Tag: microsoft

  • How to get rid of annoying Windows Live ID popup

    不知 Windows update 在我计算机上改了什么,最近发现浏览某些目录时,会跳出烦人的”Sign in With Windows Live ID”窗口。我 google 了一下,此症状的起因不明,但解决办法还是有的,在网上邻居或者 Documents and Settings/(username)/NetHood 里删掉 My website on MSN 就可以了。

    Microsoft 因为审视一下这个问题了,这个”Sign in With Windows Live ID”弹出窗口的手法跟冒牌杀毒软件的病毒何其相似。

  • Microsoftware is getting less usable

    今天要不是为了和msn上的联系人通话,我也不会去安装msn messenger。The process of installing msn messenger turned out very frustrating.

    It did not take me to Msn messenger download page straightly. Only after 5 clicks then could I find the link of download. However, because I was in a hurry, I clicked the link before I read it carefully. Only after I installed it, I found what I installed was a shortcut to Live Home. What the hell they are doing! Then I spent a few more seconds to find another link to download. And this time I installed msn messenger. After installation, there were two icon in Windows Live program group, Windows Live Call and Windows Live Messenger, but they were both pointing to the same program! Is microsoft mad?

    Moreover, all I wanted was msn messenger, but I had been asked 3 questions 3 times:

    • Search from any browser address bar using Live Search
    • Set my browser home page to MSN.com (if your homepage isn’t already set to a Live or MSN page)
    • Help us improve our software by allowing Microsoft to collect data about your installation. If you have chosen to install Windows Live Toolbar, we will also collect data about your system, how you use our software, and the web sites you visit.

    How bad the marketing it is! Of course I say No, no, no 3 times.

    Last but the most important, after I installed msn messenger and run it, it would not let me voice chat and file transfer to my contact. I got the error messages like these:

    • (contact nickname) is using a version of Messenger that does not have improvements to support a Computer Call.  Please ask your contact to upgrade to the latest version of Messenger and try your call again.
    • The invitation to start File Transfer could not be sent because (contact nickname) is using an older version of Windows Live Messenger.

    Terrible! How can all my contacts use the same version as mine? Backwards compatible – does microsoft know it?

    Finally, I had to finish the conversion with my contact using Gtalk – a far better program leaving msn messenger behind.

  • 我们放弃了微软,还是微软放弃了我们


    微软有很好的产品,比如 Windows (不包括Vista)和 Office 。微软产品好就好在细微之处,比如双击普通文件,如.doc, .xls,打开的是文件本身;双击模板文件,如.dot, .xlt,打开的是模板的空白文档。因为.doc, .xls的默认操作是open,而.dot, .xlt的默认操作是new,要打开模板本身(编辑模板),得右击、从context menu里选择一个非默认操作open。

    微软还有很多好的产品,可惜,我们都不熟悉。不知从什么时候开始,在很多应用上,我们想当然地决定不用微软的东西。真的很可惜,其实,平心而论,这是因为我们除了 Windows 和 Office,其他的微软产品都玩不转。


  • 我离微软而去

    曾几何时,我是那么地崇拜Microsoft,崇拜Bill Gates,崇拜Windows, Office, Exchange,崇拜Desktop 1000/2000/4000/8000…

    现在,Windows仍然每天用,MS Office也是我用得最熟练的Office软件,vba我虽不精通,但编几个小function满足一下所谓的办公自动化的要求还是可以的。但是,考虑到将来,我今天正式作出一个痛苦的决定,不再投资时间在vba上,不再钻研Microsoft其他高深的产品,比如Microsoft Dynamics, SBS, SitePoint, etc.
    省下来的时间我要全面拥抱微软产品的替代方案。对于像我这样已经被微软洗过脑的人,可能要花较长的时间来熟悉其它产品的设计思维,那就从现在开始吧。我想从最近的一个项目入手,用OpenOffice Basic替代以前的VBA,但今天玩了一整天的OpenOffice Basic, 连个对话框也没搞出来,万事开头难啊。

    可能有些人早认为微软不是以后的主流,但我还没有100%确信这一点,现在退出我心里也忐忑,有点像赌博。我希望我的选择顺应了一种趋势, 我希望微软少了我就不行了,呵呵。