
  • Daigou is not my business


    第一次代购就是 5 箱牛栏牌婴儿奶粉,每箱 6 罐。婴儿奶粉每罐不到 £8,到了国内可以卖 200 元人民币,看上去利润空间很大。


    首先每罐 £8 进价,算 80 元;

    其次 £5 运费,算 50 元;

    那还有 200 – 80 – 50 = 70 元 毛利。

    国内熟人分去一半,还剩 35 元;运到爆了 5 罐,摊去 16.67 元;花了 2 个小时取货,摊去 4.21 元;花了 1 个小时找纸箱和包装材料,摊去 2.10 元;找来的纸箱尺寸过大,花了 2 个小时缩箱、包装,摊去 4.21 元;花了 1 个小时看快递须知,摊去 2.10 元;花了 1 个小时打印、手写快递单据并粘到箱子上,摊去 2.10 元。这样仅剩 3.61 元,大致抵平封箱胶带、打印、汽油费用。

    以上人工费用只是以英国最低工资 £6.31/小时计,合 63.10 元/小时。



  • Step by step setup OpenVPN server on DrayTek router

    一直以来都是偷懒,习惯用 PPTP 连接 VPN server。但 PPTP 安全性欠佳,overhead 又偏大,是时候让自己过渡到 OpenVPN 或者其他非 PPTP 方式的 VPN 了。

    找到一个教程,是针对 Windows 用户的,先做个笔记。有空之时我再研究 Linux client 怎么连入 OpenVPN server on DrayTek router。

  • Failed to install Fedora 20 beta 5

    我常用的一台 Fedora 18 无法做 yum update 好久了。所以想到重装。Fedora 20 beta 5 已经出来了,也正好趁此尝尝鲜。

    我按我的常规做好了 liveusb,可是非常奇怪,启动不了,在启动刚开始就卡住了。提示信息为

    Secure boot not enabled
    error: failure reading sector 0xfc from “hd1”
    error: failure reading sector 0xe0 from “hd1”

    我一开始以为 liveusb 没做好,可拿到另一台机子却能毫无故障地启动了。我就排除了 liveusb 自身的原因。

    有人说这是 BIOS 里 Secure boot disabled 的缘故,可我的 BIOS 根本没这个选项。

    有人说这是 EFI (UEFI) boot 造成的,我选择了不从 EFI 设备启动,但仍从同一个 liveusb 启动,结果错误提示 Machine check error,然后就自启了。

    搞了半天,放弃安装 Fedora 20,转而研究 Fedora 18 为什么无法做 yum update。结果发现,是 [Errno -1] Metadata file does not match checksum Trying other mirror 之类的错误造成的。我试着

    yum clean metadata

    再作 yum date 就很顺利了。

  • Grapevine – restriction to Chinese cannot submit Tier 1 application in the UK will not removed soon

    小道消息: 中国人不能在英国境内直接递交 Tier 1 企业家或投资移民申请的限制即将取消。

    目前除了工签和PSW签证可以在英国境内转换成Tier 1签证, 众多的学生签证, 旅游签证, 访问签证, 陪伴签证必须离境递交Tier 1签证申请。这给很多有移民意向的中国人带来不便, 所以取消这个限制是个重大利好。

    中国强大了, 针对中国人的实实在在的优惠越来越多。我不算听风就是雨的人, 尽管是条小道消息, 我相信是真的。我在此记一笔, 大家看看我能不能成为名嘴。

  • I visit Bicester Village too often

    朋友提议去 Bicester Village,我们就去了一趟。这已经是三个月内的第二趟了。

    Bicester 仍是一如既往的人潮汹涌,周末去停车是个老大难。好不容易停好车,我逛了一小时也就没兴趣,独自休息等他们逛到打烊。

    Bicester 没什么变化,此次就得到一个信息:拿中国的银联卡,可以去换一张 VIP 卡,购物 9 折。虽然 VIP 卡还可以通过其他途径得到,但还是可以看出中国强大的消费群体的影响力。这是好事,下次去记得要带银联卡!

    Bicester Village leaflet
    Bicester Village leaflet
  • Leak in Anti Money Laundering systen






  • Why those businesses treat new customers rather than retain existing customers?

    I was told when I was in China that it costs 10 times more to develop a new customer than selling to a existing customer. That is why customer services are so important. Generally speaking, if a customer says to the shop owner he/she has purchased from the same shop before, he/she is implying he/she should be entitled to a kind of favourable price. On the other side, the sales person should offer bigger discount to the a customer repeating his/her purchase.

    But during those years in the UK, I found many cases that many businesses did not follow this rule, especially big companies.

    Some time ago, when my broadband contract was due, my first thought was renew it. I saw an advertisement that a new monthly price was less than that on my old contract. When I called the customer service asking what monthly price would it be, I was surprised to know he did not want to give me the new advertised price. He said naturally, “The new price is for new customers. You can’t get it.” But I think it is a shame of a business if a loyal customer find he/she is paying higher “VIP price” than a new customer. I threatened to leave the broadband company, but the customer service still said he could not offer me the new price. A few hours after I hang up the phone, I was called by another person from the broadband company, probably from higher level, agreed to offer me the new price if I stay. I said, “Too late. I made up my mind. You should not ask the existing customer to pay more in the first place.” I feel nothing wrong for the business to offer a discount to attract new customers, but the business should be prepared to offer the existing customers the same discount if it is not even bigger.

    I buy a lot from cash and carry. The prices are increasing now and then because of inflation. But I know some businesses just increase the prices to their existing customers. I have to closely monitor the prices all the time. I feel nothing wrong if the businesses offer differential prices to various group of customers. But I do not want to treated unfair just because I am existing customer.

