Tag: google

  • We call Nexus 10 Google Pad

    周围一些朋友都捧着 iPad,以致老婆说也要买一个。我始终觉得 Tablet 娱乐多过实用,所以一直不动手采购。后来儿子在他朋友圈里也接触到了 iPad,也嚷着说要买。我更不会答应。但是老婆有时被儿子嚷得烦了,竟然说,好,你表现得好的话,给你买一个 iPad。如此反复几次,我觉得苗头不对——要是我不动手采购,哪天老婆心血来潮,说不定真从苹果店里抱一个 iPad 回来。

    既然阻止不了,我就有责任引导正确的消费方向。世界上脑残的人太多,于是 iPad 有机会成了 Tablet 的代名词,但iPad 我是绝对不会买的:离谱地贵、性能差、不合格率跟一个“高端”品牌不相称、制造商还出那么多惨剧,等等。

    我也不希望儿子被误导或跟风 Apple。他或许还不能体会 Google 的同类产品要远远优于 Apple,我至少要让他知道,这世界上还有 Google 的产品。所以,我跟儿子说,你已经玩过朋友的 iPad 了,我再买一个 Google Pad (Nexus 太拗口),他的优点你要慢慢体会。

    于是我飞快地买了 Nexus 10,他跟家里的 Google TV、Android Mobiles 对接得很好。我们家用得很开心,我们称呼他 Google Pad,再也不提 iPad。

    Nexus 10
    Nexus 10
    Nexus 10 resolution 2560x1600
    Nexus 10 resolution 2560×1600: 超高分辨率是我在众多 Android Tablets 里选择 Nexus 10 的主要原因
    Nexus 10 Antutu score 11963
    Nexus 10 Antutu score 11963: 远低于我用了一年的 S3 手机,有点小失望
    Nexus 10 with keyboard case
    Nexus 10 with keyboard case: 配上键盘、皮套才能算商务用品——如果拿 Nexus 10 只作游戏机就太奢侈了
    Keyboard for Nexus 10
    Keyboard for Nexus 10: 蓝牙键盘是经常被丢开的
  • Google Drive free storage increased to 15GB

    I am pleasantly surprised that Google Drive has increased her free storage from 5GB to 15GB. Maybe it is due to competition – Other cloud storage providers are offering bigger storage than 5GB. I personally won’t leave Google Drive even she did not increase the capacity.

    So, no need to delete files when your storage is getting near to 5GB, but it is still a good practice to keep useless files cleaned all the time, no matter how big storage you have.

    Google Drive now becomes 15GB
    Google Drive now becomes 15GB
  • OCR in Google Drive

    今天再次惊讶于 Google 的强大。

    在 Google Drive 里打开一个 PDF 文件,是一个类似于 lightbox 效果的在线预览。我今天打开的是一份英文文档扫描后保存为 PDF 的文件,lightbox 里出现的是图像。神奇的是,用鼠标去选中其中某些文字,也能像操作文本文件一样高亮显示选中的部分;更神奇的是,按下 Ctrl+C,再到别处 Ctrl+V,粘贴出来的 OCR 以后的文字。

    PDF 在线预览、图形类似文本的高亮显示、OCR,这三件事情能如此完美的结合在一起,不简单。

  • Is Google spreadsheet secure?

    Ctrl+Drag in Google Spreadsheet
    Ctrl+Drag in Google Spreadsheet

    今天我在 Google spreadsheet 操作时发生一件奇怪的事情,让我对 Google spreadsheet 的安全性产生了怀疑。

    我选中了最后一行的两个单元格,“70”和“否”两格,按住了 Ctrl 键,鼠标指向右下角,然后向下拖曳了三格,原想是复制三行“70”和“否”两格。结果出现了如图所示的结果。重试了几次,仍是这样的结果。非常奇怪!是不是复制了别人某个单元格里的内容?

    后来我发现,要复制“70”和“否”两格,不用按住 Ctrl 键,直接拖曳就好了。

    按住了 Ctrl 键,出现的文字是从哪里来的?谁能告诉我?

