Boxing Day 游 Bicester Village

Boxing Day是买名牌服饰的好时候。这话听起来很老套,但我确实很老套,来英国后还是第一次在Boxing Day跑Bicester Village。Bicester Village是英国Boxing Day Shopping首选的sites之一。


fog on road

车行120分钟到Bicester Village,偌大好几个停车场上已经车满为患。

double deck car park car park full

Bicester Village就只有一条步行街,集中了一百多个品牌,服饰为主,夹杂一些日用品、香水、图书之类,甚至还有Bose音响。Bicester Village入口也不显眼,要不是有人带路,很容易错过。

bicester village main entrance


quiksilverwedgwoodcoastfolli follietimberlanddiorpumatod sfurlamgxxanne fontainecerrutimustopolo ralph laurenbonpointjigsawstudiomodarock couturethe north facel occitaneboduml k bennettbenchclarkstemperley londonmulberryoneidadiesel

我不善于鉴别哪些是顶级名牌,哪些是鱼目混珠,据说还有卖A货的(有胆在这里卖A货?),所以我不敢乱买,今天唯一的收获是Samsonite的laptop bag,£14。我认识Samsonite,所以敢下手。这款电脑款只能装13″屏以下的laptop,我还没有这样的laptop,不过不要紧,改天物色一个laptop。古有买椟还珠,今有买椟寻珠。


One response to “Boxing Day 游 Bicester Village”

  1. 芳草苑主 Avatar

    Upon arriving at Bicester Village, my accompanier told me, “you would see a lot of Chinese in Bicester Village on Boxing Day”.

    He’s absolutely right. I saw much more Chinese than expected in Bicester Village. I mean, Chinese take up 20% population in the world, but here in a town of England, Chinese visitor percentage is even higher than 20%, probably 30%.

    Why so many Chinese come shopping in Bicester Village? I figure out some possible reasons:

    • Chinese have spare money
    • Chinese have free time
    • Chinese enjoy life
    • Chinese fancy brands
    • Chinese are good walkers

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