
  • Is Google spreadsheet secure?

    Ctrl+Drag in Google Spreadsheet
    Ctrl+Drag in Google Spreadsheet

    今天我在 Google spreadsheet 操作时发生一件奇怪的事情,让我对 Google spreadsheet 的安全性产生了怀疑。

    我选中了最后一行的两个单元格,“70”和“否”两格,按住了 Ctrl 键,鼠标指向右下角,然后向下拖曳了三格,原想是复制三行“70”和“否”两格。结果出现了如图所示的结果。重试了几次,仍是这样的结果。非常奇怪!是不是复制了别人某个单元格里的内容?

    后来我发现,要复制“70”和“否”两格,不用按住 Ctrl 键,直接拖曳就好了。

    按住了 Ctrl 键,出现的文字是从哪里来的?谁能告诉我?

  • G+ page is a person

    Do you know G+ page is a “person”?

    I mean, as you have a Google account, and fill in G+ profile, you are a G+ person. You start building your cycles, adding people you know (or even don’t know), and posting to individuals, cycles, or Public.

    You can also create one or more G+ pages. What is G+ page? It has confused me for long. Now I know, it is a kind of G+ person, same as you. It was the terminology “Follow” confused me.

    I only find “Follow” on G+ pages. However, “Follow” basically is adding this G+ page to your cycle(s), same as adding some real person. G+ page can also add you to its cycle(s), or not to add you, same as a real person makes such a choice. Even G+ page does not add you, you can still see all its Public posts in your cycle stream, seem as you add President but President does not add you.

    A real person can add another real person or a G+ page to his cycle(s). A G+ page can also add another G+ page or a real person to its cycle(s). This conforms to G+ page is a person.

    Since a real person can create as many G+ pages as he like, and G+ pages can add each other, which make things worse. I mean, a messy social network sharing loads of rubbish.

    Nevertheless, I can not change the world. A network full of rubbish is not something I should worry too much about. What I can do is not to produce rubbish.

    I hope this post is not regarded as a kind of rubbish.

  • Find and share in Google Drive

    我今天才意识到,Google 域用户 Google Drive 共享设置里的 People at some domain find and view / find and edit,指的是用 link 去 find。我一直误以为是可以按 keyword 去 find,或许它会自动出现在域内所有用户的 Shared with me 列表里。

    Google drive share setting
    Google drive share setting

    如果做域内用户共享,应该手动发送 link 给他们;任何一个用户访问过该 link 以后,他的账号会出现在 Who has access 列表里。

    如果手动添加用户账号在 Who has access 里,他才能在 Shared with me 里看到该共享资源。这大概是 Shared with me 之所以叫 Shared with me 而不叫 Shared with us 的原因吧。

  • Social login plugin for WordPress, which one is the best?

    My client is asking a way to manage 3 WordPress sites in one place. I could use WordPress multisite feature by creating a network of sites. However, I felt difficult to control those sites when WordPress multisite was turned on. I would rather have those sites installed into separate databases but have a SSO feature. It is actually what my client is asking for.

    I started looking for a social login plugin for WordPress. I shortlisted four plugins.

    Social login plugins for WordPress
    Social login plugins for WordPress
    • Social Login
    • Social Login for wordpress (LoginRadius)
    • Social Login & Social Sharing by Janrain (Janrain Engage)
    • WordPress Social Login (WP Social Login)

    All installation, I found the first three plugins require create an account with a federal login service provider site of the author, I assume. Although a basic account accommodate 2,500 users or less is free, I do not want to create such an account. It adds risk – everyone can not login if the federal login service provider server is down. Meanwhile, social login is to eliminate create more and more account. I do not want to achieve this goal by creating an intermediate account myself.

    Luckily, I have the forth plugin – WordPress Social Login. It asks me to create Application ID and Applicate Secret with each login service provider. That is what I was expecting.

    It is a coincidence that all the first three social login plugins sit themselves in a top level menu in WordPress sidebar. Are they so important? I am not an aggressive person and I do not like aggressive software.

    WP Social Login modestly sit under Setting menu. That is the way I like!