  • G+ page is a person

    Do you know G+ page is a “person”?

    I mean, as you have a Google account, and fill in G+ profile, you are a G+ person. You start building your cycles, adding people you know (or even don’t know), and posting to individuals, cycles, or Public.

    You can also create one or more G+ pages. What is G+ page? It has confused me for long. Now I know, it is a kind of G+ person, same as you. It was the terminology “Follow” confused me.

    I only find “Follow” on G+ pages. However, “Follow” basically is adding this G+ page to your cycle(s), same as adding some real person. G+ page can also add you to its cycle(s), or not to add you, same as a real person makes such a choice. Even G+ page does not add you, you can still see all its Public posts in your cycle stream, seem as you add President but President does not add you.

    A real person can add another real person or a G+ page to his cycle(s). A G+ page can also add another G+ page or a real person to its cycle(s). This conforms to G+ page is a person.

    Since a real person can create as many G+ pages as he like, and G+ pages can add each other, which make things worse. I mean, a messy social network sharing loads of rubbish.

    Nevertheless, I can not change the world. A network full of rubbish is not something I should worry too much about. What I can do is not to produce rubbish.

    I hope this post is not regarded as a kind of rubbish.

  • Find and share in Google Drive

    我今天才意识到,Google 域用户 Google Drive 共享设置里的 People at some domain find and view / find and edit,指的是用 link 去 find。我一直误以为是可以按 keyword 去 find,或许它会自动出现在域内所有用户的 Shared with me 列表里。

    Google drive share setting
    Google drive share setting

    如果做域内用户共享,应该手动发送 link 给他们;任何一个用户访问过该 link 以后,他的账号会出现在 Who has access 列表里。

    如果手动添加用户账号在 Who has access 里,他才能在 Shared with me 里看到该共享资源。这大概是 Shared with me 之所以叫 Shared with me 而不叫 Shared with us 的原因吧。

  • I hope I can live on Adsense

    以前我只关注怎么用 Adwords 给 Google 送钱,没想过用 Adsense 从 Google挣钱,甚至连 Adsense 帐户都没有。我本人极厌烦一些不做内容、只做广告的网站,我甚至认为很多门户站点的广告都过多了,不屑与之为伍。

    但是君子好财,最近开始在一个网页上用 Adsense 小试牛刀,Adsense 跑了 3 天,2个休息日加1个工作日,大约 £1 收入。我估计一周会有 £3 收入。一年可以养养 VPS 的费用。

    我想这也不错,做几百个此类的网页,可以养老——刚看了立波秀,说一个老人到了领养老金的时候,发现可以从政府每月领 ¥3。这很可悲,中国政府靠不牢,其实英国政府也靠不牢,最好的办法就是靠自己——感慨过头了,我还没老。

  • Solve Google Drive Sync installation 1603 error

    我不太用Windows,最近却玩得比较多,没办法呀,谁让 Google Drive Sync for Linux 还没问世。

    在安装 Google Drive Sync 时碰到 1603 错误,最后发现要先装 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package。还有人说一定要装 2008 版,我不信邪,先装了个 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package,果然还是出错。再装一个 2008,就 OK 了。

  • Add Google as a search provider in IE

    Microsoft IE made adding Google as a search provier extremely difficult. Google is removed from the search providers list – just because Google is too good to be a search provider?

    For anyone wants to search with Google in IE, add Google UK as a search provider by visiting this link http://www.iegallery.com/gb/addons/detail.aspx?id=13438.

  • 欧陆制袋 = Euro Bags

    已经不止一次惊奇于 Google 的聪明了。

    今天无意中在 Google Translate 中输入申通快递,竟然翻出了 STO。

    然后我再想惊喜一下,输入欧陆制袋,很遗憾,没看到 Euro Bags,看到的是 Continental Bag。又试了一下逆向翻译,输入 Euro Bags,看到的是欧元袋。

    什么时候能让 Google 认识到 欧陆制袋 就是 Euro Bags 呢?