Author: 芳草苑主

  • Command Line Serves Me The Best

    刚在Godaddy开始使用Dedicated Server时,觉得Godaddy自己开发的Simple Control Panel还不错,所有设置都是在Simple Control Panel里完成。不知从什么时候起觉得Simple Control Panel实在不方便,主要是无法完成批量作业。于是,我慢慢摸索常用任务的命令行方式,或者直接修改配置文件。

    今天凌晨我纯属好奇,想在Simple Control Panel尝试启动Linux防火墙。很早以前我试过启动防火墙,结果是Actinic无法上传文件,其他网站正常。笨笨的Actinic,但没办法,它是一个主要网站,服务器只有为它Compromise。后来有多次升级,所以我突然想看看Actinic能否与防火墙并存。

    可能与平时我直接修改配置文件有关,经我修改的配置文件已经不是Simple Control Panel能看懂的了。我在Simple Control Panel里一点启动防火墙,结果所有的网站都访问不了了,要命的是连Simple Control Panel也访问不了了,我怎么才能关闭防火墙?

    因为不知道学习命令行方式关闭防火墙有多难,情急之下先submit a ticket,请support把眼前的问题解决再说。然后当然不能等support回复啦,我开始Google,发现用ssh command line关闭防火墙很简单,真的,两句话搞掂。早知这么简单,我就不会花5分钟时间submit the ticket。

    我又花了至少两分钟submit another ticket cancelling the request in the previous ticket。


  • VBA字符串精确比较

    我实在没想到在VBA里,(“abc” = “ABC”) = true。

    为了debug这个被我认为 false的判断,我找了好久。找到了已经想通了,从DOS到Windows,微软不是一直在营造一种大小写不敏感的气氛吗?只是我没估计到从程序员这么严谨的角度,竟然也是忽略字符串大小写。可能我越来越Linux了,对Windows这一套哲学越来越不适应了。

    不过,VBA里要精确比较字符串也是做得到的: StrComp(String1, String2, vbBinaryCompare).

  • qTranslate Update



    但我就不明白了——每次WordPress更新后,老版本的qTranslate就工作不正常了。编辑时,qTranslate is disabled(当然这也不是什么大不了的缺陷,反正我更习惯于直接写代码)。非得qTranslate出一个更新,这个毛病才能解决。

    是不是秦谦老兄写的qTransalte不太符合WordPress Plugin规范?

  • Create Effective Backlinks


    1. Use for creating your blogs. – WordPress has grate on-site SEO and blogs on get indexed pretty quickly. Once you create an account there, you can create unlimited number of blogs without having to register any new accounts.

      不指是直接使用wordpress.com的blog好,还是自己安装一个wordpress blog好?

    2. Write more then one post per blog. – Google loves backlinks that look natural and active blog that has your link in blogrol seems pretty natural. You can also include some backlinks inside blog posts linking to relevant parts of the website you are building backlinks for.


    3. Use Scribefire – Scribefire is grate firefox plugin that will allow you to write into your wordpress blogs from your browser. It helps a lot to have all your blogs listed in it and be able to drag-and-drop pictures from the web directly into your blog posts.


    4. Your blog posts don’t have to be masterpieces – Remember you are not writing content for readers, you are writing it for spiders so it only has to seem relevant to the topic.


    5. Promote your blogs – You won’t have much use of these backlinks if you don’t build backlinks for the blog. Luckily, building these backlinks is not so hard as you can use all the benefits provided by RSS feed. Submit your blogs RSS feed to as many services as you can that will create some backlinks out of it. It is also easier to do this when you have more blogs to submit at once.

      我觉得submit rss feed是最值得操作的。

  • PhpList Can Work With SSL POP

    想要phpList process bounce messages,邮箱却只支持SSL POP (port 995, 如gmail)?没问题。

    config.php 作以下设置:

    $bounce_protocol = 'pop';
    $message_envelope = '';
    $bounce_mailbox_host = '';
    $bounce_mailbox_user = '';
    $bounce_mailbox_password = 'password';
    $bounce_mailbox_port = "995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert";

    我本还担心phpList 不能从gmail上pop出bounce messages,正想着去专门建一个未经SSL处理的POP邮箱,没想到phpList轻易就达到了我的要求。

    另外我还发现,按照phpList自己的说法,php必须运行在safe_mode off的环境下才能让phpList 处理bounce messages,但我亲身实验结果显示safe_mode can be on.

  • Magento Cache


    在local.xml更改Magento backend admin url以后,要Refresh Cache才会生效。


  • 老板不了解下属的工作量是种悲哀





  • Use Analytics to Track Newsletter Open Rate

    I realise it is NOT possible to use Analytics to track newsletter open rate. Because:

    • To track if an email is opened, you put an invisible image into the email with img src calling a tracking program.
    • If you put a web page url as img src, the javascript of the web page won’t run.

    So, in order to track newsletter open rate, you must point img src to a server-side tracking program. Analytics won’t fit for this job because it is client-side script.

    Actually, tracking newsletter open rate is very easy with phpList, which I have been using for long. Simply to [USERTRACK] into the body of the email.

  • Magento Bug

    我在Magento 1.1.8里发现一个可能的Bug: Category Design的值只有All store views的值起作用,针对各个store view分别做的不同的值均被忽略。

    不过这暂时对我没什么影响,因为我的一个Root Category只对应一个store view。

  • 思维定势


    Cow & Gate婴儿奶粉罐里有时也会开出一张Coupon,通常是买下一罐奶粉Save £1。我中到一张,Valid to 30/11/08,今天最后一天。

    今天礼拜天,Hove Tesco 下午4点就关门,而我有事,4点之前不想专门为用掉一张Coupon跑一趟Hove Tesco。眼看着让这张Coupon作废,我突然想到:Cow & Gate给的Coupon,指明各大零售店均可使用,Cow & Gate负责兑现,我偏偏只想着去Tesco买。Tesco Coupon用惯了,以致见了Coupon就想着去Tesco买。
