Bxgy 0.1.2 release

Bxgy 0.1.0 and Bxgy 0.1.1 packaged a layout file bxgy.xml to a wrong place. Bxgy 0.1.2 is a quick release not on schedule. Thanks to Carsten for pointing out the error. Sorry to John, Hamichok and Tsk for reporting the bug but I pointed them into wrong direction. Down BuyXGetY.tar.gz

Create a Magento admin panel user with read only privilege

A third party Adwords professional requested a read only access to Magento admin panel, which raised the question to me: how to create a Magento admin panel user with read only privilege? I am keen to do this job via ACL. Magento ACL role resources start from module to controller to action, I can not… Continue reading Create a Magento admin panel user with read only privilege

Go to messages inbox back to work

Magento 各测试版的发布很紧密,我有些应接不暇。新功能来不及去试,倒发现一个老功能不灵光了,就是 Magento admin panel 里显示来自官方的 notifications 的 “Go to messages index” 的链接地址不正确,点了仍是当前页面。 因为我有个 fpcp 模块改动了一些 global messages 和 messages 的显示逻辑,是基于 Magento 开发的,一开始我还以为是我的改动与 不兼容。但我把 fpcp 整个 disable,”Go to messages index” 也同样不工作,这下我才想到是 Magento bug。 还没来得及 report bug to Magento,我又发现 Magento rc1 版已经修正了这个 bug。去看了 release notes,果然提到 Fixed “Go to notifications” link works… Continue reading Go to messages inbox back to work

What does backend type static mean in Magento?

About a year ago, I noticed some category or product attributes, for example, sku, path, etc., were given backend type “static” in class Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup. But I failed to find out what static meant here, or I did not know what the difference was between static and datetime/decimal/int/text/varchar. All I knew at that time was if… Continue reading What does backend type static mean in Magento?

Magento adminhtml getUrl

$this->getUrl($route) can be used in templates to generate an absolute URL based on route, but it only works for frontend URLs. As for adminhtml URLs, unless you say No to “Add Secret Key to URLs” in System >> Configuration >> Admin, a valid adminhtml URL should have a secret key. $this->getUrl($route, $params) can take ‘_current’… Continue reading Magento adminhtml getUrl

Double quotes or single quotes inside html tag, which one is the better?

If you google “Double quotes or single quotes inside html tag, which is better”, you might hear someone is talking about using double quotes in html won’t pass XHMTL validation. I think it is nonsense. Both of these characters are valid for XHTML, i.e. both and are valid. However, I have a good reason to… Continue reading Double quotes or single quotes inside html tag, which one is the better?