Do it inhouse

技术方面,我喜欢亲力亲为,另一方面,我还没有资源可以让我不亲力亲为。 我曾分析过 outsourcing seo 服务的弊端,here is another negative case of outsourcing email marketing. I received a newsletter from Tesco today, and happened to click on one of the embedded links. (I am not a newsletter reading fan. I seldom click on embedded links.) I got a “404 Not Found” error when I natigated to that… Continue reading Do it inhouse

Authsmtp verify Return Path address as well

I use phpList to send newsletters to customers. I recently add bounced messages automatic processor, which require a seperate email address to accept bounced messages. Bounced messages are sent to From address if no Return Path is set in email envelope. Email programs such as outlook are not suitable to serve as a newsletter program… Continue reading Authsmtp verify Return Path address as well


Google不但在技术上领先,在marketing方面也是专家。现在g级容量的邮箱已经不稀罕了,google肯定比我更清楚这一点,但google的方案实在是高明——它不在容量上跟其它服务商攀比(就算给你5g的容量又怎么样?你还是会问万一我的邮箱存满了怎么办?如果你还是想着以防万一(其实哪有那么多万一),那你一开始肯定想找一个容量(在当时)最大的服务商。Google肯定不想落入与hotmail,yahoo的容量攀比之风,但google也不想落后,于是搞出一招容量扩增计划:而且每分每秒都在扩增。这招挺有意思,我粗略关心了一下邮箱增长速度,还挺快——每天扩增25m,如果新增的空间都被往来的邮件填满、往来内容都是文本的话,你一天24小时不吃不睡看右肩也看不完这些邮件,所以根本不用担心容量以后会不够用。 至少在可以预见的将来是不用担心的。