Understanding layout.xml syntax in Magento

I write this article about my understanding of layout.xml up to now. I use it to show you How to add buttons in order/invoice/shipment/creditmemo without override Block class? How to define an array as a parameter in layout.xml using <action method=”addButton”><param>array</param></action>? How to assign any type of variables in layout.xml? How to avoid overriding controller… Continue reading Understanding layout.xml syntax in Magento

cp -f does not switch off prompt?

我在 Fedora 下执行大量的文件拷贝操作,我使用了 cp -fr [SOURCE] [DEST] 我使用了 -f 开关就是不想被询问文件是否覆盖。但 cp: overwrite `(filename)’? 提示还是出现。 这是什么原因?原来 Fedora 带有几个 alias,可以用 alias 命名查看。 # alias alias cp=’cp -i’ alias l.=’ls -d .* –color=auto’ alias ll=’ls -l –color=auto’ alias ls=’ls –color=auto’ alias mv=’mv -i’ alias rm=’rm -i’ alias which=’alias | /usr/bin/which –tty-only –read-alias –show-dot –show-tilde’ cp 被 alias 了!-i… Continue reading cp -f does not switch off prompt?