Manifest module for Magento is developed for a Chinese takeaway restaurent to produce a manifest with order items’ product name in a language recognizable by chefs, no matter what languages store front are using.
Manifest module utilises Magento valuable multiple-website-storegroup-store structure. It is easy to use as long as you have precedent knowledge of implementing multiple stores in Magento. Let’s go through it step by step.
Firstly, you must have a store or stores selling products. (sure you have)
Secondly, create a store in a language recognizable by chefs. If this language is one of those enabled for store front, you can skip the step. Otherwise, just create a store but you do not have to enable this store. The purpose of this store is storing the product name in a store specific language.
Lastly, map store languages. In System >> Configuration >> Manifest >> Manifest Storeview, choose a store which has manifest information. If you have newly installed Manifest module, you must log out and log in again to access configuration section.
That’s it. Sales Order now has a tab called Manifest.
Known issue: manifest does not produce order item custom options or bundle-simple product selection information. Currently I have no intention of further development.
Download Manifest module here Manifest.tar.gz
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