According Lenovo official website, T410 “supports up to 8GB maximum memory”.
From the forum of Lenovo, someone said
I have exactly the same computer. Here is what I have tried:
– 2x 8GB = didn’t work
– 1x 4GB + 1x 8GB = didn’t work
– 1x 2GB + 1x 8GB = didn’t work
– 1x 8GB = didn’t work
– 2x 4GB = WORKS….
So maximum is 8GB (2x 4GB)
However, they are both incorrect. I just tried 12GB (4GB under the keyboard + 8GB on the underside of the computer). It boots Fedora 22 workstation without any problems. Although it hangs on Windows 7 booting stage, I think it may boot Windows 7 or 8 from new installation. Whatsoever the fact reflects Fedora is more robust than Windows.
I will try if T410 supports 16GB if I can find a way how to install RAM under the keyboard.
UPDATE: I have tried 16GB (8GB under the keyboard + 8GB on the underside of the computer). Fedora boots all right (Windows still hangs). So the final answer to the maximum RAM can Lenovo T410 upgrade to is 16GB! Here is the screenshot as a proof of my experiment.
我发现多次,每隔一段时间 Draytek AP 900 的一些设置丢失,我都要重新设置一遍。我还在想是不是 Draytek AP 不稳定,实在不想下这个结论,因为 Draytek 是目前我最信赖的企业级网络设备品牌。
今天终于发现真正的原因,我曾在 Draytek 路由器内做过一些 Central AP Management 设置,当时觉得这个功能比较鸡肋,设了一半丢下了。所以每隔一段时间 Draytek AP 900 就被路由器按当初测试时的设置被 provision 了。看来 Draytek AP 900 并非不稳定,继续值得我的信赖。