening an account and getting two Samsung S3 mobile phones. David told me I could get the phones virtually free by paying £99.99 upfront and he would credit me £100 into my account for each phone. I still keep his written notes, luckily.

    O2 credit promise
    O2 credit promise

    On the next day or two, I revisited the shop. I paid £199.98 for two phones. Christina went through the contract procedure with me. She was fully aware of the £200 credit. However, she told me, she could not add £200 to my account while I was there, because I was porting the numbers from Vodafone to O2. She had to wait a few days until the porting process finished and then my account was active. She said she would add £200 credit in a few days. So I left the shop with two new phones happily.

    I have no way to check if O2 has put £200 into my account or not. Only at the time O2 monthly direct debit shows on the bank statement, I know the credit has not been credited. I started tracing the credit in August, 2012. At first, I thought it is a piece of cake to get it back. I did not trace O2 hard. I popped into the O2 shop occasionally when I was on George Street for something else. Sometime I had chance to speak to David, sometime I did not. David never denied his promise – how can he? I am glad I have not thrown away these pieces of little notes.

    David asked me at least twice to write down my company name, address, account number, contact number. He always said someone would contact me. From my ten times visits, I received only one call from O2 in October, 2012 (or so, I can’t remember). But he did not sort out my issue straight away, instead he promised another call back within a week. Well, I never received a call back since then.

    My last visit to the O2 shop was three weeks ago. I met David. David must think he should do something differently this time. He composed an email to the Area Manager reporting this issue, and clicked “Send” in front of me. I took it that David wanted to correct an error happened 7 month ago, he need some kind of authorisation. David said someone, probably the Area Manager, would contact me by the Friday within that week.

    Well, more than a week passed. I had not been contacted by “someone”. I was not surprised this time. I must be a very patient man, but I lost my patience with O2 after half a year tracing the credit. I did something I was reluctant to do. I started a complaint procedure.

    I am annoyed at being badly serviced by O2 for 2 aspects.

    • Why O2 always ignore my queries? Why should I spend so much my valuable time tracing £200 credit? O2 wasted me much more than £200 worth of my time.
    • O2 customer services seem do not bother with what is happening in the O2 shop. They said to me “the O2 shop is franchised – you have to sort your credit with the shop”. It sounds like “it’s none of my business”. I regard the O2 shop part of O2. Whatever the O2 shop is doing wrongly will ruin the reputation of O2. O2 is responsible for all outlet channels. Even if O2 customer services are not able to sort out the credit alone. They should liaison with the shop instead of asking me to go to the shop.
  • Chinese interface in Android

    我不愿意用刷中文 ROM 的方法把手机的界面变为中文。

    我看到这里苹果店的手机都能在设置里调出中文界面,觉得 Android 手机更应该内置了全球语言包。大部分英国卖的 Android 手机看不到中文语言这个选项,是网络提供商把它隐藏起来了。基于这个推理,我 Google 了好久,终于发现在 Market 里搜索 Custom Locale 就能找到若干应用,随便选装一个就能把隐藏的中文调出来。

    随后,我又发现,Android OS 本身已100%国际化,如 Map, Market, Navigation 这些程序都能显示中文。但一些手机厂商自己开发的程序,如拨电话、发短信的程序并没有中文包,比如我的 Samsung Galaxy S2 就没有这样的语言包,所以这些程序在 zh_CN locale 下只能显示英文。

    HTC 在这方面就有独到的优势,毕竟是中国人的公司,它开发的程序一般都照顾到了中文。我买过一个 HTC Wildfire 手机,在 zh_CN locale 时完美汉化,根本不用刷 ROM。

  • Living in the UK


    • 因为按揭,我在新的银行开了户。以前没接触,初次合作就发现她能提供一堆比汇丰好很多的服务,比较之下,过去的一个月,汇丰让我损失了 £200 左右(包括多收费和少收益)。
    • Phones4u 还在卖 HTC Wildfire,£129.99 including VAT。隔壁 Carphone Warehouse 在卖 £229.99。大牌就需要这么标价吗?
    • 从 Debenhams 买了件休闲服,was £50, now £25,我花了一分钟试了一下就决定买了。用的是三年前的 gift voucher,刚好面值 £25,付款也很顺利。Gift voucher 给我的印象这玩意一不留神就过期了,虽然三年前我用第一张 gift voucher 时,我就问过 counter 这玩意什么时候过期,她说永不过期。三年后我把第二张 gift voucher 递给 counter 时,我心里还在想,“你敢说过期俺就找经理”?因为咱们吃过很多多变政策的苦了。事实是,counter 拿起 barcode scanner 一扫,就开始 print receipt,中间没多一句话,我很满意。
    • 从 Sainsbury’s 买的便当里的白饭竟然是夹生的。机器化大生产出来的食品连生熟都控制不好,让我实在怀疑 Sainsbury’s 的整体水平。
  • Why I love Android

    Many reasons.

    Today I add a new one reason why I love Android – Android never gild the lily “sent from my Android” as iPhone or BlackBerry does.

