abuse and postmaster as email list

Google help有提到: For your convenience, the Google Team monitors abuse@yourdomain.com and postmaster@yourdomain.com to ensure that we can properly address all reports of spam, abuse, and technical issues. If you’d like a copy of messages sent to abuse@yourdomain.com and postmaster@yourdomain.com, create email lists for both addresses, and add yourself as a recipient. Since abuse and postmaster… Continue reading abuse and postmaster as email list


为什么同样在一个局域网内,某些电脑能在网上邻居里显示出来,某些电脑就显示不出来?在A电脑上能看到某台电脑,在B电脑上就看不到它?某台电脑能凭IP访问(\\192.168.x.x),却不能凭名字访问(\\pcname),但是凭IP访问过一次以后就可以凭名字访问了? 这些怪现象我已经碰到得多了,差不多见怪不怪了。今天让我偶然中发现其中的原因(防火墙因素除外):如果被访问电脑设为静态IP(是指手动配置被访问电脑网卡IP,非通过DHCP服务器MAC绑定得来的固定IP),而且访问电脑TCP/IP协议属性->高级->WINS->NetBIOS禁用的话,那就会出现上述现象。

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