Orange Livebox如同六壬神骰


昨天发现Orange Livebox管理My services界面里多了一项Digital TV,我以为可以看上Orange Digital TV了,兴奋了半天,外加琢磨了半天。

先来看看Orange Livebox自动升级后的Digital TV设置:

Digital TV configuration

Ethernet ports auto-configuration is currently : Enabled

The current configuration enables you to connect either a set-top box or a computer to the yellow Ethernet port on your Livebox’s Ethernet ports.

If you disable the Ethernet port auto-configuration, you will have to set up the yellow Ethernet port manually before connecting a set-top box.

Warning : Ethernet cable not connected to the red Ethernet port.

以前我还在纳闷:Orange Livebox带着一黄一红两个以太网端口有何区别?两个都能连接Internet,如今看来红色端口是真正为Internet Wired Connection准备的,黄色端口是为IPTV预留的。我想通过电脑收看Digital TV,再说我的电视机没有以太网端口啊。我找了一根普通的网络线连接黄色端口和电脑,仍可以通过黄色端口上网,但怎么看Digital TV?参数是什么?用什么软件播放?我找遍google,似乎没人提及。


Digital TV configuration

Ethernet ports auto-configuration is currently : Disabled
Digital TV is currently : Disabled

The current configuration enables you to connect a computer to the yellow Ethernet port on your Livebox and surf the Internet.

If you enable digital TV, you will only be able to connect a set-top box to the yellow Ethernet port. You will not be able to use this port for Internet connection.

Warning : Ethernet cable not connected to the red Ethernet port.

终于有点明白了,黄色端口auto-configuration是指自动识别机顶盒或电脑,如果连接电脑,黄色端口仍然是上网端口;如果连接机顶盒,黄色端口是数字电视端口。要指望看上Orange Digital TV,还得添置一个机顶盒!而且得是IPTV机顶盒!哪里可以买到IPTV set-top box?我只找到台湾一家IPTV set-top box工厂,去批发进货?这种IPTV set-top box是不是通用的?Orange IPTV是不是有口令保护?Orange的服务器端是不是已经开始为我提供Digital TV的信息流了?

Orange数字电视没看成,疑问倒越来越多。Orange网站上只字未提Digital TV Documentation。有评论说,Orange Livebox里的Bluebooth, Liveprinter, USB Host Port (现在又多了个Digital TV) just sit there and do nothing。但我感觉有些功能是可以工作的,只是Orange不公布任何细节,捧着Orange Livebox象捧着六壬神骰,Orange Livebox功能强大,其实是台Linux嵌入式电脑,六壬神骰也是蕴藏绝世神功——嫁衣神功,但两者都不是常人能打开的。


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