  • Wasted 3 hours to save $1

    今年以来 GoDaddy 狠命促销新注册 .com 域名,推出好多 $0.99, $1.99, $2.99 就可以注册一年 .com 的优惠券。

    今天我需要新注册两个 .com。我不能免俗,首先是去用最大幅度的 $0.99 优惠券。试了好几个,终于有一个被 GoDaddy shopping cart 认可了。可是我在订单的最后一步卡住了,GoDaddy 在最后一页本该显示确认付款成功的时候说,无法接受这种方式的付款。

    网上有人提到这个优惠券在 checkout 什么阶段输入也很有讲究,他给出了 1234567 的步骤,我照着做了两遍,都不成功。我又怀疑是卡号信息输入错误,重输若干次仍不成功。换了几张卡来回试,也不成功。难道是 GoDaddy 账户个人信息长期不更新无法作 Whois 档案?我去更新了,依旧不成功。退出 GoDaddy 再登录,仍然不成功。清空历史、关闭浏览器、重新打开,不成功。换个浏览器,依然不成功。难道是 GoDaddy 支付网关系统维护中?睡了一觉继续付款,还是不成功。

    最后我只好打个电话给 GoDaddy,客服告诉我,我用的 $0.99 优惠券已经作废────可是它是被 GoDaddy shopping cart 接受的呀────不管啦,反正它是作废了。

    后来我也没找到更好的 $0.99 优惠券,只好用了一个 $1.99 优惠券,毫无悬念,成功了!此时已浪费了约三小时。

  • When will I get my £200 credit from O2?

    In June, 2012 I visited the O2 shop in 49 George Street, Hove, BN3 3YB, enqurying about opening an account and getting two Samsung S3 mobile phones. David told me I could get the phones virtually free by paying £99.99 upfront and he would credit me £100 into my account for each phone. I still keep his written notes, luckily.

    O2 credit promise
    O2 credit promise

    On the next day or two, I revisited the shop. I paid £199.98 for two phones. Christina went through the contract procedure with me. She was fully aware of the £200 credit. However, she told me, she could not add £200 to my account while I was there, because I was porting the numbers from Vodafone to O2. She had to wait a few days until the porting process finished and then my account was active. She said she would add £200 credit in a few days. So I left the shop with two new phones happily.

    I have no way to check if O2 has put £200 into my account or not. Only at the time O2 monthly direct debit shows on the bank statement, I know the credit has not been credited. I started tracing the credit in August, 2012. At first, I thought it is a piece of cake to get it back. I did not trace O2 hard. I popped into the O2 shop occasionally when I was on George Street for something else. Sometime I had chance to speak to David, sometime I did not. David never denied his promise – how can he? I am glad I have not thrown away these pieces of little notes.

    David asked me at least twice to write down my company name, address, account number, contact number. He always said someone would contact me. From my ten times visits, I received only one call from O2 in October, 2012 (or so, I can’t remember). But he did not sort out my issue straight away, instead he promised another call back within a week. Well, I never received a call back since then.

    My last visit to the O2 shop was three weeks ago. I met David. David must think he should do something differently this time. He composed an email to the Area Manager reporting this issue, and clicked “Send” in front of me. I took it that David wanted to correct an error happened 7 month ago, he need some kind of authorisation. David said someone, probably the Area Manager, would contact me by the Friday within that week.

    Well, more than a week passed. I had not been contacted by “someone”. I was not surprised this time. I must be a very patient man, but I lost my patience with O2 after half a year tracing the credit. I did something I was reluctant to do. I started a complaint procedure.

    I am annoyed at being badly serviced by O2 for 2 aspects.

