Tag: outbox stuck

  • 邮件发送后滞留在发件箱的解决办法



    我办公室有一台专门的电脑处理印刷稿件,每天收发好多超大邮件,邮件程序是Outlook Express,邮件带的附件大多是高分辨率的PDF或JPEG等文件。每隔若干天,同事就会找我帮忙:Outlook Express发信出现问题,邮件明明已经发出去了,对方也收到了,但邮件就是卡在发件箱里,Outlook Express错误提示是一项或多项操作未完成,但没有更多的原因说明。其实在同事发现Outlook Express工作不正常之前,发件箱里已经堆积了很多邮件,这些邮件都已经发送了N份copies给收件人。



    • 导出邮件后再导入回来
    • 删除发件箱.dbx(Outlook Express启动时会新建一个发件箱.dbx,如果检测到发件箱.dbx不存在的话)
    • 干脆在Windows下创建一个新用户,再导入邮件
    • 重装Outlook Express后导入邮件

    以上方法都只能工作一段时间。我按“Outlook Express发信出错”、“Outlook Express发件箱不能清空”等关键词搜索前人一劳永逸的办法,搜到很多的IT网站和论坛相关讨论,但那些IT高手们也说他们也有同样的问题,也用同样的方法,也只能一时有效。我也只好将就,对同事的求助习以为常,用临时方法解决发件箱问题。

    昨天同事又来找我。我按老规矩把老方法一一试来,在等导入邮件的操作完成时,我突然来了灵感:我为什么总认为是发件箱出问题了呢?为什么不能是已发送邮件出问题呢? 我的演绎是:

    当已发送邮件越积越大时,Outlook Express的某个臭虫导致Outlook Express无法稳定地把一封已发出的邮件添加到已发送邮件文件夹。不稳定性导致症状出现的随机性。邮件实际已投递,但由于不能成功添加到已发送邮件,就只好滞留发件箱了,错误提示说一项或多项操作未完成,其实是指最后一步没完成——一切都自圆其说了。


    回想起来,我也曾造访过微软的网站寻求帮助,微软知识库里至少有三篇文章是讲发件箱问题的,但现在看来,这些都是“头痛医脚”。我不指望我的办法能被微软收录,但我确实希望这篇文章能在google关于“邮件滞留发件箱”类别的搜索结果中能排个好名,为众多的Outlook Express迷途者指点迷津。


  • Solution to Emails Delivered but Stuck in Outbox

    The solution is very simple: empty the folder Sent Items.

    It is a long story of getting to the solution. If interested, please read on.

    In my office a dedicated artwork processing workstation receives and sends tons of emails everyday. The email program installed is Outlook Express. Artwork attachments are normally high resolution PDFs, JPEGs, etc. Every a few days my colleague asks me to examine this workstation when the symptom comes – emails stay in Outbox after sending, and an error message will popup saying one or more tasks are not completed but not giving details and possible reasons. Actually emails have been delivered many times before my colleague notes the problem.

    The Outbox symptom occurs quite randomly. Sometimes even a small email without attachments could incur the problem, but big emails with attachments are more likely to replicate the problem. My previous approaches were focused on rebuilding a new Outbox. I have tried at least the following methods, none of them always work.The effectiveness is random as well.

    • Compact all the folds in Outlook Express
    • Export and import emails
    • Delete Outbox.dbx (Outlook Express will automatically create a new one when it detect Outbox.dbx does not exist)
    • Create new Windows user and import emails
    • Reinstall Outlook Express and import emails

    But all of the above methods could only work for a while. I researched many IT forums. Lots of gurus mention that they face the similar problem and use the above temporary methods. So I had been used to being called for help once in a while.

    Today I was called again. While trying my old methods one by one to see if any of these temporarily solve Outbox Symptom, I suddenly had some afflatus. Why I thought Outbox was wrong? I always used “outlook express outbox stuck”, “outlook express outbox stuck” as search terms. It could be Sent Items. My deduction is –

    When Sent Items.dbx is getting bigger and bigger, some bugs in Outlook Express make Outlook Express not able to handle reliably a new Sent Item appending to Sent Items.dbx. That is why the Outbox Symptom happens randomly. The email is already sent but because it can not go to Sent Items, it has to stay in Outbox.

    Sent Items.dbx on artwork workstation is 3 gigabyte huge. I renamed Sent Items.dbx to Old Sent Items.dbx and deleted Sent Items.bak. Instantly Outbox Symptom was gone. Now I know it is not appropriate to be called as Outbox Symptom. It is Sent Items Symptom. I believe my new solution will be permanent.

    Looking backwards, even 3 articles (E-mail does not leave the Outbox, How to troubleshoot mail stuck in the Outbox in Outlook 2000, Error message that Sent Items remain in Outbox) I found from Microsoft knowledge base regarding this Outbox Symptom or Sent Items Symptom whatever did not help much. I do not expect my solution would be collected by Microsoft knowledge base, but I do expect this post can be ranked on top in google “outbox stuck” related search result, helping as many people as possible solving a very simple problem.

  • Outlook Express不能正常发信

    同事的一台计算机发送带附件的邮件时,进行到100%以后,会出现一个错误,对话框中没有错误号,也没有错误描述,但确实有错误,那邮件滞留在outbox里,不肯移到sent items(但邮件能发送出去,对方能收到)。
    对这种莫名其妙的错误,我通常不会去找原因(windows的老年病,也不太可能找到原因),也不会去医治它(太费时间)。既然outlook express发不了邮件,换个软件发不就可以了?各种邮件软件都用一遍,如果全染病了,那只有整个windows重装一下。

    可是,我们另外有个contact management system叫Act,虽然act工作起来错误百出,但新系统还没调试完成,Act还得继续工作,而Act非得跟outlook express才能一起工作,这样就逼得我只有医好outlook express不能发送带附件邮件的毛病(如果不想重装windows的话)。


    1. delete outbox.dbx,outlook express启动时会自动重建一个outbox.dbx – 毛病依旧;
    2. 移动outlook express的存储目录到新地方,让outlook express重建所有.dbx文件,然后再导入所有收件箱和已发送邮件 – 毛病依旧;
    3. 创建一个全新的windows user account,把邮件从老帐号导入到新帐号 – 毛病依旧;
    4. 在注册表里更改MTU的dword(这是microsoft support库中一篇文章教的方法) – 毛病依旧;
    5. disable firewall – 毛病依旧。那台机子用的是norton internet security,norton给我的感觉是经常自做主张更改设置,比如,如果网页里含有norton认为是电话号码的地方,norton会在那里插一面国旗和一个电话的小图标;如果网页里有javascript function name里含有ad,如adjust() {},norton会删掉所有javascript代码,而且不给任何提示。因为我对norton印象不佳,所以这次不能怪我滥杀无辜。
    6. system restore to a previous date when outlook express was working properly – 毛病依旧;
    7. uninstall outlook express, then reinstall outlook express – Wow! Finally I solved the problem!
