Tag: broadband

  • BT Infinity speed tests

    这两天专注于测试 BT Infinity 访问国内外的网速,有了一个总结性呈辞。


    1. http://myspeedmeter.net/:它是众多带宽测速网站中唯一能测到我的 BT Infinite 满速(下行 76Mbps,上行 19Mbps)的网站。但这个测试结果只能在连接它的伦敦服务器时能达到,连接它在世界各地其他区域的服务器时仍有较大差距,可能瓶颈在海底光缆上。

      BT Infinity speed test result on Myspeedmeter
      BT Infinity speed test result on Myspeedmeter
    2. http://openspeedtest.com/:它用的是纯 HTML5 做测试,没有用到 Flash 或 Java。在你的各种插件都已崩溃或临近崩溃的浏览器里(当然要足够新版),或在手机上不想安装 app 就直接测试,都是很好的选择。但如前所述,它无法测得我的满速,可能我的带宽比它服务器的带宽还强。

      BT Infinity speed test result on Openspeedtest
      BT Infinity speed test result on Openspeedtest
    3. http://sh.189.cn/support/netreport/:它是中国电信搞的网速测试。如果在中国,对连接国外速度没有信心,也可以先测测国内的速度吧。当然我亲测的话,也是不可能满速的。

      BT Infinity speed test result on China Telecom
      BT Infinity speed test result on China Telecom


    1. http://speedtest.btwholesale.com/:它是 BT 公司嫡出的测试工具,但在测试 BT Infinite 时却无法象 myspeedmeter 那样获得满速的结果。

      BT Infinity speed test result on BT Wholesale
      BT Infinity speed test result on BT Wholesale
    2. http://www.broadbandspeedchecker.co.uk/:它在 Google 搜索 broadband speed test 时排名第一,自己也号称 “THE UK’s No.1 Broadband Speed Test”,也是我在 ADSL 时代用得最多的测网速的工具,但它也是无法满速,在 VDSL 时代中没有与时俱进。

      BT Infinity speed test result on Broadbandspeedchecker
      BT Infinity speed test result on Broadbandspeedchecker
  • Newly installed BT Infinity keeps dropping continued

    BT new Home Hub 5 replacement
    BT new Home Hub 5 replacement

    前文说到新装的 BT Infinity VDSL 经常掉线,我拿着 log 向 BT 反映,他们二话不说,给我寄来了第二个路由器。这里还是数据说话,否则 BT 总怀疑用户 IT 能力,肯定要磨叽半天才肯换一个路由器。


    我想,该不是 FreePBX 在使用带来的一些通讯流量造成的吧?我是基于这么个假设:BT Infinity 不会如此不稳定,否则怎么推广啊?应该是我使用的某种应用造成的不稳定。大部分用户不会组建 FreePBX,这个问题不会被触发。

    于是我把 FreePBX 服务器搬回家,接在了 ADSL 上。真遗憾,我是为 FreePBX 升级到 BT Infinity,结果还得搬回家继续用 ADSL。不过,两害取其轻,FreePBX 在我家的 ADSL 上并没有造成频繁掉线。

    现在再看没有了 FreePBX 的 BT Infinity,确实稳定多了,偶有掉线(一天一次)。这初步验证了上一个假设。

    然后,我再一次假设,FreePBX 造成 BT Infinity 频繁掉线,不会是 VDSL 方面的问题,而是 BT Home Hub 5 似乎跟 FreePBX 不对口。

    看来得买一个商业级的 VDSL 路由器了。我相中 DrayTek Vigor 2860n Plus,犹豫着要不要买,而且心里有点不爽——我不喜欢基于一堆假设去采购。

  • Newly installed BT Infinity keeps dropping

    Is BT Infinity stable
    Is BT Infinity stable

    BT Infinity 装了四天。前两天每天都会有一两次断线再续上,这离我心目中一个月都不断一次的设想有很大距离,但说实话,这并不影响使用。

    昨天下午开始,我注意到 BT Infinity 频繁断线,一个小时内会断好几次,这下我受不了了。我写了一个检测脚本,从凌晨2点多开始运行,收集到以下数据:

    ip up_time down_time 2014-03-28 02:26:27 2014-03-28 02:31:34 2014-03-28 02:34:02 2014-03-28 03:02:35 2014-03-28 03:05:01 2014-03-28 03:34:01 2014-03-28 03:37:01 2014-03-28 04:03:19 2014-03-28 04:06:01 2014-03-28 04:34:01 2014-03-28 04:37:01 2014-03-28 05:04:03 2014-03-28 05:07:01 2014-03-28 05:36:01 2014-03-28 05:38:01 2014-03-28 06:05:35 2014-03-28 06:08:01 2014-03-28 06:36:02 2014-03-28 06:39:01 2014-03-28 07:06:03 2014-03-28 07:09:01 2014-03-28 07:38:01 2014-03-28 07:40:01 2014-03-28 08:09:01 2014-03-28 08:10:02 2014-03-28 08:31:02 2014-03-28 08:41:01 2014-03-28 09:08:05 2014-03-28 09:11:01 NULL

