Tag: marketing

  • Do it inhouse


    我曾分析过 outsourcing seo 服务的弊端,here is another negative case of outsourcing email marketing.

    I received a newsletter from Tesco today, and happened to click on one of the embedded links. (I am not a newsletter reading fan. I seldom click on embedded links.)

    I got a “404 Not Found” error when I natigated to that url. After a few seconds, I became aware Tesco link tracking system is hosted on http://ad.doubleclick.net/, which is on my black list. I assume Tesco have a third party doing email marketing for them, otherwise Tesco on their own have no reason to use ad.doubleclick.net as a click tracking provider.

  • Authsmtp verify Return Path address as well

    I use phpList to send newsletters to customers. I recently add bounced messages automatic processor, which require a seperate email address to accept bounced messages. Bounced messages are sent to From address if no Return Path is set in email envelope. Email programs such as outlook are not suitable to serve as a newsletter program because they do not have a setting for Return Path.

    However, when I try to send out a test letter after I set up bounced messages in phpList, I kept receiving error messages from authsmtp saying From address was not authorised. I was confused because I had been using the same From address since I purchased authsmtp. It took a couple of hours to figure out From address referring to Return Path address.

    So, I need verify the Return Path address as well before I can use authsmtp again.

  • 向google学习

