Release on demand: new idea for courier service

On some ocassion, we need some kind service of “release on demand”. Courier service provider should think of offering it as a value added service. The scenario is – We have some customers are desparate for some products, but they can not pay the money up front. It is understandable. There may be a problem… Continue reading Release on demand: new idea for courier service

So many bugs in ispconfig

ispconfig 可以做 hosting account management,但给我的感觉是打磨得不够精致。如果把它应用到生产环境,如果不怕客户抱怨,如果喜欢捉虫游戏,那倒可以用 ispconfig,毕竟免费的嘛,我看功能跟 isp 自己开发的 control panel 差不多(如 godaddy 的 turbo panel)。我感觉 ispconfig 还无法跟 cPanel, plesk 相抗衡,用在开发环境还凑合。 凭我的肉眼,我就发现了以下几个说大不大,说小不小的毛病。 按 ispconfig installation on Fedora documentation 一步步安装完毕以后,其实并没有安装 mod_fastcgi 或 mod_fcgid (暂且算是 documentation 失误吧),但控制面板里已经可以选择 php 模式为 fastcgi。我只好自己摸索着装 mod_fcgid。 但未装 mod_fcgid 倒没有问题,装好 mod_fcgid 重启 apache 反而会出错。因为 ispconfig.conf 里预设的 <IfModule mod_fcgid.c> 生效了,而里面一条 FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter .php 会出错。原因是 /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/ispconfig/.php-fcgi-starter… Continue reading So many bugs in ispconfig