    我注意到从今天早上 9:11 开始,一直到现在下午 3:55,没有掉过线。我猜是 BT 在大部分人的非工作时间远程更新 Home Hub 5 的韧件,但我也并不喜欢 BT 来操控已经属于我的路由器,更不喜欢 BT 决定更新韧件的时间,是时候考虑买一个正宗的路由器,彻底堵住 BT 的后门。如果这次频繁掉线不是 BT 更新韧件引起的,那更糟糕,BT Infinity 竟然如此不稳定吗?我更换宽带,等了一个多月,等来的是如此结果?我暂不想下这个结论。不管怎样,我已经向 BT 反映了频繁掉线的问题,正等待它的反馈。

  • BT Infinity up and running

    BT Home Hub 5
    BT Home Hub 5

    几天前 BT Home Hub 5 寄到了。路由器很漂亮,反应很快,可惜功能太单一,连 Mac 地址绑定、远程管理等功能都没有。等有空看看能否刷零售版的韧件,把隐藏的功能都激活。

    今天 BT 工程师如约前来安装新的电话线和 BT Infinity,大约花了十分钟,就装好了。从下订单到安装让我等了一个多月,是 BT Infinity 太火爆,还是 BT 工作效率太低,不得而知。但我仍然很激动,因为终于有稳定的网络可以让 IPPBX 如鱼得水

    BT Infinity 稳定吗?过段时间我再回答。目前我只是基于对 BT 的信任做的假设。

    BT Infinity speed test
    BT Infinity speed test

    下行速度高于 30 Mbps,上行速度高于 17 Mbps。我对下行速度有点小失望,离标称的 76 Mbps 还很远。我甚至怀疑 BT 是不是搞错了,给我装了一个 BT Infinity 1(标称 38 Mbps),而我订的是 BT Infinity 2。仔细看了看,BT Infinity 1 标称上行速度只有 9.5 Mbps,那无论如何都不会是 BT Infinity 1 了。

    BT Infinity 1 or 2
    BT Infinity 1 or 2

    17 Mbps 上行还是挺给力,强力对比原来的 ADSL 只有 1 Mbps 左右的上行。这下远程办公感觉就好了。

    访问一般的网站,用 BT Infinity 和 ADSL 感觉差不多。上 YouTube 感觉了一下,如我所愿,1080p 的视频不用缓存就能播放;上优酷,也不错,超清视频也不卡;上土豆,仍然很卡,看来它不够国际化。

  • Why those businesses treat new customers rather than retain existing customers?

    I was told when I was in China that it costs 10 times more to develop a new customer than selling to a existing customer. That is why customer services are so important. Generally speaking, if a customer says to the shop owner he/she has purchased from the same shop before, he/she is implying he/she should be entitled to a kind of favourable price. On the other side, the sales person should offer bigger discount to the a customer repeating his/her purchase.

    But during those years in the UK, I found many cases that many businesses did not follow this rule, especially big companies.

    Some time ago, when my broadband contract was due, my first thought was renew it. I saw an advertisement that a new monthly price was less than that on my old contract. When I called the customer service asking what monthly price would it be, I was surprised to know he did not want to give me the new advertised price. He said naturally, “The new price is for new customers. You can’t get it.” But I think it is a shame of a business if a loyal customer find he/she is paying higher “VIP price” than a new customer. I threatened to leave the broadband company, but the customer service still said he could not offer me the new price. A few hours after I hang up the phone, I was called by another person from the broadband company, probably from higher level, agreed to offer me the new price if I stay. I said, “Too late. I made up my mind. You should not ask the existing customer to pay more in the first place.” I feel nothing wrong for the business to offer a discount to attract new customers, but the business should be prepared to offer the existing customers the same discount if it is not even bigger.

    I buy a lot from cash and carry. The prices are increasing now and then because of inflation. But I know some businesses just increase the prices to their existing customers. I have to closely monitor the prices all the time. I feel nothing wrong if the businesses offer differential prices to various group of customers. But I do not want to treated unfair just because I am existing customer.

