Bkf is not found is not true

When I tried to restore from bkf file created by Windows in-built System Tool Backup and Restore, I was not aware another colleague was accessing (read access) this file. At the last page of Restore wizard, it threw an error with a nonsense error message – “(the file name).bkf Disk 1 is not found”. The… Continue reading Bkf is not found is not true

My understanding to Nginx so far

Location directive 没有fallback 机制。因为一个 request 只能匹配一个 location,不是常规 location 的话,就是正则表达式 location。假如有两个 location blocks, location / { index index.php; } location /abc { client_max_body_size 32m; } 请别指望 index index.php  会在location /abc 生效。因为这是两个 location,只能有一个生效,另一个被忽略。 正则表达式 location 优先于常规 location 匹配(除非常规 location 使用 ^~ 或 =);常规 location 之间最长匹配优先;正则表达式 location 之间位置在前优先。 Nginx wiki 文档里关于 location 用到的 “searching stops” 这个词很不恰当,挺误导初学者的思维,让人误以为会有两个或两个以上 location同时生效。 正则表达式 location 以… Continue reading My understanding to Nginx so far