I have tried almost every VOIP soft phone app on Google Play. Before I found GS Wave, I reckoned Zoiper app was the best soft phone, thus I paid for its premium version to get its premium feature of video call. However I never got this feature working. I wanted to see the video from… Continue reading Best SIP client soft phone is GS Wave
Tag: sip
Newbie’s experience in setting up an IPPBX
I classify myself as a newbie as I have been diving into Asterisk / FreePBX for only 3 months. I am not familiar with 95% parameters of my IPPBX, and I try to avoid touching those parameters. However I can proudly say I have gained enough experience in setting up an IPPBX for a commercial… Continue reading Newbie’s experience in setting up an IPPBX
FreePBX alpha-6.12.65-2 and CSipSimple
FreePBX 出了新版。我下了 “64bit ALPHA-6.12.65-2 Release Date-01-15-14 FreePBX 12, Centos 6.5 Asterisk 11 or 12” 来装,装好以后发现多了一个 PJSip,搞得我晕乎了一天。 了解了一下 PJSip,发现它并不是什么新鲜玩意,只是 FreePBX 刚把它整合进来。其他 Sip 相关软件,如 CSipSimple,已经用 PJSip 很久了。 之前的 FreePBX 只有一种 Sip,现在 Sip Settings, Sip Extensions, Sip Trunks 都分为 PJSip 和 Sip。有时显示为 Chan PJSip 和 Chan Sip,但又不一致,象我这样的新手误以为 Chan Sip 不是原来的 Sip,因此琢磨到底是该用 PJSip 还是 Sip,浪费了不少时间。 现在 FreePBX 把 PJSip… Continue reading FreePBX alpha-6.12.65-2 and CSipSimple