Tag: google

  • I could use Google apps account as my OpenId

    Years ago, I knew OpenId.
    Years ago, I knew Google account supports OpenId as OpenId provider.
    Years ago, I knew Google apps premium version account support SSO.

    And I was misled by many threads that Google apps standard version account does not support OpenId. I did try several times without success, but I did not try hard.

    Today, a great post How to Setup OpenID with Google Apps gave me a big confidence that I can do it. So I tried hard – spent a whole evening trying, and successfully logged into SourceForge with my Google apps acount, and I am using Google apps standard version!

  • Dolphin does not work with HTML5 drag and drop

    I use Dolphin in the office, and Nautilus at home. I feel managing files in Dolphin is a little more efficient than in Nautilus, but only a marginal better.

    Today I find Dolphin does not support files drag and drop into browser for browser to upload. Drag and drop is an exciting feature of HTML5 and Google has implemented it to Chrome. I quite enjoy using it uploading files to Google Documents.

    I would like to use this feature as much as possible but at moment I have to use Nautilus to drag and drop to Chrome. I believe soon I can also use Dolphin to drag and drop to Firefox.

  • Solve Google Desktop 64bit indexing few files

    Google Desktop Index Status
    Google Desktop Index Status

    我的电脑上只有 19 个文件?这怎么可能!

    Google Desktop 64bit 在 Fedora 11 上不能正常建立索引,在 Fedora 14 上仍然不能,我很是失望。我用 Fedora 11 时尝试找别人是怎么解决这个问题的,没找到,最后不了了之。现在用 Fedora 14,重新找了一遍,找到一个:

    ln -s /opt/google/desktop/lib /usr/lib64/tls/x86_64

    原因嘛,据说是 /opt/google/desktop/lib/libgdl.so 没有放在正确的位置。更具体的原因嘛,我也说不上来了。

  • Access denied with my own google documents

    Google Apps 404 page
    Google Apps 404 page
    Cannot view pdf in Google Docs
    Cannot view pdf in Google Docs

    如果 google 帐号和 google app 帐号同时登录时,无法查看app docs,除非 app docs 给 google 帐号访问权限,换句话说 google 帐号的登录状态会掩盖 google app 帐号的登录状态。

    如果多个 google app 帐号同时登录,最先登录的域会阻止进入其他域(可以 retrieve docs list,但有时不能打开文档),有些情况下阻止,有些情况下不阻止,情况比较微妙,实在没空多研究。

  • Visual programming using Google Apps Script

    Google 很强大,虽然我不止一次地说,但用了 Google Apps Script 以后,我还是想再说一次。

    Many of Google Products are helping people use the web. Google Apps Script help me visually programme route jobs.


    Google Apps Script 是目前跟我理想中的 crm, accounting 最接近的解决方案。

  • What is Google Wave?

    董总问我,什么是 Google Wave?

    这问题问得好,我一时不晓得怎么回答,我知道他问这个问题不是问 Google Wave 的定义。要泛泛了解 Google Wave,何必问我,去看看 Google Wave Help 或者上 YouTube 看几个入门的 video 就可以。

    那么换句话问,在各种交流方式层出不穷的今天,Google Wave 有什么独到的地方?我们已经有了 email (of course I refer to Gmail), IM, SNS;Google 通讯产品也出了不少,gmail, gtalk, orkut, voice, buzz, 现在又出了 wave。很多产品,比如 facebook, twitter 据称很火爆的产品我都没来得及用。这也说明一个问题,大部分产品都有独到的地方,即便火爆,但它们无法象 email 一样不可或缺,从而改变世界。

    Google Wave logo
    Google Wave logo

    就功能而言,Google Wave 高出 gmail 很多,比如即时、自主、互动,等等特性,在 Google Wave introduction 里都有提及,不用我多说。我自己在使用 gmail 时碰到的问题是:尽管gmail很智能,但无法按自定义的、更多的线索归类。我想 Google Wave 更灵活,能弥补 gmail 的不足。但现在使用 Google Wave 的缺陷是必须拉对方进入 wave 才能共同享受 wave。我想如果能把 gmail 作为 wave object,发起人能单方面 wave by email,即使对方不加入 wave,发起人也能 enjoy wave,这样 wave 就完美了。

    要不然,在还没有人手一个 wave 的今天,wave 就无法取代 gmail。要是我们还得开一个 tab 用 Google Wave,另一个 tab 用 gmail,那么反过来也会影响 Google Wave 的普及。我期盼着一个能把 gmail 取而代之的 Google Wave。

  • Google Contacts synchronisation fails on my Android after Google Mail became Gmail

    Google announced Google Mail is becoming Gmail in the UK in May. Then some day I decided to swap over my Google Account primary email address from @googlemail.com to @gmail.com. Everything continues to work as before. It should be working because I assume googlemail.com or gmail.com is alias to the other.