    • Why O2 always ignore my queries? Why should I spend so much my valuable time tracing £200 credit? O2 wasted me much more than £200 worth of my time.
    • O2 customer services seem do not bother with what is happening in the O2 shop. They said to me “the O2 shop is franchised – you have to sort your credit with the shop”. It sounds like “it’s none of my business”. I regard the O2 shop part of O2. Whatever the O2 shop is doing wrongly will ruin the reputation of O2. O2 is responsible for all outlet channels. Even if O2 customer services are not able to sort out the credit alone. They should liaison with the shop instead of asking me to go to the shop.
  • Awful Baidu login


    Baidu login prompt
    Baidu login prompt


    Baidu still require me to create an account after I have logged in QQ
    Baidu still require me to create an account after I have logged in QQ

    等一下,这是什么?!登录了QQ以后,百度仍然顽强地要我关联一个百度账号。那叫我使用QQ账号登录的意义何在?!是 Open Login 还是 Awful Login? 为了拉拢用户,却不注重用户体验,愚蠢的百度逻辑!

  • Streaming YouTube to an Android set top box

    I have an outdated LCD TV and a nearly outdated Android smart TV set top box. I mean, this Android smart TV set top box was bought a year ago, and it works very slow compared to current market products.

    I want to combine these two equipment to make a smart TV. Actually, the only functionality I need out of a smart TV is a DLNA/UPnP player. To be more specific, a DLNA/UPnP player for YouTube.

    I want to search for videos on YouTube using my mobile phone, stream to TV, and watch on TV. I do not want to search on this nearly outdated set top box because it is slow, and it accepts input via a fly mouse rather than a touch screen.

    At first, I tried to install a few apps (iMediaShare Lite, aMPdroid, DLNA Server) on the set top box, but none of them is a DLNA/UPnP player.

    Then I installed XBMC on the set top box, set it can be remotely controlled by UPnP. I also installed Beam on my mobile. Now I can stream YouTube video to my TV. However, XBMC is not reliable on this set top box, most likely due to some bug – this player is not always shown on the list of available DLNA/UPnP players. Every time I have to untick and retick “remotely controlled by UPnP” to force it.

    So I have not found a perfect solution for streaming YouTube video to an Android device. I may have to buy a new TV with DLNA/UPnP player built-in.

  • FreeNote is the best signature making tool

    I was looking for an app on Google Play Store to generate transparent background handwriting in PNG format, which can be put on an electronic document as a signature or watermark. It is either

    • to save paper – no need to print out a hard copy of document, write on it, then scan it back to an electronic copy.
    • or to use an existing Android touch screen mobile phone, instead of buying a graphic tablet pad and pen.

    I tried a few apps.

    Samsung Memo. It can only export JPG or PDF. No transparent background available.

    Image Editor. It is slow responding to drawing track. Never record a complete handwriting. Useless. Too many bugs and Ads.

    ShoDo. No transparent background available.

    Adobe Photoshop Express. Too “express”. It can not open/save as PNG at all.

    Handwriting. It can export transparent background PNGs. It is good. However, it always exports 720 x 1280 images on my test device, no matter how small writing. This requires another software to crop the images. So it’s not good enough.

    Photo Editor. I did not expect it can export transparent background PNGs, as Photo is not transparent. However, I find it can open a transparent background PNG, write on it, then export as transparent background PNG. This requires another software to produce a blank transparent background PNG before first use. That’s not a problem. However, it is an ad-supported programme, which is a bit annoying.

    FreeNote has options to transparent background
    FreeNote has options to transparent background

    FreeNote. I have known FreeNote for long, but before today I did not realise it can export transparent background PNGs. It does auto crop and it is ad-free. It does not require other software to do pre or post process. So it is a perfect solution.

  • AnTuTu Benchmark on my devices

    I am looking for a suitable hardware for Hotel TV project, so I am keen to know the candidate devices performance. Raspberry Pi Model B has been already ruled out. At moment the first choice is FX5. As comparison, I benchmark all android devices I got.

    Samsung Galaxy S3: AnTuTu Benchmark 15912
    Samsung Galaxy S3: AnTuTu Benchmark 15912
    Samsung Galaxy S2: AnTuTu Benchmark 7513
    Samsung Galaxy S2: AnTuTu Benchmark 7513

    KuYouLe FX5: AnTuTu Benchmark 5215. It is very disappointing as it does not meet what manufacturer claimed benchmarch.

    Geniatech ATV1000 (A80KW): AnTuTu Benchmark 2005.

    Motorola MB200: AnTuTu Benchmark 605
    Motorola MB200: AnTuTu Benchmark 605