Google Drive server rejects file uploaded in Windows
我发现在 Windows 下我无法上传文件到 Google Drive。我用的是 FireFox,提示的错误信息是 “Server rejected”。一开始我以为是 Google Server 停摆了,但转用 Fedora 下的 FireFox,一切正常。我不信邪,又在 Windows 下尝试上传各种后缀的文件,.jpg, .doc, .pdf 都试过了,全部失败。
我很少在 Windows 下操作,也不知道这个问题存在多久了。难道是 Google 跟 Microsoft 叫劲,给 Windows 用户一点颜色看看?我觉得 Google 不至于干损人不利己的事,但我不确定。于是我试图改变 Windows 下 FireFox 的 User Agent,在 about:config 里新建了一个名为 general.useragent.override 的字串,值为 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0。
Custom FireFox user agent
这样 FireFox for Windows 看上去象 FireFox for Linux 了。
Forged user agent
可是,Google Drive 依然是 “Server rejected”。证实 Google 并没有区别对待 Windows 用户。
接着,我继续研究了一下 FireFox 无法上传文件的原因,看来是多账户登录 Google 后的偶然结果。有人说是无法上传至默认账户以外的账户,但我亲自试了一下,这个说法也不准确。看来不要在这个问题上过于纠结,清空一下浏览器历史,一切都正常了。
Microsoft IE made adding Google as a search provier extremely difficult. Google is removed from the search providers list – just because Google is too good to be a search provider?
Do not be over excited – my solution is not about how to open an mdb which is truly exclusively opened by others, but to cope with the situation when you can not open the mdb over the network.
For example, from time to time, Actinic crashes. And sometimes after crash, you see this message:
There was a problem with the database
Operation: Opening the table
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ‘\\(netbios name)\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\ActinicCatalog.mdb’. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
Action: Contact your Actinic reseller or Actinic Support as appropriate
The problem is caused by mdb, not Actinic specific. You may have seen something similar.
microsoft jet database cannot open file
If you are sure no one else has opened the mdb file, you know Access is talking nonsense. To solve the problem, copy this file, delete the source file (you may have to operate on the local computer), move the copied file to the original place, and that’s it.
Do not ask me why this kind of problem happens, or why an duplicated file can solve the problem. I don’t know. That is one of the reason I do not like microsoft – too many times I do not know where problems come, and where they go.
BTW, I found this chm file is not worth opening and reading at all. Does it imply whoever compiles documentation in chm for a non-microsoft technology is silly, and whoever tries to open such a chm is silly as well? I must admit I am silly.