Clear Magento cache is essential after layout xml update

说来懊恼,为了让Magento product list能够显示自定义属性的值,我查看了magento wiki 和 forum 上几十个帖子,众说纷纭,我也不知道哪个是对的,或者哪个针对当前1.1.8可用。一个个实验下来,排列组合了不下100种可能,比如: 有人说layout add this line: my_attribute,另有人说是my_attribute 有人说要用$_product->getMyAttribute(),也有人说用$_product->getAttribute(‘my_attribute’),也有人说用$_product->getData(‘my_attribute’),也有人说用$_product->getAdditionalData(‘my_attribute’),还有人说用$_product->getResource()->getAttribute(‘my_attribute’)->getFrontend()->getValue($_product)) 还有人说Create separate module for your customization, Name it ‘Mycustomization’ (can be changed). Then do this: 1. Create file app/etc/modules/Mycustomization.xml 2. Create folder app/code/local/Mycustomization and inside it app/code/local/Mycustomization/etc/ 3. Create file app/code/local/Mycustomization/etc/config.xml Once done on the frontend in all product collections you will… Continue reading Clear Magento cache is essential after layout xml update

Email encoder for not being spidered

我用Email encoder很久了。以前总是去别人网站上运算一下,拿来就用。如今觉得加密算法很多,我应该筛选一下,并作一个适合我自己的常用的工具。 因为跟javascript 字符串加解密有关,我首先找到一段程序,试运行了一下,相当不错,据说还支持中文字符串加密以及中文密码。 function Encrypt(str, pwd) { if(str==””)return “”; str = escape(str); if(!pwd || pwd==””){ var pwd=”1234″; } pwd = escape(pwd); if(pwd == null || pwd.length <= 0) { alert(“Please enter a password with which to encrypt the message.”); return null; } var prand = “”; for(var i=0; i<pwd.length; i++) { prand += pwd.charCodeAt(i).toString();… Continue reading Email encoder for not being spidered