很久以前下载了第一财经的经济学人2007年做的节目,在硬盘上保留着一直没时间去看。今天静心下来清理硬盘,没看就删了吧? 比较可惜,于是把这些节目看了一遍。
很久以前下载了第一财经的经济学人2007年做的节目,在硬盘上保留着一直没时间去看。今天静心下来清理硬盘,没看就删了吧? 比较可惜,于是把这些节目看了一遍。
微软有很好的产品,比如 Windows (不包括Vista)和 Office 。微软产品好就好在细微之处,比如双击普通文件,如.doc, .xls,打开的是文件本身;双击模板文件,如.dot, .xlt,打开的是模板的空白文档。因为.doc, .xls的默认操作是open,而.dot, .xlt的默认操作是new,要打开模板本身(编辑模板),得右击、从context menu里选择一个非默认操作open。
微软还有很多好的产品,可惜,我们都不熟悉。不知从什么时候开始,在很多应用上,我们想当然地决定不用微软的东西。真的很可惜,其实,平心而论,这是因为我们除了 Windows 和 Office,其他的微软产品都玩不转。
首先,我不能用WordPress Mu版。因为某些plugin 和 theme不支持Mu版。况且,WordPress Mu版相对于WordPress的特有功能是用户自助申请Blog功能,而我所谓“多处使用”,只需要集中管理一个WordPress框架下多个网站,多个网站能同步升级WordPress程序部分,所以,Mu版在此没有优势。
其次,我肯定不是有WordPress一次安装,多处使用需求的第一人。我参照了前人的做法,但觉得它们不够完善。不完善之处主要是前人的想法要求多个网站指向同一个document root,而不同的网站很可能装有其他程序,还会有不同的图片等其他文件。例如,domain1和domain2共用一个WordPress,那WordPress以外的静态页面或静态文件,比如domain1/static-page-or-file-outside-of-wordpress,就会被domain2/ static-page-or-file-outside-of-wordpress访问到。
买一送一我已经见惯了。今天发现一个标价更有意思:Tesco卖海飞丝 shampoo,买一瓶£4.59,买两瓶共£4.50。
802.11n的优越的传输性能我有耳闻,但百闻不如一见,我用买一个linksys repeater同样的价格买了一套Tenda 802.11n (draft 2)无线路由加USB无线网卡,两地用802.11n接通以后,效果出奇得好,已经完美解决我中长距离组网的需求。尽管走了很多弯路才落实这个方案,但我还是非常高兴。
而且,我发现Tenda的无线路由还带有WDS功能,这可是802.11n级别的WDS啊,比起单纯一个linksys repeater,仅是802.11g级的,要划算好多好多啊。
I have two Godaddy accounts now. One is for a dedicated server, the other is for a deluxe share hosting package. Actually I do not need any share hosting once I get a dedicated server, but someone bought this for me, so I spent some time inspecting how good / bad it is.
I should regard myself as a Godaddy loyal client. I am 100% satisfied with their dedicated server service, and also, Godaddy domain management is the most powerful and convenient I have ever seen. However, Godaddy share hosting is definitely not something workable for me.
I am recently struggling at setting up magento in Godaddy share hosting. Magento setup is 50% successful. I mean, magento can run homepage, wishlist, popular search, etc all right, but it run into blank pages at many points, e.g. about us, customer service, etc. Initially I thought it was mod_rewrite problem, so I used phpinfo to check. I did not find mod_rewrite enabled. I quickly installed wordpress to double check, and if I enable wordpress search engine friendly url features, it runs into 404 error. I searched Godaddy Knowledge Base (FAQ centre). It says:
Mod_rewrite is an Apache web server module installed on all of our Linux servers by default; it does not have to be installed or enabled. Our Linux hosting accounts support most mod_rewrite functionality.
You do not need to enable mod_rewrite in your httpd.conf, as this is handled at a global level. All you need to do is add the desired code to the body of your .htaccess file.
For more information about mod_rewrite see the Apache Module mod_rewrite documentation.
NOTE:The .htaccess file containing the rewrite rules must be in the same directory as the target files.
This article did not help me. So I had to submit a ticket. Within several hours, I got the reply (I am satisfied with Godaddy support reponse speed) but it only contained the same words as the answer from Godaddy Knowledge Base. I googled “godaddy mod_rewrite” after I could not get a clear reply from Godaddy. I should have googled it earlier because soon I found someone mentioned rewrite rules in .htaccess with Godaddy share hosting DO NOT TAKE IMMEDIATE EFFECT.
This solved all my queries. Although I still do not know how Godaddy hide mod_rewrite from phpinfo, after several hours of being installed, wordpress is working properly.
However, magento is still not running properly. I assume it has nothing to do with mod_rewrite settings. By all means, to my opinion, magento is not suitable to run on a share hosting package. Installing magento on Godaddy share hosting account is only for my curiosity. I have been running magento successfully on my dedicated server.
Gmail可以以Contact为单位,列出与某个Contact来往的Conversions。Google Calendar也可以搜索Who,把与某个人有关的Events都列出来。Google Contacts Management是以email address为identifier,而Google Calendar的客人名单也可以从Google Contacts里选取,可见Google Contacts, Google Email, Google Calendar可以三位一体。
但我研究了一天也没找到一个办法:选定某个Google Contact后,把Conversation (Email) 和 Events一起按时间顺序列出来。我知道很多人用 Gmail 和 Gcal 做 Business Diary,针对一个Google Contact的history可以视不同情况分别记录到Gmail或Gcal,但如果能合并查看的话,将会方便很多。
因为要中长距离传输Wifi信号,我买了个F5D7132UK Belkin Range Extender,但它的稳定性实在令我失望,一天之内得重启无数次!我去调换了同型号的,仍是如此。没有办法,今天准备多花点钱买个贵一点的WRE54G Linksys Range Extender。
我对Linksys没什么好感,一是因为以前买过一个Linksys ADSL Router,也不是很稳定(当然,还不至于一天要重启,否则我早就去退货了),后来升级了Router,那个Linksys Router就送人了。二是因为Linksys – A Division of Cisco,哈,我不喜欢的就是Cisco。Linksys想用Cisco来沾光?在我这里就没门咯。
但是,在Range Extender领域,我可以挑选的范围非此即彼,所以我没得选择。
在PCWorld我抓起WRE54G Linksys Range Extender又放下了,因为包装上写着:Minimum Requirements: Linksys WAP54G, WRT54G, WRT54GS,搞得我以为它只认自家的Router 或 AP。回家做了几下research,得知根本不是这么回事,可以兼容其它品牌。我想可能它在连接其它品牌的Router 或 AP可能需要一些额外的手动设置而已。
搞不懂Linksys写这个Minimum Requirements什么意思!Nevertheless, I decided not to buy it. I will use other solution to extend my wifi network rather than using range extender.