Author: 芳草苑主

  • I am with Fedora

    今天 Fedora 11 alpha 发布了。Fedora 10 我还没摸熟呢,Fedora 11 就来了,真让我高兴之中疲于奔命。

    无意中还发现 drupal, mediawiki, planet, wordpress 都包含在 Fedora 发行包中,这是不是跟 Fedora Project 自身使用了这几种技术有关?我的意思是:为什么不包含别的 packages,比如 magento, joomla, etc?

    Fedora 倡导的东西咱就支持一下。不管有用没有,咱全安装了(也就 drupal 暂时派不上用场)。

  • Actinic discounts.fil is giving away secrets

    I have many good reasons to dislike Actinic. One of the reasons is – as growing up to an Actinic expert, one can also be an Actinic hacker. In other words, Actinic is not nicely secured by the vendor. If an Actinic user wants enhanced security, he / she will work ten times harder to close the security hole.

    For example, Actinic does not have online database. Actinic keeps most of data offline, but it must have some data at server side, so itstores data in various files. This is a very doubtful approach. Of course all database software have bugs, but could Actinic file-based data do better than mysql, etc?

    Another example, I recently found Actinic stops recognising coupons after an update. During diagnosis, I found discounts.fil under acatalog folder serves as data file for coupon code etc. acatalog/discounts.fil can be accessed by public by default. All promotion secrets are exposed to competitors / customers by analysing this file. Coupon codes are hashed in discounts.fil, and hashing makes all original coupon codes not recognisable. The Actinic perl script does not compare hashed customer input coupon with hashed coupon code in discounts.fil. It compares raw customer input coupon with hashed coupon code in discounts.fil (of course they will not match). This is a bug in Actinic.

    I think closing security hole is out of most Actinic users’ capability. What is the point for an advanced Actinic user working so hard on Actinic?

  • I look out for RAID

    I am a little beef-witted. Not until today did I realise that all of RAID 0, 1, 5 can improve data access speed.

    When I had a computer with RAID interface about 2 years, I went online and read roughly what difference between RAID 0, 1 and 5. When I read RAID 1 is just mirroring 2 disks, I did not think carefully. I thought at that time – in RAID 1 two disks duplicate data independently, so RAID 1 only benefit data safety, not efficiency.

    Today, I read further then realise RAID 1 can improve data read speed by accessing difficent piece of data on 2 disks. Of course RAID 1 does not help data write speed.

    RAID 1 should be a very good choice for my server. I am also glad to learn RAID can be implemented by software.

  • Openbravo know what users want

    我想把 erp5 安装在 vmware 里,没想到非常麻烦,碰到了一些问题,实在不知道是 erp5 的问题,还是 vmware 的问题,只好 google erp5 vmware 求助。

    But I had a typo in query. I typed in erp vmware, and Openbravo came the first. 原来 Openbravo 针对 vmware, xen 等几个虚拟机分别打包,方便用户下载部署。我看了一下,似乎还没有第二家 erp 供应商为用户提供虚拟机环境的。虽然我今天找得不是 Openbravo,但它对用户的体贴还是要狠赞一个。

  • Gmail now support email template

    我几天前注意到 gmail ui2 改变了一下风格,当时以为只是 look and feel 改变,今天无意中发现 settings 里多了 labs (也可能这个 labs tab 早就存在了,我没注意)。有几个功能比较实用,我就启用了它们。

    最有用的要数 Canned reponses。之前 gmail 一直没有内置的邮件模板功能,虽然可以通过 firefox plugin 或者 google gadget 达到模板功能,但我总认为不够方便,也不够正宗,所以我一直忍受着没有模板的低效率。

    Canned reponses 声称是为懒人设计的(大概是从手机预置短信得来的启发),我用来做预置邮件模板,真是绝佳的解决方案。

  • How to import .vmdk file into vmware server 2.0?

    因为我想把一台虚拟机从一个 host OS 移动到另一个 host OS,所以我在想怎么导入和导出 .vmdk 文件。

    找遍 vmware server 的菜单没找到导入和导出命令,google 了一下好象其他人一讲到这个问题就说要用 vmkstools 来 convert .vmdk 文件,vmkstools 还不是免费的,这可把我愁坏了。再想了一下,虚拟机文件的迁移不该这么复杂啊,因为虚拟机的好处之一就是方便迁移,方便部署。我记得 vmware 1.x 还可以“打开”一个虚拟机文件,vmware 2.0 怎么就没有了呢?

    于是又琢磨了一会,发现原来我把简单的问题复杂化了。虚拟机的迁移只要把整个目录复制到 host OS virtual machine inventory 所在的目录下,然后使用 Menu Virtual Machine -> Add Virtual Machine to Inventory 即可。

    我想,虽然我的 host OS 是 windows,但 vmware server 2.0 已经使用了 linux chroot 那套架构,所有的虚拟机操作都必须在 inventory 目录下进行,导入导出当然得在 inventory 目录下进行,甚至虚拟机 guest OS 加载 host OS 里的 .iso 文件。

    如果 vmware server 2.0 的 host OS 是 linux,不知是不是启用了chroot?我暂时不知道。

  • Does DNS have virtual host?

