Category: 小小草

IT 技术领域学海无涯。其实任何领域都学海无涯,无非 IT 发展太快了,让我有更多嘘唏。希望我掌握的技术有如小小草,虽然渺小,却有旺盛的生命力。

  • Godaddy mod_rewrite

    I have two Godaddy accounts now. One is for a dedicated server, the other is for a deluxe share hosting package. Actually I do not need any share hosting once I get a dedicated server, but someone bought this for me, so I spent some time inspecting how good / bad it is.

    I should regard myself as a Godaddy loyal client. I am 100% satisfied with their dedicated server service, and also, Godaddy domain management is the most powerful and convenient I have ever seen. However, Godaddy share hosting is definitely not something workable for me.

    I am recently struggling at setting up magento in Godaddy share hosting. Magento setup is 50% successful. I mean, magento can run homepage, wishlist, popular search, etc all right, but it run into blank pages at many points, e.g. about us, customer service, etc. Initially I thought it was mod_rewrite problem, so I used phpinfo to check. I did not find mod_rewrite enabled. I quickly installed wordpress to double check, and if I enable wordpress search engine friendly url features, it runs into 404 error. I searched Godaddy Knowledge Base (FAQ centre). It says:

    Mod_rewrite is an Apache web server module installed on all of our Linux servers by default; it does not have to be installed or enabled. Our Linux hosting accounts support most mod_rewrite functionality.

    You do not need to enable mod_rewrite in your httpd.conf, as this is handled at a global level. All you need to do is add the desired code to the body of your .htaccess file.

    For more information about mod_rewrite see the Apache Module mod_rewrite documentation.

    NOTE:The .htaccess file containing the rewrite rules must be in the same directory as the target files.

    This article did not help me. So I had to submit a ticket. Within several hours, I got the reply (I am satisfied with Godaddy support reponse speed) but it only contained the same words as the answer from Godaddy Knowledge Base. I googled “godaddy mod_rewrite” after I could not get a clear reply from Godaddy. I should have googled it earlier because soon I found someone mentioned rewrite rules in .htaccess with Godaddy share hosting DO NOT TAKE IMMEDIATE EFFECT.

    This solved all my queries. Although I still do not know how Godaddy hide mod_rewrite from phpinfo, after several hours of being installed, wordpress is working properly.

    However, magento is still not running properly. I assume it has nothing to do with mod_rewrite settings. By all means, to my opinion, magento is not suitable to run on a share hosting package. Installing magento on Godaddy share hosting account is only for my curiosity. I have been running magento successfully on my dedicated server.

  • Gmail Gcal Integration

    Gmail可以以Contact为单位,列出与某个Contact来往的Conversions。Google Calendar也可以搜索Who,把与某个人有关的Events都列出来。Google Contacts Management是以email address为identifier,而Google Calendar的客人名单也可以从Google Contacts里选取,可见Google Contacts, Google Email, Google Calendar可以三位一体。

    但我研究了一天也没找到一个办法:选定某个Google Contact后,把Conversation (Email) 和 Events一起按时间顺序列出来。我知道很多人用 Gmail 和 Gcal 做 Business Diary,针对一个Google Contact的history可以视不同情况分别记录到Gmail或Gcal,但如果能合并查看的话,将会方便很多。

  • Magento Base


    查了好久的原因,这才发现是因为我把www.goods-pro.com全部重写到 (non-www)的缘故。设定301规则之前,我没有更改Magento Base。这样,magento base记录的base url跟我维护时登录的url是不同的,大概为了安全考虑,magento不允许保存数据。但是,如果不允许,早说嘛,浪费我好长时间找原因。

  • Godaddy Offsite DNS

    我非常感谢Godaddy提供的Offsite DNS服务,我已经全面实施。

    最近发现Godaddy Offsite DNS一个考虑不够周到的方面:Setup Domain for Offsite DNS 之前不进行域名持有人的身份验证,这可能会有一些安全隐患。

    我在Godaddy有若干帐号,帐号1对某个域名A设置的Offsite DNS,帐号2购有一个Godaddy Deluxe Plan,Deluxe Plan是个Share Hosting Plan,目前对我来说已经没有使用价值了,但以前曾针对域名A搞了一个测试。Deluxe Plan有自动设置DNS的功能,我没有从帐号2里删除域名A,造成帐号1里域名A的Offsite DNS无法生效。

    这里我不理解的是:Offsite DNS和Deluxe DNS使用各自不同的Nameservers,但Deluxe DNS还是影响到了Offsite DNS。

    这里我觉得不安全的是:如果帐号1和帐号2分属不同的人,或者域名A转让了主人,而前后主人都使用Godaddy DNS,那岂不是问题多多?

