Tag: business idea

  • Network novel 2.0


    其实还是被自己的臆想而感动。比如,听到妞妞发给小强的一封邮件中的 flash 附件,我就拿我纵横网络几十年所见过的最漂亮的 flash 去想象。

    突然我有了个 idea,网络小说是不是可以直接加入这些道具的连接,而不是单纯用文字码出来?这样读者直接就可以把妞妞制作的 flash 拉到自己的电脑上看,是不是比 3D 电影更有现场感?


  • OpenPassword

    Inspired by OpenId, I want to start a project – OpenPassword.

    What is it for?
    People are hesitate to register themselves from site to site. One of the reasons is people are afraid of giving password to the web sites they do not trust much. Most people do not have big memory, so they have to use the same password for all web sites. They may or may not aware that any webmaster / web owner who has access to the password database could try the same password on other sites (or even worse – for online banking). Whether people’s passwords are in safe depends on how honest the webmaster / web owner is. Even the webmaster / web owner is honest, does he have basic skills to keep password in safe? I see a lot of web sites save passwords unencrypted, which could be a disaster.

    OpenId comes to solve this problem. But currently not all web sites support OpenId. What if you are in a position you have to use some web sites which do not support OpenId? You have to take care of security yourself. My proposal is:

    1. You register different web sites with different passwords.
    2. The passwords are generated with one-way encryption.
    3. You host encryption algorithm and salt in a safe place, so you do not need remember the passwords. Every time you need them, you generate / retrieve them on the fly.
  • Tag everything


    1. 一个文件就是一条记录。
    2. 套用 EAV 模型,让用户可以自定义属性,称之为 attribute 也好,tag 也好,都是为了归类文件。
    3. 用属性的排列组合去过滤出想要找的文件集(inspired by Magento’s Grid),如果文件集过大,一次也不用全都显示出来,免得过度消耗资源,一次显示 20-50 个文件足矣。用户可以选择设置更多的属性进行深度过滤,或翻页浏览。以我的眼力,如果在超过50条记录的一屏里找一条记录,就有烦躁情绪,来回扫描还经常漏过那条记录。这就是“过多的信息就是没有信息”的道理,所以定义适合自己的过滤条件去找文件集才是王道。
    4. 用户浏览传统树形结构的文件系统,但浏览模式在新的文件系统中并不好用,必须配合过滤。其实层层浏览和过滤是异曲同工,只是后者更灵活,但需要更多操作键盘甚于鼠标。如果一个上网用户喜欢浏览多于搜索,他通常觉得鼠标比键盘好用,那么他可以自定义 view,即把常用的过滤条件保存下来,减少键盘操作。搜索模式得以保留,能搜索过滤前或过滤后的结果。

    其实 tag 化的文件管理系统已经有了很多,比如相片管理、视频管理、MP3管理、电子书籍管理等等。但这些系统都自称一套体系,没有可移植性,比如,不能把一组相片连同 tag 信息传输给别人(除非把相片管理系统也传输给别人)。我想要的是在 OS 文件系统层得到支持的 tag 存储,或者是根植于 Nautilus / windows explorer 的 tag 操作。有了她,相片管理系统、视频管理系统、MP3管理系统、电子书籍管理系统统统都没有销路了。

    其实 Google docs 就是这个干的,如果能应用到本地就好了。

    tag2find 基本可以实现我想要功能,但这个软件看上去不够大气,又只支持 windows,也非根植于 windows explorer,所以不足以打动我。

  • Wysiwyg on individual page basis

    Html wysiwyg editing is good, but the html wysiwyg editors do not always format text as I wish. Sometimes they transforms some characters which I want to keep them intact.

    For example, I wanted to rewrite some of my posts on this blog by hand coding the post. But I must turn off wysiwyg editing in WordPress globally before I can save my post. Another “but” is I do not want to turn it off globally because it is a handy tool for writing some other posts. So I want wysiwyg on and off on individual page basis.

    For another example, Magento 1.4 now has wysiwyg editor built-in. However, it can’t recognise Magento’s mark-up tags for CMS block or CMS page. It wasted me an hour’s work by stripping these tags in a second after I clicked “Save”.

    In short, for people like me enjoying hand coding, I think a wysiwyg on-off attribute for each page basis would give me the best of both worlds.

  • Magento idea: business intelligence

    It is very time consuming to set Related Products, Cross Sells, Up Sells on individual product basis, and not accurate if you work them out just using your brain. It is good to see Magento has these marketing terms built in, but I hate to do the job by hand (or brain).

    So I am thinking of developing a business intelligence module for Magento to let computer work Related Products, Cross Sells, Up Sells for us.

    Here is the overview of this module:

    First, we need record more data than what Magento provides. we specify a period of data to data-mine.

    Then, for Related Products, mine product pageviews by each visit. Put a visitor’s all visited products into an array, and count all visitors’ arrays for every product-product combination.

    As for Cross Sells, mine orders received or fulfilled. The algorithm is similar to Related Products.

    As for Up Sells, mine the products were added to cart but dropped from final order. Compare the product dropped with the products in final order, and if the former is of higher value, and some sort related to the latter, we can call the former Up Sells. This is my definition, and the algorithm is some sort complicated.

  • Do not give customers too many choices

    跟各种各样的顾客打交道,自我感觉我还是有较高的“customer oriented”意识,我一直认为这有利于达成交易。




  • Release on demand: new idea for courier service

    On some ocassion, we need some kind service of “release on demand”. Courier service provider should think of offering it as a value added service.

    The scenario is – We have some customers are desparate for some products, but they can not pay the money up front. It is understandable. There may be a problem with their card issuer at the time they place an order. If customer need the products the next day, we must dispatch one day earlier before they can sort out the payment problem. Most customers have good history – if they say they will pay, they will pay. We do not want to lose those customers. The best solution would be we dispatch the order once we receive the order, then the order is with the courier, and the courier must hold the order for us until we advise them to release the order. That saves time on route.

    Will any courier be thinking of launching this new service?