    我对 BIND, named, DNS 还处于一知半解状态。

    如果 的 nameserver 设为 和,而 和 指向同一台 DNS server 的同一个 IP address (暂且不管 nameserver IP address 的规范),能让这台 DNS server 就 ns1 和 ns2 解析出不同的内容吗?

  • My very first time setting up a perfect Fedora server

    说来惭愧,我虽然知道 Linux 是王道,但迄今学得支离破碎,平时会用 SSH 玩几个 command line,一直没有亲密接触 Linux。今天终于有机会(需要静下心做这件事)开始安装 Fedora,我的目标是在 Vmware server 里安装 Fedora server,为 LAN 用户提供更多更快更稳定的应用。具体点讲,这台Fedora server将兼任

    1. DNS server
    2. Apache http / https server
    3. Ftp / Sftp server
    4. Mysql server
    5. Svn server
    6. Samba server

    我的环境是 Windows XP Host 下的 Vmware Server 2.0.0,用Fedora Live CD 安装 Fedora 10。安装过程中遇到的问题和解决方案都记录在此。

    我碰到的第一个问题:无法在Fedora guest OS 里安装 Vmware Tools

    原因:need to install the kernel-source, kernel-devel, kernel-headers packages that matches your running kernel version

    解决办法:root 用户运行yum install kernel-devel kernel-header

    第二个问题:在运行yum install kernel-devel kernel-header
    企图解决上一个问题时提示“Could not retrieve mirrorlist”

    原因:Fedora DNS解析出错(这时 Fedora 虚拟网卡运行在 Bridge 模式,Fedora Firefox 已经可以访问 internet,DNS 解析出错的原因不明)


    第三个问题:如何让 host OS 访问到 guest OS 的服务

    解决办法:Fedora 虚拟网卡不可运行于 Bridge 模式,需改为 NAT 模式。Vmware server 修改 guest hardware 后必须重启 guest OS,然后 enable Fedora firewall 对应的端口。

    第四个问题:Vmware 充当 DHCP 服务器,如何得知 Fedora IP address

    解决办法:运行 ifconfig (看仔细了,是 ifconfig,不是 ipconfig)。

    第五个问题:如何加载 .iso 文件

    解决办法:GNOME 里双击 .iso 文件,太简单了(我老拿 Windows 的思维办事,很不好)。

    第六个问题:安装 ISPConfig 3.0 时运行rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY*
    提示 “import failed”

    原因:不明,大概是gpg key无效。

    解决办法:不用管它,继续执行 ISPConfig 安装命令,最后 ISPConfig 同样能成功安装。

    第七个问题:无法在 Fedora 10 上安装 ISPConfig 3.0。提示错误:

    PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: distver in /tmp/trunk/install/lib/install.lib.php on line 120
    PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: distid in /tmp/trunk/install/lib/install.lib.php on line 120
    PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: distbaseid in /tmp/trunk/install/lib/install.lib.php on line 120
    Linux Distribution or Version not recognized.

    原因:Fedora 10 新鲜出炉,ISPConfig developers 还没回过神来。

    解决办法:自己动手做点小修改就可以了。目前 ISPConfig 能认出 Fedora 9,那就让它认为这是 Fedora 9 的环境。可以修改 Fedora /etc/redhat-release 文件,把其内容改为 Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)。但这不是好办法,有可能影响其它软件正确识别 OS 版本。另个办法是修改 ISPConfig install/lib/install.lib.php 文件,在 line 99-105 找到

    if(stristr($content,'Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)')) {
    	$distname = 'Fedora';
    	$distver = '9';
    	$distid = 'fedora9';
    	$distbaseid = 'fedora';
    	swriteln("Operating System: Fedora 9 or compatible\n");


    if (stristr($content, 'Fedora release 10 (Cambridge)')) {
    	$distname = 'Fedora';
    	$distver = '9';
    	$distid = 'fedora9';
    	$distbaseid = 'fedora';
    	swriteln("Operating System: Fedora 10 or compatible\n");
    elseif (stristr($content, 'Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)')) {
    	$distname = 'Fedora';
    	$distver = '9';
    	$distid = 'fedora9';
    	$distbaseid = 'fedora';
    	swriteln("Operating System: Fedora 9 or compatible\n");

    第八个问题:在安装 samba + openldap 过程中,执行 ldapadd 命令时提示“Bash: ldapadd: command not found”

    原因:缺少 ldapadd 文件。

    解决办法:有人说要装 ldap-utils package,但这不适用于 Fedora。我用了 yum install samba-client。

    第九个问题:/etc/init.d/sshd restart 时出错,提示

    compileuser is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

    compileuser ALL=(ALL) ALL

    第十个问题:/usr/bin/freshclam 出错,提示

    ERROR: Please edit the example config file /etc/freshclam.conf.
    ERROR: Can’t parse the config file /etc/clamd.conf

    comment a line “Example”

  • A dishonest colleague

    经济危机袭来,俺老板玩了个金蝉脱壳。公司改头换面,解雇了几个同事,缩小规模继续经营。原公司有一个paypal帐号,原来不是main payment service provider,也不经常用,里面剩有小量余额。

    我的一个原同事负责日常操作这些payment service providers,被解雇后他以为没人留意这个paypal帐号,观察了2个月后终于动手把余额转到他的个人账户里去了,并把这个paypal帐号给关闭了。




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