Tag: google

  • Adorable google

    adorable google
    adorable google



    有一些小错误,只要是google犯的,我觉得也挺可爱的。比如,“我家宝宝最可爱”给硬生生翻成了”I am the most adorable baby at home” ;”I am the most adorable baby at home”再翻成中文,就成了“我最可爱的孩子在家里”。


  • Microsoftware is getting less usable

    今天要不是为了和msn上的联系人通话,我也不会去安装msn messenger。The process of installing msn messenger turned out very frustrating.

    It did not take me to Msn messenger download page straightly. Only after 5 clicks then could I find the link of download. However, because I was in a hurry, I clicked the link before I read it carefully. Only after I installed it, I found what I installed was a shortcut to Live Home. What the hell they are doing! Then I spent a few more seconds to find another link to download. And this time I installed msn messenger. After installation, there were two icon in Windows Live program group, Windows Live Call and Windows Live Messenger, but they were both pointing to the same program! Is microsoft mad?

    Moreover, all I wanted was msn messenger, but I had been asked 3 questions 3 times:

    • Search from any browser address bar using Live Search
    • Set my browser home page to MSN.com (if your homepage isn’t already set to a Live or MSN page)
    • Help us improve our software by allowing Microsoft to collect data about your installation. If you have chosen to install Windows Live Toolbar, we will also collect data about your system, how you use our software, and the web sites you visit.

    How bad the marketing it is! Of course I say No, no, no 3 times.

    Last but the most important, after I installed msn messenger and run it, it would not let me voice chat and file transfer to my contact. I got the error messages like these:

    • (contact nickname) is using a version of Messenger that does not have improvements to support a Computer Call.  Please ask your contact to upgrade to the latest version of Messenger and try your call again.
    • The invitation to start File Transfer could not be sent because (contact nickname) is using an older version of Windows Live Messenger.

    Terrible! How can all my contacts use the same version as mine? Backwards compatible – does microsoft know it?

    Finally, I had to finish the conversion with my contact using Gtalk – a far better program leaving msn messenger behind.

  • Command Line Serves Me The Best

    刚在Godaddy开始使用Dedicated Server时,觉得Godaddy自己开发的Simple Control Panel还不错,所有设置都是在Simple Control Panel里完成。不知从什么时候起觉得Simple Control Panel实在不方便,主要是无法完成批量作业。于是,我慢慢摸索常用任务的命令行方式,或者直接修改配置文件。

    今天凌晨我纯属好奇,想在Simple Control Panel尝试启动Linux防火墙。很早以前我试过启动防火墙,结果是Actinic无法上传文件,其他网站正常。笨笨的Actinic,但没办法,它是一个主要网站,服务器只有为它Compromise。后来有多次升级,所以我突然想看看Actinic能否与防火墙并存。

    可能与平时我直接修改配置文件有关,经我修改的配置文件已经不是Simple Control Panel能看懂的了。我在Simple Control Panel里一点启动防火墙,结果所有的网站都访问不了了,要命的是连Simple Control Panel也访问不了了,我怎么才能关闭防火墙?

    因为不知道学习命令行方式关闭防火墙有多难,情急之下先submit a ticket,请support把眼前的问题解决再说。然后当然不能等support回复啦,我开始Google,发现用ssh command line关闭防火墙很简单,真的,两句话搞掂。早知这么简单,我就不会花5分钟时间submit the ticket。

    我又花了至少两分钟submit another ticket cancelling the request in the previous ticket。


  • Why Google Analytics Dashboard Not Printing Out

    About a month ago, I found I could not print Analytics Dashboard from IE (my version is 7 already). Every time I tried to print Dashboard, the browser freezed. I have tried different computers and different printers. The symptom is the same.

    Analytics Dashboard is the only report I can not print from IE, but other reports are fine.

    I can print Analytics Dashboard from Firefox, but the print layout is not as well formatted as it is in IE. So I have to use IE to print this report.

    After I realise Flash 10 is causing problem of uploading images in magento, I think it might be same Flash causing another problem. However, this time Flash 10 is fine, but Flash 9 is not. As my test result shows, Analytics Dashboard can be printed in IE with Flash 10 installed. I assume the symptom is affecting IE with Flash version lower than 10.

    I do not like Flash, but between Flash 9 and Flash 10, I prefer the former for now. I think a good program should work both on Flash 9 and 10. So I reported this problem to Google for them to improve Analytics. It must be some recent changes that prevent Analytics Dashboard from being printed.

