Double rainbow is nothing special

Double Rainbow over Devon
Double Rainbow over Devon

This week I read a news on dailymail After seven years and 2,000 photographs… a double delight as rainbow lights up Devon

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:26 AM on 27th October 2010

A photographer who has taken pictures of the view from his office window every day for seven years has finally struck gold by snapping this stunning double rainbow.

Andy Kyle, 53, captured the weather phenomenon as it appeared to create a bridge over the river at Dartmouth in Devon.

Andy, who runs a website called The View From The Dartmouth Office, has been posting pictures of the vista each day for the past seven years.

He said he had taken more than 2,000 images of the view before he snapped the beautiful double rainbow.
Howzat? Sometimes a dim secondary rainbow is seen outside the primary rainbow. Secondary rainbows are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops

Howzat? The ‘bridge’ over the river at Dartmouth in Devon. Sometimes a dim secondary rainbow is seen outside the primary rainbow. They are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops

Sometimes a fainter ‘secondary rainbow’ can be seen outside the main rainbow.

Secondary rainbows are caused by a double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops, and appear at an angle of 50–53°.

If you look closely you can see the colours of the secondary rainbow are inverted, with blue on the outside and red on the inside.

The secondary rainbow is fainter than the primary because more light escapes from two reflections than one and because the rainbow itself is spread over a greater area of the sky.

The effect is quite ghostly, and makes for a stunning photograph, although it makes looking for the pot of gold slightly more tricky.

I did not think about it too much. But today when I was taking my friend Erin to Heathrow Terminal 3, I saw double rainbow just above the airport. It was a pity I had no hands free to take a photo to compete because I was busy driving my car.

When I am back home, I search for “double rainbow” photos, I find it is nothing special but reported many times in many places. If I head up a bit often, I may see double rainbow again very soon.


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