Adorable google

我是google的忠实用户,今天才第一次用桌面版的Gtalk,惭愧。 我关心了一下Gtalk的扩展功能,比如翻译机器人,加一个,它就能中文翻英文;加一个,它就能英文翻中文。 有一些小错误,只要是google犯的,我觉得也挺可爱的。比如,“我家宝宝最可爱”给硬生生翻成了”I am the most adorable baby at home” ;”I am the most adorable baby at home”再翻成中文,就成了“我最可爱的孩子在家里”。 google真是太可爱了!

Microsoftware is getting less usable

今天要不是为了和msn上的联系人通话,我也不会去安装msn messenger。The process of installing msn messenger turned out very frustrating. It did not take me to Msn messenger download page straightly. Only after 5 clicks then could I find the link of download. However, because I was in a hurry, I clicked the link before I read it carefully. Only after I installed it,… Continue reading Microsoftware is getting less usable