Author: 芳草苑主

  • Update layout in Magento against a specific route

    I got some complaints to my bxgy module about reminder message is not showing in shopping cart as it supposed to be. But I checked over and over on my machine and did not find anything preventing reminder message being shown.

    By a chance I realise maybe those people changed Magento interface and theme in a not nice way. What is a nice way? By my definition, any extension or change to Magento original code should make sure

    • do as few changes as possible
    • Magento default theme can always be fallen back to

    I take it as a basic requirement of customisation, but I can not guarantee everyone else see it through. If I rely on a module layout xml file to trigger an action against a specific route, I get a higher chance of my layout xml file being bypassed by some incompatible theme.

    In bxgy module version 0.1.0 to 0.1.1, I wrote a layout handle checkout_cart_index in bxgy.xml, which is expected to add a message to the message block against route checkout/cart/index. If bxgy.xml is bypassed (when the theme settings do not take default theme fallback into consideration), nothing will happen. Do I have to use layout xml file to trigger an action against a specific route? Absolutely not. There are many ways around.

    In a newer version of bxgy module, I use an event observer to trigger “controller_action_postdispatch_checkout_cart_index” event, and add message to the message block in this observer. Because adding reminder message is something more relevant to functionality than presentation, the code’s logic is better if it is moved from design folder to app folder. And event observer is independent of theme settings.

    BTW, I finished coding this new version of bxgy, but I want to put together some other modules before release it.

  • My new thoughts about jQuery in Magento

    Today, I have two new thoughts about jQuery in Magento.

    Firstly, I will stop using a jQuery plugin called jQuery corner. It is a great plugin though. The reason of withdraw is jQuery corner plugin rounds elements with any radius I can specify on the fly. Once upon a time I thought dynamic cornering a great feature. However, jQuery UI comes with ui-corner classes. It has fixed value of radius for all round corners. It does not let me round different elements to different radius, but guarantees the consistency. In this case, consistency is much more important than flexibility. When I do want make exceptional larger or smaller radius for some kinds of elements (one or two kinds at most), I can code css just for that class.

    Secondly, I will start a new Magento module project called Jqol. It reads “JQuery themerOLler”, or “JQuery OnLine” (whatever you feel easier to remember). I am inspired by how easy it is to use jQuery Themeroller to build and change the look and feel of a website. It is a pity Magento does not come with jQuery. I keep mention it because I can not live without jQuery (for now). I implemented jQuery the very first thing when I started diving into Magento. While jQuery is getting stronger and more popular, I would like it play more important role in Magento. Therefore, I will let jQuery Themeroller control the look and feel for the top menu, buttons, accordion, tabs, etc. I can imagine a lot of benefits from this module: cleaner code, more semantic, and I (or even visitors to my sites) can switch the jQuery themes easily.

  • 汇丰在我心中形象大损




  • Magento adminhtml getUrl

    $this->getUrl($route) can be used in templates to generate an absolute URL based on route, but it only works for frontend URLs. As for adminhtml URLs, unless you say No to “Add Secret Key to URLs” in System >> Configuration >> Admin, a valid adminhtml URL should have a secret key.

    $this->getUrl($route, $params) can take ‘_current’ as one of parameters, but it only attaches current URL’s parameters. Adminhtml URL secret keys vary with controller and action names. So how to get unique secret key by controller and action names? Easy peasy, just use:

    Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/url')->getSecretKey($controllerName, $actionName);

    How to get URL to adminhtml route (attach the secret key automatically if it is enabled)? Just use:

  • Double quotes or single quotes inside html tag, which one is the better?

    If you google “Double quotes or single quotes inside html tag, which is better”, you might hear someone is talking about using double quotes in html won’t pass XHMTL validation. I think it is nonsense.

    Both of these characters are valid for XHTML, i.e. both

    <tag att="value">


    <tag att='value' >

    are valid. However, I have a good reason to encourage you to stick to double quotes.

    When value is taken from user input, it is a must to convert all applicable characters to HTML entities by htmlentities(), and htmlentities() default flag is ENT_COMPAT which convert double quotes but leave single quotes alone. That is to say,

    If I use

    <tag att="(value taken from user input)">

    constantly in templates, and if htmlentities() converts all double quotes in user input, whatever user input is, it will not break html output.

    I used to use double quotes and single quotes interchangeably, but I learned from Magento. Magento sticks to using double quotes. Its htmlEscape() bridges to htmlspecialchars() but it does not let you pass in a flag to control how to convert double quotes or single quotes. So, if you use

    <tag att='(value taken from user input)'>

    , and if you rely on Magento htmlEscape() to convert special charcters for you, when user input has some single quotes, it ruins html output. I am sure you do not want it happens, so stick to using double quotes, always.