  • 奥运成就了多少人的财梦




  • NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts

    这个问题不大。如果是我自己手写Apache conf文件,我一般不会用到NameVirtualHost。

    我发现这个问题出现在Godaddy Server上,预装的是Godaddy自带的Simple Control Panel。Simple Control Panel会把Virtual Host信息保存在simplepanel.conf。如果通过Simple Control Panel重启Apache,不会看到任何症状;但如果在ssh下运行/etc/init.d/httpd restart,就会有若干个Warning “NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts”。

    Simple Control Panel为每个配置的域名都添加一个ip-based NameVirtualHost directive,其实是不必要的,过多相同的NameVirtualHost就导致了Warning,删掉就可以了。

  • 在Fedora上安装mcrypt

    最近我为了让Godaddy的服务器支持magento,就要装mcrypt module,顺便也可以了却phpmyadmin登录时的一段warning message。

    Linux 的大虾们别笑话我,这么点小事让我忙乎了半天。对我来说,Windows下很简单的问题,Linux下就不简单。Linux命令我只能依样画瓢,很少能举一反三。Linux有不同版本,我的Godaddy Server装的是Fedora,好不容易找到一份明确适用于Fedora的mcrypt安装步骤。当然知道了步骤,操作起来是相当简单的。

    1. At the terminal, su root – you are now going to yum, not ./configure, make, and make install…
    2. yum install mcrypt – this will get you libmcrypt, mhash, and mcrypt
    3. yum install php-mcrypt – this will get you the functionality within PHP
  • favicon.ico in IE

    IE is a nightmare – 我对此体会越来越深刻。

    想让自己的网站容易识别,就得从很多方面下功夫。个性化的,或与logo相配的favicon.ico就是要做的一件事情。如何让自己制作的favicon.ico在地址栏里显示出来,这点小事在Firefox下就是a piece of cake,在IE里我一直是忽视的,当我想起要重视的时候,为此整整折腾了一个晚上。所以我说IE is a nightmare。

    首先,favicon.ico必须是标准的icon文件。之所以这么说,是因为有人说把favicon.bmp,或favicon.gif,或favicon.jpg格式保存的文件改名成favicon.ico就可以了,其实这样改名来的favicon.ico在Firefox下是能显示的,如果有人喜欢看重结果,不追求过程的话,Firefox下让favicon.ico出现的结果已经达到。但改名来的favicon.ico并不是真正的ico格式,IE是不认可的。对于这一点,错不在IE。我是追求完美的,要做就做一个正宗格式的favicon.ico,32 x 32 或 16 x 16都可以,我喜欢32 x 32,因为我没有ebay那么高水平,16 x 16还能尽显细节。


    1. 虽说把favicon.ico放在网站的document root下就可以,但html里要有
      <link rel=“shortcut icon” type=“image/x-icon” href=“/favicon.ico” />
    2. href绝对不能带域名,例如,不能写成
      <link rel=“shortcut icon” type=“image/x-icon” href=“” />
    3. 如果更新了favicon.ico,一定要清除cache才能看到更新,否则,无论怎么刷新都是不会更新的favicon.ico。
    4. 清除了cache,还得关闭IE,否则,你还是看不到更新。
    5. IE在清空cache后第一次运行,访问任何网站,你都无法看到它们的favicon.ico。
    6. 清空cache后,让IE运行一次,随便访问一个网站,让cache里留下点东西,关闭IE,再打开IE,然后你才可以看到更新后的favicon.ico。


    以上说的还是较新版本IE7,至于IE6,我劝你还是断了让favicon.ico在IE6的地址栏出现的念头。因为,你不光要符合以上条件,你还得让你的用户把你的网站收藏为favorite,IE6在访问被收藏的网站时,才会显示favicon.ico (这大概是favicon的由来?)。我很少收藏别人的网站,所以我就没指望别人来收藏我的网站。

  • Block Ad By Hosts


    • Google Adsense 的广告也在打击范围之内,而我对Google的文字广告并不反感;
    • 我浏览的网站中,中文广告占很大比例,质量普遍不高,这份清单便宜了中文的广告商,对中文用户有欠照顾。


    # This Hosts file has been altered to block ad servers.
    # To restore the file just
    # delete everything below the first entry or rename hosts.nbk
    # to hosts and move it to the proper directory.
    # Updated: scroll down for date stamp
    # This is an ad blocking hosts file compiled by
    # Mike Skallas (user245 (at)
    # Available at
    # Copyright 1999-2007. Please do not redistribute, use above link.
    # Free only for Residential/Non-Profit use.
    # Just add ‘ ADSERVER’ to the bottom to continue the list.

    因为列表很长,竟然超过WordPress Post字数限制,直接post需要修改”wp-includes/default-filters.php” file,


    //add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’);


  • Magento修改了ZF源码

    Magento出了1.1,看上去好多了(之所以这么说,是因为我还没怎么用)。但有一点不值得赞赏:Magento更正了Zend Framework Currency的一个bug,是直接改了Currency.php。但是我的ZF外挂在Magento外面跟其他应用共享,Magento自带的ZF被我删掉了。我看了看ZF最新版,并未涉及Currency.php的改动,可能这个fix不重要吧。