    Tesco new customer voucher code
    Tesco new customer voucher code

    Sainsburys new customer voucher code
    Sainsburys new customer voucher code

    Today I see Tesco and Sainsburys are both offering £15 off to new customers when they do their first online grocery shop when they spend £60 or more. It is massive discount. 25% off. Is Tesco and Sainsburys gross profit that high? Will they suffer a loss for attracting new customers? But that is none of my business. What I care is how to get £15 off for my non-first £60 purchase. I have not found any public vouchers to allow me to do that. In the forum people says just open a new account to pretend as a new customer. Tesco and Sainsburys must know people are doing that way. Why they want so many new accounts? Will “Zombies” accounts help beautify these companies’ financial report? Again, it is none of my business. I just will not do business in that way.

  • Is tethering available on GiffGaff Goodybags


    GiffGaff Goodybags 能否做 Wi-Fi hotspots (tethering)?我搜来基本都说定量数据套餐的 GiffGaff Goodybags 可以 tethering,无限量数据套餐(12镑/月)不可以 tethering。我当时就对这种说法表示怀疑。

    从情理上说,这可以理解。但从技术上,GiffGaff 如何准确探测 tethering,从而限制 tethering 而不影响正常的手机上网流量,我认为是不可能的。

    或许 GiffGaff 可以从浏览器请求的 header 分辨 mobile browser 还是 desktop browser,但是 header 是可以自定义的,mobile browser 也可以 request desktop site,所以 GiffGaff 不能准确的判断流量来自 tethering 还是手机本身。

    今天,我激活了一张 GiffGaff SIM,£12 Goodybags with unlimited data,然后 tethering 测试了一下网速。结果是 tethering 毫无困难地连上了,上行速度 7.05 Mbps,下行速度 1.33 Mbps,相当不错,比我们家的 ADSL 实际速度还要快很多。

    GiffGaff network speed test
    GiffGaff network speed test
    Home ADSL speed
    Home ADSL speed
    Home ADSL speed test
    Home ADSL speed test
  • Intranet transport via internet ip address

    我有两台机子处于同一个内网,都有独立外网 IP。A 机用 http://ip_address/file 访问 B 机,如果 ip_address 为内网 IP,下载速度接近硬盘的读写速度极限;如果 ip_address 为外网 IP,下载速度为 2MByte/s,远低于内网速度,但又远高于 internet 速度(我用的是 2Mb 下行、0.5Mb 上行的 ADSL)。

    想来想去,我只好做以下解释:ip_address 为外网 IP 时,数据流经过 router,但不经过 internet,小小的 router 数据处理能力有限,每秒只能中转 2MB 的数据。这是个 ADSL2+ router,设计能力就是为了应付 24 Mb 二代ADSL,所以能处理 2MB/s 的数据就达到了它的设计要求。

  • Easynet Is Not Easy

    公司里用 Easynet ADSL 很多年了。平心而论,很稳定(Business Boardband,稳定也是应该的嘛)。

    我就是嫌速度不够快,下行0.5Mbps,上行0.25Mbps,这年头谁还用这种速度的宽带啊。于是问Easynet要求升级,结果Easynet开了天价。无奈,专投BT Business Broadband门下,下行up to 8Mpbs(我们的线路不好,实测只能达到2Mbps略多),上行0.5Mbps,花钱还比升级前的Easynet Business Broadband少。

    Easynet要求3个月cancellation notice。于是我从3月份就给了第一次notice by email。之后差不多每半个月我电话追踪,Easynet 客服总说没找到我发的notice,于是我一遍遍重发。终于有一次他们承认收到notice了。唯一让我稍感满意的是:3个月notice的起始日还是从我的第一次notice那天算,竟然他们认为没收到。


  • Orange Broadband Bundled with Digital TV

    刚刚注意到Orange Livebox (powered by Inventel)的管理界面里多了一项:Digital TV。Orange Livebox是自动升级的,我也不清楚从什么时候开始Digital TV is enabled。Orange应该通知顾客一下的嘛,这么好的卖点,怎么能窝在自动升级的Livebox里呢?

    可是到底怎么用Orange Livebox watch Digital TV? 如果真的可以看上Digital TV, Orange Broadband又可以成为英国最受欢迎的宽带了。Orange Broadband曾经是我心目中英国最超值的宽带,但英国宽带市场一直竞争激烈,Orange Broadband一度被挤下来,O2 Broadband成为首选。

    真的希望Orange Broadband能重夺人气,像我这样的Orange用户也可以跟着享受额外服务。我已推荐Orange Broadband给很多人,真的希望Orange能强有力地证明我的推荐没有错。