  • PAYG handset is not locked to network carriers

    Today, I went into Churchill Square shopping centre. To my surprise, most shops are open on the New Years Day.

    I bought a white HTC Wildfire with an O2 SIM from Phones4u, as a gift for my mother. Phones4u is doing a promotion on 4 or 5 mobiles, and Wildfire is one of them. It is priced at £129.95 with £10 airtime purchase. It claims to be half price, but actually, I find the second cheapest supplier is Tesco, price is £159.97 without airtime purchase.

    HTC Wildfire in white
    HTC Wildfire in white

    Anyway, Phones4u is the cheapest. So I go for it. Then a second surprise – I find the handset is not locked to O2 network. I google for a while, and find it is not just my luck. Pay As You Go handset purchased from independent retailer is usually unlocked.

    This saves me about £10 to buy SIM unlock code.

    I feel very happy for trying to insert an Orange SIM before paying for unlock code.

  • MB200 week calculation bug

    一个月前,我的 MB200 显示有系统更新可用,我就升级了一下。升级了以后很失望,firmware version 仍是 1.5,看来 motorola 不打算让 MB200 用上 android 1.6 以上版本了,有空了我还得自行升级。

    用了一个月,我发现了 MB200 现有的版本 (Blur version 1.3.39) 居然有个日期计算上的 bug。比如今天是星期天,它会认为是星期一。这样,我设定的闹钟,闹周一到周五,结果它闹的是周日到周四;10月的最后一个星期天的凌晨从夏令时切换到冬令时,结果它提前一天星期六就让我用上冬令时了,搞得我周六一早起来看时间后总觉得怪怪的。

    如果我来升级,我就上 android 2.2。

  • It’s a shame, but I booked an iPhone4

    国内的苹果粉把新出炉的 iPhone4 (水货)爆炒到人民币一万多一台,他们疯了,我本可以无语。但是很多人利用位域优势从英国订 iPhone4 往国内带,有的为了谋利,有的为了摆显,连带我也被折腾进去,我真是无奈。

    英国能买到 iPhone4,但是目前每人最多订一台。我老婆的名额被她老板业务需要用掉了,我老婆却还想去摆显。倒不是自己用,一万多的机子,她可以£599平价捎给朋友,而且是最紧俏的时候,她想享受一下拉风的感觉吧。我只能成全她,今天跟着她去苹果店用我的名额订了一台,否则为了苹果我们吵架太不值得。

    但是作为一个 anti-appler, 我深为我的行为感到可耻。我对不起富士康跳了楼的员工们,我的订购也间接地延迟了 iPhone 被 Android 取代。虽然我个人已经进入了 Android 时代,但还有广大“劳苦大众”还没有机会认识到这世界上还有比 iPhone 更高级智能、更人性化的产品,我对不起他们。


  • Skype banned Fring

    不久前注意到我的 fring addon 里 skype 突然就不见了,我没上心去究其原因。今天在 fring 官网看到:

    Skype no longer on fring
    Skype no longer on fring

    我搜了几则关于 fring skype 的消息,就明白了——skype 把 fring 给禁了。

    我用 fring 就是因为手机上用不了 skype:在 iphone 上装 fring 是因为无需 jail break 就能通过 fring 中转的 skype 支持 voip over 3g;在 android 上装是因为 skype 的开发速度太慢,刚用 android 时 skype 根本没有 skype for android。今天我又重新上 skype 去看,倒是开始支持某些 android 手机,可惜我的 g1 仍不支持。所以,在我看来,skype 禁了 fring 有点损人不利己。

    这让我对 skype 再次失望:一个公司技术力量有限情有可原,但如果它的经营哲学是用技术限制去阻止用户享受更好的服务,那就没有救了,一切营销手段在这种哲学的指导下都是缘木求鱼。

    I am lucky because skype is not my main voip service provider. Whatever restrictions skype put on to its users won’t affect my life, but get away from skype quicker.

  • Android pdf viewer

    为了在 Android 打开 pdf 文档,我曾从 Android Market 里找了一个 PDF Viewer,幸好有免费的版本,安装也不困难。

    最近发现 Android G1 随即自带的 QuickOffice 就支持 pdf 阅读,速度还比 PDF Viewer 快,我当初怎么就没想到它?真是糊涂!

    回想一下,我糊涂也是有原因的:在 Android 到手前我还研究过怎么在 iphone 上看 pdf,花了一晚上时间也没找到一个可行的办法,忿忿地放弃(其实也没什么好忿忿的,iphone 本来就不好用,apple app store 里也没几个好软件是免费的)。Android 到手之后我就沿袭了 iphone 的研究方法,在 Android Market 很快找到了一个应用,很快地解决问题,再也没去想原来 Android 还有更现成的方案。

  • Evil iphone data roaming

    不久前细数了 iphone 若干桩罪,如今又多出一桩:

    老婆带着 iphone 回了一趟中国,结果弄出了近300镑的数据费。iphone 是个老虎机,这数据漫游费我也没意识到,不然我会事先提醒老婆。不过,O2 iphone 出厂设置就是这种老虎机设置(data roaming on),我觉得它居心叵测。