What does backend type static mean in Magento?

About a year ago, I noticed some category or product attributes, for example, sku, path, etc., were given backend type “static” in class Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup. But I failed to find out what static meant here, or I did not know what the difference was between static and datetime/decimal/int/text/varchar. All I knew at that time was if… Continue reading What does backend type static mean in Magento?

Establish a protocol of post tags

尽管在 WordPress 里新增一个 post tag 是件很容易的事情,但我不想每次想到一个 tag 就增一个,上千个 posts 就有几千个 tag,搞得 posts 之间的 tag 联系很松散。所以,我很久不新增 tag 了,写完 post 就在已有的 tags 里挑一个或几个 tags 出来。 时代在发展,新生事物不断出现,如果我老用几年前敲定的 tags 而不与时俱进,blog 就显得 out 了,也不利于芳草苑在新新名词方面的排名。比如,刚才一篇,想用 chrome,结果发现有 firefox 而没有 chrome,只好暂时 tag 一个 firefox,等我整理好一份 tag waiting list 再更新 post tags。 初步想删 office, outlook 等,因为 windows 已经 out 了,我也没在 office, outlook 主题上浸淫许久,这类 posts 干脆合并一个… Continue reading Establish a protocol of post tags