    Tesco new customer voucher code
    Tesco new customer voucher code

    Sainsburys new customer voucher code
    Sainsburys new customer voucher code

    Today I see Tesco and Sainsburys are both offering £15 off to new customers when they do their first online grocery shop when they spend £60 or more. It is massive discount. 25% off. Is Tesco and Sainsburys gross profit that high? Will they suffer a loss for attracting new customers? But that is none of my business. What I care is how to get £15 off for my non-first £60 purchase. I have not found any public vouchers to allow me to do that. In the forum people says just open a new account to pretend as a new customer. Tesco and Sainsburys must know people are doing that way. Why they want so many new accounts? Will “Zombies” accounts help beautify these companies’ financial report? Again, it is none of my business. I just will not do business in that way.

  • Google Drive server rejected files uploaded in Windows

    Google Drive server rejected file uploaded in Windows
    Google Drive server rejects file uploaded in Windows

    我发现在 Windows 下我无法上传文件到 Google Drive。我用的是 FireFox,提示的错误信息是 “Server rejected”。一开始我以为是 Google Server 停摆了,但转用 Fedora 下的 FireFox,一切正常。我不信邪,又在 Windows 下尝试上传各种后缀的文件,.jpg, .doc, .pdf 都试过了,全部失败。

    我很少在 Windows 下操作,也不知道这个问题存在多久了。难道是 Google 跟 Microsoft 叫劲,给 Windows 用户一点颜色看看?我觉得 Google 不至于干损人不利己的事,但我不确定。于是我试图改变 Windows 下 FireFox 的 User Agent,在 about:config 里新建了一个名为 general.useragent.override 的字串,值为 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0。

    Custom FireFox user agent
    Custom FireFox user agent

    这样 FireFox for Windows 看上去象 FireFox for Linux 了。

    Forged user agent
    Forged user agent

    可是,Google Drive 依然是 “Server rejected”。证实 Google 并没有区别对待 Windows 用户。

    接着,我继续研究了一下 FireFox 无法上传文件的原因,看来是多账户登录 Google 后的偶然结果。有人说是无法上传至默认账户以外的账户,但我亲自试了一下,这个说法也不准确。看来不要在这个问题上过于纠结,清空一下浏览器历史,一切都正常了。

  • I thought I lost Hotmail

    Hotmail 今天给我惊了一身冷汗。

    我不用 hotmail 很多年。今天由于某种需要,登录了一下 hotmail。我虽然牢记我的密码,但是 hotmail 过于热心地说,“您好久不来了,我给你发个验证码”。

    Hotmail wants to verify me
    Hotmail wants to verify me

    验证码发到哪儿呢?hotmail 显示了以前留给 hotmail 恢复密码用的另一个邮箱。hotmail 显示了恢复邮箱@前的前 2 个字母结果,其他用一串星号遮住。那是很久以前我用的一个免费邮箱提供商提供的邮箱,我申请过多个,有些已经不属于我了。

    天哪!hotmail 会把验证码发到哪儿?我诚惶诚恐地登录了其中一个,一堆垃圾邮件,但没有新邮件;退出再登一个,也没有。晕了晕了——要是 hotmail 把验证码乱发,那我的 hotmail 也要被别人拿去了。然后骗子可能拿着我的账号去借钱,然后……

    还好,我再点一次让 hotmail 重发验证码,这次收到了,而且一次收到两个,不知道上一个验证码是发送延迟,还是接收延迟。哎,草草登录了事。hotmail 在欢迎页面上兴致勃勃地介绍起,我却有点哭笑不得。

    I am not reading this welcome
    I am not reading this welcome
  • I will be with Orange for another 24 months

    我觉得我有个问题:很难成为一个忠实用户/顾客。跟了 Orange 很多年了,可它时不时得就宰我一刀。换别的网络吧?天下乌鸦一般黑,换来换去也麻烦。要想不挨刀,最好就是转成 PAYG。其他网络的质量在下降,Orange 和 T-mobile 合并成 EE,感觉质量在上升,唉这么想就懒于去换一家公司了,是迫于形势再跟 Orange 24 个月。

    以前都喜欢去 Orange 店里升级,因为可以讨价还价,虽然余地不多。最近实在没有时间,拖了很久还未完成升级,那不是白白付月租又没新手机拿?

    我前年开始用 Samsung Galaxy S2,去年开始用 S3,都走高端路线。今年本想顺势升级到 S4,但 Samsung  几次出新品都没有实质性提高,如果盲从就像没脑子的果粉。于 是我上网放大目标搜索,逛了一圈,发现 Carphonewarehouse 在卖 Huawei Ascend P6。感觉 Huawei Ascend P6 技术指标与 S3 相当,用起来体验不致太差,就是不知道质量、稳定性如何,但国货华为,我理应优先支持!如果实在不顺手,就送人吧。合同月租 £20.50,付 24 个月,还有一个 free gift: Google Nexus 7 16GB Tablet PC。我已经有一个 Google Nexus 10 了,现在又多一个 Nexus 7,是不是也要送人?

    Huawei Ascend P6 White
    Huawei Ascend P6 White
    Google Nexus 7 Tablet
    Google Nexus 7 Tablet

    仔细一算,Huawei Ascend P6 裸机价格在 £320(在中国也要卖¥2100左右),Google Nexus 7 16GB Tablet PC 价格在 £200,总价 £520。而两年我总共付出 £492,是不是赚到了?

    唯一不足的是 anytime any network minutes 只有 100 minutes,那我就少打电话多做事咯。