Tag: analytics

  • Why Google Analytics Dashboard Not Printing Out

    About a month ago, I found I could not print Analytics Dashboard from IE (my version is 7 already). Every time I tried to print Dashboard, the browser freezed. I have tried different computers and different printers. The symptom is the same.

    Analytics Dashboard is the only report I can not print from IE, but other reports are fine.

    I can print Analytics Dashboard from Firefox, but the print layout is not as well formatted as it is in IE. So I have to use IE to print this report.

    After I realise Flash 10 is causing problem of uploading images in magento, I think it might be same Flash causing another problem. However, this time Flash 10 is fine, but Flash 9 is not. As my test result shows, Analytics Dashboard can be printed in IE with Flash 10 installed. I assume the symptom is affecting IE with Flash version lower than 10.

    I do not like Flash, but between Flash 9 and Flash 10, I prefer the former for now. I think a good program should work both on Flash 9 and 10. So I reported this problem to Google for them to improve Analytics. It must be some recent changes that prevent Analytics Dashboard from being printed.

  • Why Google Analytics Tracking Code Was Not Included In Source Code?

    这个博客从一开始就装了Google Analytics for WordPress,但我在前台页面的源代码里总看不到tracking code,我为解决这个问题陆陆续续花了不少时间找原因,把plugin反复deactivate and activate,甚至卸载plugin再重装、切换theme,都没见source code 包含任何analytics的字眼。

    我在wordpress.org寻求前人的经验,也有人说Google Analytics for WordPress这个plugin无法工作。他最后是放弃了Google Analytics for WordPress,还推荐了另一个google analytics plugin叫sem google analytics。但是我见Google Analytics for WordPress功能远比sem google analytics强大,不舍得放弃。

    试装sem google analytics后,我查看了前台页面的源代码,代码里有一行注释,说sem google analytics不追踪admin登录状态。一语惊醒梦中人!同理,我的Google Analytics for WordPress一直就是正常工作着的,只是我一直在admin登录状态去查看源代码,也就无法看到tracking code,但Google Analytics for WordPress一直没给任何提示说明这一点,导致我瞎折腾,这是Google Analytics for WordPress做得不够好的地方。

    花了很多时间,总算搞明白一个粗显的道理:Google Analytics for WordPress不追踪admin登录状态

  • wordpress title不见了

    昨天在公司的blog上做搜索引擎优化,做到后来既然把blog homepage的title弄没了,一时没找到原因。

    今天在这个自己的blog上只想要添加一个analytics,我用的是google analytics for wordpress plugin 2.0,当我把track帐号输入以后,发现title又一次消失了。title的消失是不是由这个plugin引起的?这有待进一步试验。可现在头痛的问题是:无论我删除了track account,还是deactivate plugin,title还是不回来。难道我错怪google analytics for wordpress plugin?