usb disk cannot be accessed by host and guest OS at the same time

我才知道 host OS 和 guest OS 不能同时挂载一个 usb disk,但是大错已经酿成。 当时我正在 host OS 里从 host OS 的硬盘移动一些文件到 usb disk 上,然后又在虚拟机里加载 usb disk 给 guest OS,结果,usb disk 就自动从 host OS 里卸载了。卸载时一些文件正在移动,突如其来的卸载造成这些文件未成功写入 usb disk,但源文件却已经从 host OS 的硬盘上删除了。 Host OS 是 Fedora,这教训给我一个感觉,Fedora (或者说是 GNOME,我不清楚该责怪谁) 的文件操作机制不够可靠——移动文件时,应该在收到目的文件写入成功信号后才删除源文件。

Set server’s timezone

The following command sets the timezone to British Summer Time (BST, UTC + 1) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT, UTC) cd /etc ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London localtime Or, update server timezone tzselect update server system clock ntpdate

IE8 crash fix

I recently installed Windows XP in VirtualBox, and did all necessary updates, including IE 8. However, IE 8 kept crashing. At first, I thought it was a problem with VirtualBox or its Guest Additions. The same problem exists in kvm. Then I thought it was a general problem of running IE 8 in virtual machines.… Continue reading IE8 crash fix