Magento can edit order address since 1.5

Magento 1.5 以后就允许修改订单地址了,Plieninger_Editable module 就没必要存在了,留着它反而会出错。 当年想找一个修改订单地址的方案,就找到了 Plieninger_Editable,一用就用了一年。虽然一直不满意它的界面,一直想自己写一个,但一直忙于其他事务。现在跟它说 bye bye,还是很感谢它的。

Change Magento configurable product to take associated products tax class

Where and how to change the code? At first, I thought overriding Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Configurable::getOrderOptions(). Original code change to However, it does not work. Then I tried to observe the event tax_rate_data_fetch and modify the rateRequest object. But inside rateRequest there is no reference to quoteItem. Only product tax_class_id is there. In the observer class, I do… Continue reading Change Magento configurable product to take associated products tax class

I report very first bug to Magento

Magento 里还是有不少 bugs,我能看出来的就不少。可是我一直懒于 report bug,总觉得我都能发现的 bug,大把有人发现。 今天心血来潮,大概受“莫以善小而不为”驱使,平生第一次 report bug to Magento。事关 js/mage/adminhtml/product.js 文件里第406 行(Magento, 有个笔误,把 readonly 写成了redonly。Associated Products tab of Configurable Products 受此影响,本应只读模式的文本框仍可输入数据。 非常小的错误。 今后我把我的发现记载下来。

Reinstate thumbnails in jQuery UI theme switcher

You might have noticed, some tools from jQuery are not fully functional recently. That could be caused by jQuery disabling hotlinks. jQuery UI theme switcher is affected. I call it a bug because jQuery team did not make necessary arrangement before enforcement of hotlink policy. Nevertheless, how to reinstate thumbnails in jQuery UI theme switcher… Continue reading Reinstate thumbnails in jQuery UI theme switcher

Activate Magento ajax loading graphic using jQuery

I extend Magento js using jQuery. I need ajax loading mask and grahpic for jQuery ajax request. I want to achieve consistent look and feel. I want to activate Magento ajax loading graphic initially used in prototype using jQuery. Although prototype register global event handlers for ajax create and complete events, the handlers will not… Continue reading Activate Magento ajax loading graphic using jQuery

Magento datetime picker is not picking up time value

Magento 用了 的 calendar 1.0 javascript,有个 bug:无法得到 time 的值。 calendar 已经是 2.0 了,单独使用的话,能显示和修改 time 的值。 我暂时没想好该怎么办:我倾向于用 jQuery 去增强 Magento(prototype 我也用不好,其他的就更不要说了),但 jQuery 现下的版本只有 datepicker,官方还没有 datetimepicker。试过很多第三方 jQuery datetimepicker plugin,没觉得某一款有 jQuery 的神韵。

Controller override and request rewrite in Magento

There are three ways to override controller in Magento. They fit for various purposes. The first and easiest way can be used to route the request to more than one module. When a request arrives on a frontName, it usually is rounted to a module. For example, /cms/page/view is routed to cms module page controller… Continue reading Controller override and request rewrite in Magento