  • Gmail的思维

    早在Gmail还需要邀请才能加入那年代,我认为Gmail在hype,没去用。后来,Google App方式的Gmail才让人觉得实在,用到现在满意度99.99%,尽管Gmail的行为比较怪,邮件往往出现在未曾预期的地方。比如,发出去的邮件不在Sent Mail里,反而在Inbox。但Gmail对邮件位置的调整99%以上都是更合理的调整,所以我一直也没关心Gmail到底是怎么组织我的邮件的。

    最近读到Hacking Gmail,所以,我回头仔细阅读了Gmail的帮助文档。有一大发现是Gmail里没有文件夹,而是使用labels系统来tag邮件。Google认为labels有三个优势:

    • A conversation can have more than one label.
    • A conversation can be in several locations (Inbox, All Mail, Sent Mail, etc.) at once, making it easier to find later.
    • You can search conversations by label.

    这一说就让我跟上Gmail的思维了。Labels系统也是管理conversations必然的要求。在Sent Mail里找不到已发送邮件也变得可以理解。

    Gmail的Imap也是很独特,Google自称Gimap;Gmail的删除分两种 – delete 和 archive。当Gimap和删除结合在一起时,初看会很怪,慢慢地我才看懂Gmail的思维。

    在Gmail 的web interface里,我们会看到两种删除模式,delete把邮件移到Trash (或者说打上Trash标签) ,邮件可以在Trash里暂留30天;archive把邮件打上“空白”标签,邮件只能在All Mail里找到,在邮箱系统的某个地方还可以暂留6年。

    通 过Gimap访问Gmail,imap delete并不是google delete,而是google特有的archive。所以,要在imap里删除邮件,邮件立马从当前文件夹消失了,而不是打上删除线。同理,要在 imap里彻底删除邮件(purge)也是不可能的。要用imap实现google delete,只能用拖动邮件到Trash的办法。

    Archived 邮件现在只能通过All Mail访问,我还未找到专门显示archived邮件的办法,这使得一次性彻底删除所有archived邮件变得非常麻烦。考虑到archived邮件 没有标签,我尝试过用“-label:label1 -label:label2 -label:label3 … -in:inbox -in:trash -in:spam” search mail,但不成功。

  • Gmail vs Hotmail

    Gmail 与 Hotmail 哪个好?这个答案不用我说,地球人都应该知道。反正,我不用Hotmail已经很多年。

    今天又回到这个问题上,是因为有人要我用一个简单的方式查看并处理不同邮箱里的信件。我能想到的最佳答案就是用google email app,在一个自定义domain的Gmail上再添加其他邮箱进Gmail帐户。一切都很顺利除了Hotmail。


    Hotmail从来不支持免费pop3,更别说imap了。专属hotmail的http只能在outlook/outlook express下使用,其他地方要想连接hotmail只能通过连接件,如outlook connector。有标准的pop3协议不用,还用专门的连接件?我很反感这种限制用户达到保持用户目的的做法,这样只会使我离得更远。我很庆幸及早地跳离hotmail,但仍有少量朋友不知道我有hotmail id但不用hotmail邮箱,所以我后悔当初干嘛申请hotmail id?!

  • 环保的Google

    Google Homepage Earth Hour Theme今天,Google UK的主页变黑了(不是被黑了)。

    Google是响应Earth Hour的号召,同时,也号召人们在今天晚8点到9点之间把灯熄了


  • google.cn与google.com的区别


    • 搜索结果的区别是众所周知的。
    • google.cn不提供网页快照。
    • google.cn不讲究usability。
    • google apps不对中国用户开放。
    • google apps在中国的访问有不确定性。如设置cname mail.example.com指向ghs.google.com,在中国以外访问都没问题,在中国会经常出现404错误。google声称这个问题跟它无关,是ISP的问题。想不通中国某些ISP block google apps干嘛!google估计也意识到apps在中国的问题很普遍,google group有人一说cname not working,马上有人回答are you in China,前人回答yes。
  • 谷歌也媚俗







  • 芳草苑不是方草苑, 还是芳草苑就是方草苑

    突然想起关心一下我的芳草苑以“芳草苑”的排名,还没进page 1,但也挺有意思,能进page 2。看来芳草苑的“芳草苑”还得继续努力。


    • 我是芳草苑小区楼盘的开发商,或
    • 我开了个芳草苑宾馆,或
    • 我的芳草苑blog芳名远播,大家都冲着芳草苑这个名来看我

