Magento extensions worth my trying

I went through Magento Community Extensions, and short listed the following extensions worth my trying.


This module will provide a LiveChat support in Magento.
It don’t depends third party platform
It don’t require to fill a form before start a conversation
It identify automatically registered user
It provide information about the current page of the customer
It can provide useful information about transformation rate
Conversation are archived and available forever
It support multiple site
It support multiple operator
LiveChat behaviour can be customised with advanced configuration options
Apppearence can be easily customised with css

YALC – Yet Another Live Chat

This module was designed as an alternative to Magento Live Chat module. This module will help you integrate your Magento store with Google Talk. YALC – will allow you to use Google Talk service to support your customers. The main advantages of the module Luxe YALC module is:
1. Reliability. Server, even at the most reliable hosting services less reliable than Google.
2. Speed. Since the entire load on the transmission of messages rests with the Google Talk service is the work of IM does not affect the speed and load on your server.
3. Privacy. Communication takes place completely anonymously, ie, your client can not even your Google Account.
4. You can chat simultaneously with an unlimited number of users.
5. Increased number of users does not affect the speed of chat.
6. Free of charge. All you need – register Google Account for your support service.
7. You do not have to constantly keep running a third-party chat client. You can use for chat your favorite IM
8. All chat history is stored in Google Account, so you can always revert to it if you have forgotten. Google search helps you quickly find the needle message.

I do not agree with “Server, even at the most reliable hosting services less reliable than Google”. In April I noticed Google Chatback had been down for several days. My server can be more reliable than that record. Anyway, it does not devalue this extension.

Magento Community Modules – Chinese Simplified (China) Language Pack

Chinese Simplified (China) Language Pack

Customer Groups Configurable Catalog

This extension enables you to hide categories and products from customers depending on the customer group.

J2T Points & Rewards

Points and rewards module

Magento EasyLightbox

Magento Easy Lightbox Community Module

Magento EasyFlags

This small extension will help to convert default magento store view switcher into nice flag buttons. Installation and configuration will take approximately 5 minutes. No files are replaced and no codding experience needed to install!

Magento Easy Catalog Images

Magento Easy Catalog Images Community Module


A Blog build from scratch to work seamlessly in magento.

Customer Universal Password

Log in on front as any customer using universal password for administration purposes


Drupal extension is a set of Core API extensions that offers a full access for Drupal modules to Orders, Catalog and so on.

This extension, will offer you to TOTALLY bypass Magento front office, using Drupal instead.

When a new user is created a Magento user is automatically created also.
Orders can be created from Drupal, cart is managed from Drupal.
Catalog is syncrhonized, so each Magento Product is a Drupal node that you can push into Views, etc….

Exploded Menu

Replaces the standard single column drop down with a multi-column dropdown as used on sites like This style of menu is ideally suited to sites with a large number of categories/sub-categories. Templates and skins are provided for the default and modern themes

Gift Certificates / Cards

Allow your customers to purchase and use Gift Certificates.

Fontis reCAPTCHA

Adds reCAPTCHA to “Send Email to a Friend”, “Contact Us” and “Account Creation” pages.

Google Maps Store Locator

Google Maps Store Locator

Magento Community Modules – English (United Kingdom) Language Pack

Magento Community Modules – English (United Kingdom) Language Pack

Change Attribute Set

In Magento every product has a fixed attibute set. This module enables you to switch it.


2 responses to “Magento extensions worth my trying”

  1. hitesh Avatar

    Yes Many of modules are so much useful thanks for your blog ,also do you know will the upgrade in magento affect my database ? If I do the upgrade from magento connect ? ,may be the other way is to fresh install ,but what about the existing data ?

    I am afraid to upgrade the as the production environment as too much data

  2. 芳草苑主 Avatar

    Of course upgrade will affect the database. As my experience, sometimes website stop working after upgrade using Magento Connect, but database does not crash. The safer way to upgrade is via ssh or upload a brand new version of magento to overwrite the old one.

    However, as a rule of thumb, always backup (data and scripts) before you do something uncertain about.

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