
今天搭老板的车回家。路上老板问我,想要个儿子还是想要个女儿?我答曰non preferential(我的回答可能有歧义,我是想说无所谓,non preferential听上去似两个都不喜欢)。老板说:女儿好,以后女儿可以帮你找女朋友。 ¬!”£$%^&*()_+{}:@~<>?

openoffice, staroffice, starsuite, which one is which?

I have been using OpenOffice for a while. Though I heard about StarOffice, I was not bothered finding out what it was until google includes it in a recent release of GooglePack. I am pretty interested everything recommended by google, so I downloaded GooglePack today, mainly for StarOffice. Then I played with StarOffice for a… Continue reading openoffice, staroffice, starsuite, which one is which?