Magento is released

经历了好几个月沉寂之后,今天终于看到 Magento 一个新版。虽然我没去试用新版,但还是在第一时间关心了一下 Release Notes。我第一次逐行读完了 Release Notes,以前最多 scam it,这就是亲身体验者和旁观者的区别。 Improvements * Added ability to use static URLs for media in WYSIWYG or image browser. Added ability to enable parsing store, skin and media directives on catalog frontend. (这个功能我已经实现了,就是在 description output 上再套一个cms filter,我称之为 text engine。当然 magento core 实现得肯定比我好,以后我就删了我的 text engine) * URL rewrites history: ability… Continue reading Magento is released