  • Social network is rabbish, but we have to use it

    我不是 social network 的积极使用者,可能因为我笨,看不出 social network 为什么把 A 和 B 连起来。比如,在 live social 里,我被问到:

    您和 Jing Feng 不是好友。 添加为好友?



    但 social network 无孔不入,消极逃避不是办法。广告铺天盖地,如果你是单纯看广告,就会烦;如果我是广告商,我轰得你烦,那我至少也有点成就感。

  • Which part of MVC do Magento blocks belong to?

    Someone said Magento was not strictly MVC structured. I am intended to accept this point. But MVC does give people an easy way to understand how system works. So if I regard Magento as an MVC system, which part of MVC do Magento blocks fall into?

    I used to think blocks were Views because they were tied with templates. As time goes, now I think blocks are Models because blocks implement a lot of business logic as Magento model classes. Today I have another reason to support blocks are Models:

    When a frontend_model is initialised for a Sytem Configuration field or an EAV attribute field, it is actually a block class.

  • Lack of ideas to manage javascript in Magento

    In Magento System >> Configuration >> Catalog >> Frontend, when List Mode selected value is changed, some fields (i.e. Products per page on Grid allowed values, Products per Page on Grid default value, Products per Page on List allowed values, Products per Page on List default value) are shown/hidden accordingly.

    List mode showing both grid and list options
    List mode showing both grid and list options

    List mode showing only grid options
    List mode showing only grid options

    I had thought List Mode had a special frontend model defined so it could interact with other fields. I spent an hour to search for special settings of List Mode but did not find any. Instead I was disappointed to find out the frondend interaction is not defined in xml or php class, but by app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/system/config/js.phtml.

    The way Magento did this kind of interaction is not replicable, which is a pity. By and large, the way how Magento uses javascript is messy. Maybe I am asking too much from Magento. What I am keen on is a “Google Web Toolkit” way, that means no need to manage javascript at all because javascript is compiled from server end script.

  • Constants are not overridden as varibles

    今天发现我写的一个底层的 Magento class 竟然有个低级错误。错误的根源是我在父类里定义了一个常量

    const XML_PATH_TO_SYSTEM_CONFIG = 'some value';


    public static function getConfigValue()
    	return Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_TO_SYSTEM_CONFIG);


    const XML_PATH_TO_SYSTEM_CONFIG = 'some other value';

    但子类并没有父类的方法 getConfigValue()。我指望通过复写每个子类的常量后调用子类的方法 getConfigValue() 得到不同的值,哪知道每次都得到跟父类的方法 getConfigValue() 相同的值。

    仔细一想,这是因为父类的 self::XML_PATH_TO_SYSTEM_CONFIG 并没有被复写。改用一个变量来存储值就能达到我的原定目的,但这个变量不能是静态变量,否则效果还是跟常量一样。

  • 【转】维基解密促成突尼斯革命




    起因 青年自焚引发全国骚乱


    强硬 总统称不容忍这类行为


    让步 承诺进行全面改革

    突尼斯当局的强硬措施并未起到预想效果,许多城市陷入无政府状态,骚乱愈演愈烈并蔓延到首都突尼斯市。示威者要求整治总统身边的腐败官员,包括其亲戚、女婿等人。工会也从支持政府转变为站在民众一边。13日,本·阿里骚乱发生后第3次发表全国电视讲话。他表示,已下令军队不许用实弹射击,除非出于自卫。本· 阿里承诺立即进行全面改革,“实现全面、彻底的新闻自由,取消对互联网的限制措施”,控制飞涨的食品价格。74岁的本·阿里还表示,无意修改宪法规定的 75岁总统年龄上限,将不再谋求连任。

    交权 总理议长抢着接班


    14 日下午,本·阿里紧急召见总理格努希。格努希之后宣布,解散目前由执政党组成的一党制政府,同时在6个月内提前举行议会选举。当天稍晚时候,突尼斯突然宣布实施紧急状态,内容包括禁止三人以上的聚会,实施宵禁,对可疑人员可使用武器。不久又传来消息,称本·阿里已离开突尼斯,由总理格努希行使总统职权。格努希14日晚正式宣誓就职。


    出逃 被法国拒绝后飞往沙特























    中国使馆公布求助电话 提醒加强安全防范







    突尼斯总统流亡 维基解密促成首起革命

    一个月前,一个水果摊被抄,竟导致铁腕统治突尼斯23年的总统本·阿里仓皇流亡海外。这堪称是阿拉伯世界近代第一场人民革命,称为“茉莉花(国花) 革命”,也可说是爆料网站维基解密促成的第一起革命。年轻人透过社群网站和手机串连上街示威,突破政府钳制的媒体,让邻近的阿拉伯专制政权都心惊。




