I have a 2×2 table coded like this:
<table> <tr> <th id="r1c1"> Short heading </th> <th id="r1c2"> Short heading </th> </tr> <tr> <td id="r2c1"> Very very long content blah blah blah </td> <td id="r2c2"> Short content </td> </tr> </table>
In the td cell r2c1, if the content does wrap, it takes more width than r1c1, say r1c1 requires 100px width, and r2c1 requires 300px.
But I want r2c1 content words wrap and its width limits to 100px. I put width style in the first row, i.e.:
<th id="r1c1" style="width:100px">
It does not work in IE6.
Then I put width attribute on col, i.e.:
<table> <col width="100"/> <col width="100"/> ...
It does not work in IE6, either.
Then I put width attribute in r2c1, i.e.:
<th id="r2c1" width="100">
It does not work in IE6, either.
At last, I put width style in r2c1, i.e.:
<th id="r2c1" style="width:100px">
Finally it works in IE6.
I knew td’s width attribute is deprecated but I didn’t know deprecated IE6 does not read deprecated attribute.
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