Author: 芳草苑主

  • Google Drive free storage increased to 15GB

    I am pleasantly surprised that Google Drive has increased her free storage from 5GB to 15GB. Maybe it is due to competition – Other cloud storage providers are offering bigger storage than 5GB. I personally won’t leave Google Drive even she did not increase the capacity.

    So, no need to delete files when your storage is getting near to 5GB, but it is still a good practice to keep useless files cleaned all the time, no matter how big storage you have.

    Google Drive now becomes 15GB
    Google Drive now becomes 15GB
  • OCR in Google Drive

    今天再次惊讶于 Google 的强大。

    在 Google Drive 里打开一个 PDF 文件,是一个类似于 lightbox 效果的在线预览。我今天打开的是一份英文文档扫描后保存为 PDF 的文件,lightbox 里出现的是图像。神奇的是,用鼠标去选中其中某些文字,也能像操作文本文件一样高亮显示选中的部分;更神奇的是,按下 Ctrl+C,再到别处 Ctrl+V,粘贴出来的 OCR 以后的文字。

    PDF 在线预览、图形类似文本的高亮显示、OCR,这三件事情能如此完美的结合在一起,不简单。

  • 空白钢琴谱






    于是我就搜索”空白钢琴谱“,”空白钢琴谱 filetype:pdf“,”空白钢琴谱 filetype:doc“,”空白钢琴谱 filetype:docx“,确实很多地方都有,可是都要注册后才能下载,哪怕是免费,我恨注册。就这样找了一圈,还没下载到一个。

    被逼得没办法了,还是不想注册。然后想到,中国的网站就爱让人注册,咱可以找国外的嘛!上 Google Translate,钢琴谱叫 piano sheet music,那就搜”blank piano sheet music filetype:pdf”,一找一个准。



  • AnTuTu for iPhone

    安兔兔定量分析一个手机的好差,我很喜欢。连测了几个时下和过时的 Android 设备,给我了一个硬件在几年内进步的曲线。

    我又突然想到 Apple 产品所采用的硬件都严重不匹配它的高价,就想安兔兔是不是已有一个 AnTuTu for iPhone 来量化对比一下 iPhone 到底有多少物不符所值。调查了一下,遗憾!AnTuTu 没有 iPhone 版,可能怕对果粉心理打击太大吧。我发现一个有趣的现象,果粉谈到 AnTuTu,不是说没听说(是真不知道还是掩耳盗铃?),就是说 iPhone 不需要 AnTuTu。

    iPhone 虽没有不同硬件厂家的横向对比,但纵向对比 iPhone 4, iPhone 5 也可以看看 iPhone 进步了多少。可是果粉们视 iPhone 如同洪水猛兽,归根到底是害怕看到 iPhone 和 Android 手机、iPad 和 Android 平板设备对比后惨不忍睹的分数。因为害怕,所以果粉们说分数有意思吗?————看优劣得看流畅性、整合度。流畅性和整合度没有客观指标,于是各种争论可以变成了浑水。我想提请果粉注意的是,Android 设备来自众多厂商,硬件参差不齐,我在一台价值 £40 的 Storage Options Scroll 平板上跑一个写汉字软件,确实不流畅,可这个软件跑在 Samsung S3 手机上就非常流畅。如果真要对比流畅性和整合度,就对比一下时下同等价格的 iPhone 和 Android 手机对比,果粉们有这个自信吗?

  • Is Google spreadsheet secure?

    Ctrl+Drag in Google Spreadsheet
    Ctrl+Drag in Google Spreadsheet

    今天我在 Google spreadsheet 操作时发生一件奇怪的事情,让我对 Google spreadsheet 的安全性产生了怀疑。

    我选中了最后一行的两个单元格,“70”和“否”两格,按住了 Ctrl 键,鼠标指向右下角,然后向下拖曳了三格,原想是复制三行“70”和“否”两格。结果出现了如图所示的结果。重试了几次,仍是这样的结果。非常奇怪!是不是复制了别人某个单元格里的内容?

    后来我发现,要复制“70”和“否”两格,不用按住 Ctrl 键,直接拖曳就好了。

    按住了 Ctrl 键,出现的文字是从哪里来的?谁能告诉我?

  • G+ page is a person

    Do you know G+ page is a “person”?

    I mean, as you have a Google account, and fill in G+ profile, you are a G+ person. You start building your cycles, adding people you know (or even don’t know), and posting to individuals, cycles, or Public.

    You can also create one or more G+ pages. What is G+ page? It has confused me for long. Now I know, it is a kind of G+ person, same as you. It was the terminology “Follow” confused me.

    I only find “Follow” on G+ pages. However, “Follow” basically is adding this G+ page to your cycle(s), same as adding some real person. G+ page can also add you to its cycle(s), or not to add you, same as a real person makes such a choice. Even G+ page does not add you, you can still see all its Public posts in your cycle stream, seem as you add President but President does not add you.

    A real person can add another real person or a G+ page to his cycle(s). A G+ page can also add another G+ page or a real person to its cycle(s). This conforms to G+ page is a person.

    Since a real person can create as many G+ pages as he like, and G+ pages can add each other, which make things worse. I mean, a messy social network sharing loads of rubbish.

    Nevertheless, I can not change the world. A network full of rubbish is not something I should worry too much about. What I can do is not to produce rubbish.

    I hope this post is not regarded as a kind of rubbish.