Google新增服务:google sites

今天刚刚注意到Google Apps推出了google sites,之前Google Apps就有一项google web pages,这两者都是傻瓜式建站服务。google sites侧重于内容管理和合作共享,google web pages只是单独的页面设计。

Google出品,必属精品。google sites又是免费的服务,我玩了一下,实在无可挑剔,比我见过webeasy或很多主机提供商提供的智能建站软件都强。 记得以前有人连html都不懂,问我怎么建站,我当时实在没什么好推荐的,现在再有人这么问,我铁定让他找google。

google sites可以方便地交流google docs和google calendar,对于已经有了CMS的用户也有一定的实用价值。


One response to “Google新增服务:google sites”

  1. 芳草苑主 Avatar

    Just a remind: google is good at ajax, and of course google sites apps is taking advantage of ajax a lot. ajax is used to upload a file, so you won’t see any “upload” button after selecting a file – the file is automatically uploaded.

    Be careful: after selecting a file, don’t close the dialogue or leave the page before you see an evidence that the file is successfully uploaded. I was frustrated when uploading my custom google sites logo. My connection was slow for somewhat reasons. So when I selected my local file of logo and clicked “OK”, the file was still in the middle of uploading and the process was interrupted. Before I became aware of the reason, I tried several times to update my logo but I could only see a “red cross”.

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