It is getting harder and harder to find a Godaddy .com renewal coupon with big discount, I mean, over 30% off.
Today I had spent 2 hours searching in vain, and was thinking I had to use some voucher with only 20% off for order over $50. The code is not specific for .com renewal, but general for all Godaddy products. It means all Godaddy products can be marked at least 20% off, and it is a sales technique which I do not like. So I do not regard 20% off as a REAL discount. Anyway, it is off topic.
At last minute, I came across a .com renewal coupon 35REN414. The person who revealed this coupon said it was 35% off. Actually I got 40% off when I used it today. Since I never got such a big discount on .com renewal before (the biggest I had got was 33% off), I immediately decided to use code to renew .com domains to a maximum length.
Longer registration period, better SEO result. And domain renewal price is rising. So it is a good investment, I think.
内容只发布在博客上,社交网站只转其标题和链接。在内容有错别字或需要更新时,只要更新博客一处即可。虽然有很多工具可以自动同步多个社交网站的内容发布,但是我还没发现一款工具能做同步更新。如果要手动更新各个社交网站,工作量是很大的。而且是重复劳动,我最痛恨。把原创内容直接发布在社交网站上,从 SEO 角度看,是在给他人做嫁衣。
玩了一下 liftshare,感觉还不错。只是它在路线、时间的匹配上不是那么智能,毕竟 liftshare 的算法不是 IBM Watson,我提醒自己。liftshare 到底干了什么呢?它的卖点就是提供一种匹配互补行程的功能,网站不做任何内容,内容是行程,而行程都是用户提供的。
联想到 YouTube,网站也不做内容,内容是 video,而 video 都是用户上传的。而且,不上传 video 的用户也可以参与做一些既是内容又不是内容、半内容半功能的东西,比如说 playlist。YouTube 有成千上百的有关 jeopardy Watson 的 video,良莠不齐,我看了 Watson 的三天比赛 6 段 video,是不同的人上传的 。我留意了一下,还没有一个人完整上传过这 6 段视频。所以我把它们组织成一个 playlist,方便我介绍给朋友们看。YouTube 在其中干了什么?要说它什么都没干也可以,因为 video 不是它的,playlist 也不是它的,要说它什么都干也可以,因为没有它用户什么也干不了。这就是 web 2.0。
联想到 SEO,“Content is the King” 被奉为经典,做了内容还不够,还要做原创内容,搞得象我这样的人疲于奔命。其实搜索引擎鼓吹内容的重要性是带有很强的功利性,因为它不做内容,再没人做内容的话,它还靠什么吃饭啊。搜索引擎就像我排 playlist,排得好就有人看,排得不好就没人看,但归根结底要有内容可排,这就是 web 2.0。
换位思考一下,同是网站,凭什么 ecommerce 网站就是作家,搜索引擎就是评论家?凭的是 web 2.0?可 ecommerce 网站毕竟还是要卖产品的,内容不能不做,那就考虑一下兼做 web 2.0。产品比较单一怎么办?比如外卖店就几个炒菜怎么做 web 2.0(最近在外卖店搭伙,想到的就是炒菜了)?
尽管在 WordPress 里新增一个 post tag 是件很容易的事情,但我不想每次想到一个 tag 就增一个,上千个 posts 就有几千个 tag,搞得 posts 之间的 tag 联系很松散。所以,我很久不新增 tag 了,写完 post 就在已有的 tags 里挑一个或几个 tags 出来。
时代在发展,新生事物不断出现,如果我老用几年前敲定的 tags 而不与时俱进,blog 就显得 out 了,也不利于芳草苑在新新名词方面的排名。比如,刚才一篇,想用 chrome,结果发现有 firefox 而没有 chrome,只好暂时 tag 一个 firefox,等我整理好一份 tag waiting list 再更新 post tags。
初步想删 office, outlook 等,因为 windows 已经 out 了,我也没在 office, outlook 主题上浸淫许久,这类 posts 干脆合并一个 microsoft 或 windows software 得了。
There are loads of improvements in the newest version of Magento themes. I just list some from my point of view. I observed these changes when I started using Magento 1.4 three days ago, but they may exist in the late version of 1.3.x.x already for long.
Everyone knows we should separate presentation from content. Magento does it very well since its first public version. Magento 1.4 just makes separation even better. A theme is about presentation, usually made of two parts, app/design and skin. Compared with skin, app/design part is somehow closer to content. Magento 1.4 themes remove layouts and templates from app/design, which means they are fully rely on css to present different themes. Base/default theme is an exception, but it is a fall-back theme.
In 2-column or 3-column page templates, main column code comes before left/right column. I think it hugely helps SEO. I first saw this kind layout in a Zen-Cart template. Maybe Magento was inspired by it. Under template/page, one-column.phtml was deleted, which saves confusion with 1column.phtml.
The header logo is no longer displayed as a background image, which is a minor change but makes big improvement.
I spent 3 days to re-write my theme to be compliant with Magento 1.4 but I love these changes.