    After quite a long time (at least 2 weeks), I noticed Google Contacts stopped synchronisation from 28 May, 2008. Because Google Mail and Google Calendar continued to work all right, so I did not think it was problem of my Google Account change. I did not regard the domain name swap was a change. I thought it was merely Google was updating Google Contacts programme or server something.

    I have been waiting for Google Contacts synchronisation back to normal for a month. During the month I googled quite often if someone else encountered the same problem, but I did not find a case like mine.

    I could not live up with a situation that I had to enter a new contact twice any longer, so I started investigating harder. And only by change I realised it might be a problem caused by domain name swap. Then how to change Google Account information stored on my Android? I find it is not straight forward.

    First there is no interface for change the Google Account on Android. Someone mentioned a tricky method by changing the Google Account password then reboot Android. But it did not work on my Android G1. After reboot, it only pop up a box to enter password, not for account username.

    I manage to change Google Account by clicking Setup -> Applications -> Manage applications -> Google Apps -> Clear data, then reboot. Clear Google Apps data clear all contacts on Android as well, but it is not a problem for me because I have all contacts in google cloud anyway.

    A by-product of my investigation is I find Android support Google Apps Account as normal Google Account, which makes me very happy because I use Google Apps Account much more than Google Account.

  • CNVD-2010-00979

    互联网是一个很容易以讹传讹的地方,这大概是人们不满意 google 的地方,要搞个知识搜索取而代之。


    5月24日,中国国家信息安全漏洞库证实金山网盾存在一个高危的内核本地提权漏洞(国家漏洞库编号:CNVD-2010-00979),并公布了该漏洞利用相关细节。同一天,国外权威漏洞机构Secunia研究并收录了金山网盾这一漏洞,同时对该漏洞进行了自己的解释和归类(SA ID:SA39916)。国内外两大权威安全机构同时证实金山网盾存在高危漏洞,把此前一直高调否认软件有漏洞的金山公司置于非常尴尬的境地。

    我好奇了一下,上 cnvd 和 secunia 去查了一下,CNVD-2010-00979 和 SA ID:SA39916 讲的是多个供应商”rpc.pcnfsd”整数溢出漏洞,跟金山网盾无关,真不知道这个刹有其事的报导从何而来。

    虽然CNVD-2010-00979 跟金山网盾无关,但我有感觉无风不起浪,因为这是在 cnvd 上搜索金山网盾的结果:

    Google search result cached something
    Google search result cached something


    Nothing on cached page
    Nothing on cached page

    或许 cnvd 只把详细信息公开给了 google spider;或许这其中有太多的内幕是我们常人无法知道的……

  • Google do not need windows. Neither do I

    Magento grid is flexible to customise. A lot of options can be controlled by addColumn(). I knew the parameters could be header, width, type, index, but I just found a new one sortable. I am thinking where I can get a complete list of parameters for addColumn(). The best way I can imagine is searching magento source and find the file which contains all words of “header width type index sortable”. File search in eclipse can not do this kind search, so I am thinking google desktop search.

    I have not used google desktop search for a while. Last time I used it, it only has windows version. Today I am glad find google desktop search linux version is available. Up to now, my favourite google programmes, chrome, picasa, and google desktop, all embrace linux users.

    It reminds me a piece of news that google stop offering staff windows as operation system. I regard this is competition between google and microsoft, none of my business. However, google makes programmes independent of windows, which really benefits me.

    What else left in windows which has to be in windows?

    • IE: it is shame our Chinese banks’ website only support IE;
    • MS Office: how many advanced users are using Office features which are exclusive to MS Office? Not many.
    • Photoshop: it’s a pity Gimp still can not beat photoshop at moment.
  • My location powered by Google Latitude

    最近一个月被 3G 电到了!3G 很强大,但以前我不知道它可以这么强大,而且它如此轻易地就渗入了生活——仅仅是因为我换了个手机(还不是冲着 3G 去换的)。

    3G 所实现的功能非要在 3G 上运行吗?当然不是。但是,它已经运行地如此完美,何必再想其他招?我现在上 YouTube 都会捧着手机上,更别说 email, instant message, streaming media, etc, etc.


    最后我想说,去买 3G 概念股吧,3G 应用前途无量。只要跟 3G 有关的都可以买,生产 3G 手机的也好,交换机的也好…