How to override a Magento controller

Say I want to override Magento Catalog Product controller, say my namespace is Magex and my module name is Powercat. Firstly, add the following to Powercat/etc/config.xml. What it does is adding another route “prowercat” in addition to “catalog” to frontend. When http://mydomain/catalog/somecontroller/someaction/ is routered, powercat/somecontroller/someaction will be loaded before (see the attribute “before”?) catalog/somecontroller/someaction. If… Continue reading How to override a Magento controller

Magent Events

Magento wiki 上有篇文章列出了所有的 events dispatched by Magento。但 wiki as a CMS 自作主张地转化了某些字符,比如把 ->转化成了→ =>转化成了⇒ 这让我觉得有必要自己来格式化这篇文档。虽然曾想用 OpenOffice 来存储,但它竟然连一张简单的表格都格式得很费劲,最后只好用了 Ms Word。 Download magento-events