How to center the table

在网页里,如何让整个表格居中? 我一开始想到的是把<table>嵌套在<div style=”text-align:center”>里,结果发现这样的代码在浏览器里查看表格确实是居中的,但是,同样的代码写成的html邮件表现的就是左对齐(似乎div style=”text-align:center”不起作用)。 为了保证html格式的邮件里的table能居中,我搜寻到了两种方式: 直接用table的align属性:<table align=”center”> (但这不符合W3C XHTML 1.0 Strict规范) 使用css margin:auto:<table style=”margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto”>

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Authsmtp verify Return Path address as well

I use phpList to send newsletters to customers. I recently add bounced messages automatic processor, which require a seperate email address to accept bounced messages. Bounced messages are sent to From address if no Return Path is set in email envelope. Email programs such as outlook are not suitable to serve as a newsletter program… Continue reading Authsmtp verify Return Path address as well