I was excited when I saw 4x8GB server memory was selling at a total of USD110.00. It will fit my HP ML110 G7 server very well – ECC, unbuffered. I quickly asked my sister to order and post it to me after she gets it.
After two days my sister told me her order had been cancelled for no reason. I think it is simply because the dealer Computer Memory Solutions does not want to fulfill the order after they realised they had wrongly priced it.
接着又试着把坏掉的虚拟机的硬盘文件 vhd 挂到另一台虚拟机下,直接在它的 Windows DOS 里执行
chkdsk c: /f
这跟故障修复台环境不同,chkdsk 能接受的参数也不同。这次修理快了很多,提示了一堆 Index 错误,看不懂,也不知修复了没有,看重启,仍是黑屏。
之后又尝试种种工具,无一有效。直到看到一个论坛的角落里(因为我花了几小时才看到,所以是角落)有人说,”YET ANOTHER Microsoft screw up”。一语惊醒梦中人!
那人建议试试 BIOS 重置、测试下内存(换下有问题的内存条)。我的是虚拟机,没有 BIOS 重置一说。我就新建了一个虚拟机,加载既有的 vhd,mamma mia,重见 Windows 的徽标在飘扬,舒了口气。
但是,我高兴得太早了,我很快发现此 Windows 非彼 Windows——我忘了这是虚拟机。刚才新建的虚拟机,加载的 vhd 文件,是有问题的虚拟机下的硬盘的最初状态!最初状态非常健康。这也是之前种种努力,把它挂载到其他虚拟机下尝试修复,修复时没发现问题,l_intl.nls 文件也在,而在有问题的虚拟机下真正加载的不单是这个 vhd,而是一个 Current State。修来修去,修的都不是 Current State。
我赶紧把 Current State 生成一个独立的 vhd 文件。在有问题的虚拟机的目录里,找到 [虚拟机名].vbox 来查看一下,从中找到 Current State 对应的文件名,我的是 {991f2a80-9fbe-48b5-9c02-27f745bdf81c}.vhd。这个 vhd 不是独立的,它是从最初状态,经过一次次 Snapshot (如果有的话),diff 得到的 Current State。
I am looking for some desktop theme with UK universities as background wallpaper. I can only find some wallpapers from US universities. A few US universities officially release wallpapers on their website. I think it is a good way to aquaint new comers with the university.
To my disappointment, I can not find any UK university’s wallpaper. My conclusion is, UK falls behind US in regards to innovation.
When I was shopping in Asda last night, I came across more than 20 of speaker docks on display. They are all design for iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc. None of them support Android devices.
Suddenly I commiserated with those accessories manufacturers of going to the dead end. Maybe too early for them to realise it’s a dead end, at least they should see there are more users of Android than those of Apple.
Why not make speak docks for Android? Philips is the only one make Android speaker docks, but these products are not widely available in store.
I remember in Fedora 16, desktop sharing is pre-installed with the system. Now I am on Fedora 18, and I want to use it as a VNC server. I don’t want to install tigervnc-server. I just want to use the same one comes with Fedora 16.
On Fedora project site, it still says
To activate desktop sharing, select System > Preferences > Internet and Network > Remote Desktop from the user menu.
However, in Fedora 18, the path has changed, so I thought the name of desktop sharing might have changed as well, but I assumed it should be pre-installed in Fedora 18. It took me hours trying to find remote desktop before I found somewhere it says remote desktop comes in Vino. I could not remember what Vino was, but afterwards was quite simple:
yum install vino
Then I found Desktop Sharing in Internet (no longer in Preferences).
P.S. After I wrote this post, I realised I learned Vino 4 years ago! But I totally forgot it.
关注 Raspberry Pi 有段时间了,最近碰到一位教授,在 University of Lincoln 教书,说他就是教学生们玩 Raspberry Pi;而我也在想,Hotel TV project 是不是也可以在 Raspberry Pi 上实现。兴趣加需求,就买了一套 Raspberry Pi development kit 测试。今天货到了。
Raspberry Pi Development Kit
我虽事先知道 Raspberry Pi 只有信用卡大小,见到实物还是再次震惊她的小巧玲珑——鄙视一下其他 PC 厂商。